The Mesa Girante channel and the adulterations in Heaven and Hell


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Recently, the Mesa Girante channel, on YouTube, produced a video discussing another video, by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo, talking about the work “Nem Céu, Nem Inferno”, from around 3 years ago. The work deals with the legal fact1 from the adulteration of Heaven and Hell and the context of the betrayal plot around Kardec.

In this video, the author of the Mesa Girante channel mockingly tries to invalidate the importance of the work due to Paulo Henrique's supposed rashness when dealing with the topic, on video. I wonder why he, the owner of the Mesa Girante channel, didn't dedicate himself firstly to read this work, which would have enriched too much the debate? Why did he only focus on what seemed incongruous to him, based on Paulo Henrique's speeches, without paying attention to the other relevant points of the work? I say this because I sought it out myself, through the comments, to demonstrate that the adulteration of Heaven and Hell is the unquestionable product of Roustainuist dogmas, in addition to the legal fact.

The next day, I produced a video, under the influence of irritation at the way the topic was approached, with a mocking tone and without any intention of cooperation, but of competition, since I didn't go looking for Paulo Henrique to talk about the differences. of understandings. I decided to delete this video, which I produced, because I ended up treating with affectation a topic where there should be absolutely nothing like that. Instead of this video, I recorded a new one, where I talk about the central focus of tampering, as you can see at the end of this article.

It turns out, however, that as soon as I recorded it, a live broadcast with Lucas Sampaio, co-author of the book Neither Heaven, Nor Hell, came to my attention, where he explains in detail all the issues involved in this topic of adulteration. The content is very explanatory in itself, so I reproduce the same video below and take the opportunity to comment on its content.

Comments on Lucas Sampaio's live

  • IT'S legal fact at tampering of A Gênesis and O Céu e o Inferno, for the mere reason that editions were released, with changes, after the death of the author and without legal deposit. That cool fact it is above of any consideration and, because of this, spiritist federations from other countries, respecting the law, returned to the third edition of the work.
  • Kardec was, indeed, making revisions to these works, preparing new editions. This is recorded in letters. However, less than a month after the letter mentioning the translation work into German, there is a letter from Kardec to a friend of his, saying that, due to health problems, he needed Suspend all activities that are not strictly necessary.
  • The Spirits, evoked by Kardec, say that he nothing should be removed from new editions. Exactly the opposite was done in the editions published after his death, with the deletion of points important in the works.
  • The original psychography, where the Spirits told Kardec not to suppress anything in the new editions, was tampered with by Leymarrie in Posthumous Works, removing precisely this advice, to give credibility to the 5th edition of A Gênesis. This happened after Henry Sausse's complaint.
  • Those who deny legal facts and evidence of adulteration even use testimonies from people linked to Leymarie to support their theses.
  • It is extremely important to read the work The Legacy of Allan Kardec, which provides diverse evidence about the facts surrounding the adulteration of A Gênesis.
  • There is talk of the Society's accounting records, signed by Kardec's wife, three years after his death, where the costs of printing O Céu e o Inferno in February 1869 would be recorded. Anonymous (company)? Does it make sense to trust documents from the Sociedade Anônima, the same company that carried out the post-mortem coup on Kardec? As we will see below, official documents show that the work was not printed on that date.
  • In the legal records of the National Library, printer's declaration no. 8,584 with a request for authorization from the typographer Rouge registered on 7/9/1869 to print 2,000 copies of the same fourth edition of Heaven and Hell, according to page 294 of document F/18(II)/128, more than three months after the disembodiment of Allan Kardec.
  • In the Revista Espírita of June 1869, the Sociedade Anônima published the article titled “On sale on June 1, 1869”, dealing with the edition that was ready only on the 19th of the following month. And the notice further explains:

Fourth edition of Heaven and Hell or divine justice according to Spiritism, containing numerous examples on the situation of Spirits in the spiritual world and on Earth; 1 vol. in-12, price: 3 fr. 50.

Note – The doctrinal part of this new edition, entirely revised and corrected by Allan Kardec, went through significant changes. Some chapters in particular have been entirely reworked and considerably expanded.

(SOCIETY ANONYMOUS, [RE] 1869, jul., p. 224)
  • Everything indicates that Amelie, over 70 years old, in mourning, was deceived by the Public Limited Society, and trusted what they said or presented to her. Berthe Froppo mentions that she believed that the SA would sell Kardec's books at popular prices (and they did the opposite). Sweet Gabi, as Kardec called her, gave everything, believing that the best would be done, as he did not have a leadership spirit. She was removed from any decision-making role in the SA. In short, deceived. She did not oppose the new editions, as she knew that her husband was working on them. He chose to hand over all of Kardec's work to the SA, as he thought, following Kardec's purposes, that Spiritism should belong to everyone, and no longer be centered on anyone. It was the promise of Society, finally unfulfilled.
  • There is a lack of will (and here I reiterate: including by the CSI of Espiritismo and the owner of the Mesa Girante channel) to carry out a careful and applied study, including comparative. No: we just keep focusing on the surface of affirmations and simple denials, in a desire to deny what we see to be obvious to our eyes.
  • Denial theses do not respect the legal fact; they don't care about Kardec's plans for the future of Spiritism; they do not care about the various blows suffered by Kardec and Spiritism; they do not care about the blow to the unity of method and organization, necessary for doctrinal continuity; they do not carry out doctrinal analyzes of the previous content and changes; do not care about the fact that the Public Limited Company has set on fire a large number of Kardec's manuscripts, after his death; they do not talk about the real plot being formed around Kardec, by Roustaing and his followers; do not bring to light the countless facts and evidence of interests contrary to good, by people around Kardec.

    No, and they cannot, because paying attention to the fact of the disasters suffered by Kardec and Spiritism would be feeding the arguments of adulteration, which would not be in their interest. On the contrary: they strive to place unjustifiable doubt on people like Berthe Froppo, a close friend of the Kardec couple, who made some serious accusations against Leymarie and the limited company! No, for them Froppo's testimony is not valid, but the allegations of the adulterer, Leymarie, and his wife, as well as the others involved, out of interest, in their affairs are valid. spiritual business!
  • The preface to Genesis and the introduction to chapter 8 of Heaven and Hell (3rd edition) deal precisely with the method of Spiritism, which protects it from becoming a personal system, which greatly bothered Roustaing and Pezzani, his personal friend , which had their own conceptions of what Spiritism should be. Is it chance that both were removed in the new editions?
  • The excerpts removed in the adulteration of Genesis they denounce exactly how people think and act enemies of the true idea.
  • Each of the 25 items in chapter VIII of Heaven and Hell had a basis in the rest of the work. In the 4th edition, which was tampered with, many items lost this correspondence, as demonstrated in O Céu e o Inferno, from the publisher FEAL (click on here to download for free).

Live with Lucas Sampaio about Tampering in Kardec's works

Video from my channel talking about the video from the Mesa Girante channel


Reading Recommendations (Books)

  1. They are legal fact at tampering of A Gênesis and O Céu e o Inferno, for the mere reason that editions were released, with changes, after the death of the author and without legal deposit. That cool fact it is above of any consideration and, because of this, spiritist federations from other countries, respecting the law, returned to the third edition of the work. []

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3 thoughts on “O canal Mesa Girante e as adulterações em O Céu e o Inferno

  1. Paul,

    Your comment was not deleted, you just need to choose the “Most recent” option in “Order by”, as YouTube's default filter, which is called “top comments”, for some reason I don't know hides your reply.

    Imbued with the same spirit that you propose, that the information is shown and that everyone makes their own judgement, I will transcribe here all the comments to the video (mine and yours), so you can respond to me, if you wish. I trust that your blog is a place that accepts contradictions and you will have no reason to delete my comment:

    3 days ago (edited)
    The work Heaven and Hell was not tampered with, it was Kardec who wrote it. From a historiographical point of view, the evidence is:
    1. Kardec warned in a letter from September 1868 that he would update Heaven and Hell.
    2. In a document prepared by Amélie Boudet (the material inventory of the Sociedade Anônima from 1873), she informs that the 4th edition of Heaven and Hell was printed in February 1869, with Kardec still alive
    3. After Kardec's death, on June 1, 1869, Amélie put the 4th edition of the book on sale (her right to publish a posthumous work 100% updated by her husband)
    4. In the creation of the Public Limited Company, in article 5 of the document registered at a notary's office, Amélie informs that she contributes to the society all of Allan Kardec's works, including his posthumous works. Yes, Amélie recognizes that in July 1869, just four months after Kardec's death, she had already published updated editions of her husband's works.
    5. There is no prohibition in French legislation on publishing a posthumous work or making a printing declaration or legal deposit after the author's death. If the author wrote the manuscript, the work is his or her own. Saying that there is legislation that prohibits it is false! Basing a conclusion on a false premise is also false.

    1 day ago
    The fact that Kardec, then, contradicts the Doctrine and his own constant statements, in item 10 of chapter 7 – “Penal Code of Future Life”, removing VERY IMPORTANT doctrinal conclusions made in the third edition, doesn't count, right, Luciana? Kardec, for you, must have gone a little crazy, although in Gênesis he reiterates his previous conclusions in this regard. They put aside the fact that Amelie was far away, completely in the background, and could very easily have signed something that she was not fully aware of – we remember that the Spirit of Kardec seriously warned her, in evocation, about the responsibility she had and that she should take back the reins of their doctrinal work.

    As I already said, it amazes me how much something as clear as this doesn't make sense to them, doesn't arouse questioning, while they continue this campaign of defamation and attempts to possess the truth, leaving countless pieces of evidence and very important arguments out, in something which, after all, only produces one thing: the dissemination of Roustaing's worm-eaten ideas.

    Palms for you.

    1 day ago (edited)
    Dear Paulo Degering Junior, you argue that Amélie was “removed”, and I imagine you are referring to her removal from Sociedade Anônima, because Berthe Fropo said this in 1882, in Muita Luz.

    So, Amélie was not away from the Sociedade Anônima on June 1, 1869, when the 4th edition of Heaven and Hell was released, simply because the Society had not even been created! Do you realize the error in your argument? We are talking about events that occurred before this separation!

    Yes, the Anonymous Society only began operating on August 3, 1869, the date of the second Constitution Assembly.

    Amélie said at the meeting at SPEE, in early April, days after Kardec's death, that she would take care of everything, including the new prints of her husband's works.

    Amélie's speech is in the Spiritist Magazine of May 1869:
    “she [Amélie] intends to manage everything personally, planning the reprints of works, new publications”

    Amélie was explicit in talking about new publications!

    And in article 5 of the document for the creation of the Society, registered at a notary's office in July 1869, it is written that Amélie also contributes her posthumous works to the society.

    If you want to see, the document was reproduced in one of the annexes of Neither heaven nor hell and also in our book The history of The genesis of Allan Kardec: from controversy to facts.

    This is some of the evidence about Amélie and the printing of Heaven and Hell. These are the facts and their supporting references for anyone who wants to check.

    As for the item you mentioned (article 10 of the penal code), if Rafael from @CanalMesaGirante has not analyzed it in this video, I will ask him to respond because there is no contradiction.

    1 day ago
    ​ @lufarias2000 I wish I could respond more appropriately, but, given that the channel owner deleted my comment, preventing contradiction (it seems he doesn't really know Kardec), I can't even be sure of what I wrote. I repeat: the fact that Amelie signed something corroborating the posthumous editions does not mean that she read them completely, nor even that she read the adulterated work (admitting adulteration).

    Item 10 of chapter 7 is factually contrary to the Spiritist Doctrine, contrary to the conclusions that Kardec has always presented about the vicissitudes of life and is only consistent with the excerpt pointed out by the author of the video, in OSE, where it is necessary to understand the context in which it was said and, perhaps, with an incomplete way for Kardec to express himself in that sense, at that point. It is precisely this item that promotes most of the distortions of understanding that populate the spiritist environment, linked to the idea that we were born to pay for sins (since we do not know anyone who has not faced vicissitudes in life – including Jesus). Most likely the 4th edition was the result of changes that, yes, Kardec was producing, with specific adulterations – who knows, just this one – that distort the ENTIRE Doctrine.

    Given that Kardec was not alive to attest that the print carries 100% of what he wanted and that he did not regret anything he had put there, incompletely or carelessly, reason tells us to stick with what is safe, and that He does NOT understand this legitimately Roustainuist idea that EVERYTHING we go through in life is the result of previous guilt.

    Unfortunately, you do not even do what you say, as you blame others for fallacies while committing your own, forcing conclusions on evidence that, at most, can give you your THEORY - despite what understanding the Doctrine, in its entirety, gives us. allows.

    13 hours ago
    @espiritismodeverdade Paulo Degering Junior, you wrote that Amélie was away and probably didn't know what she was signing (something you repeat in this new comment).
    And I presented as a counterpoint that we are talking about an edition of the book released on June 1, 1869, more than a month before the Sociedade Anônima was created, how can we say that it was removed from what did not yet exist?
    My answer has not disappeared, you can read it and dispute it if you have evidence to the contrary, evidently corroborated by a properly cited primary source.
    Anyway, my answer is there with the citations of the evidence.

    1. I therefore apologize to my colleague from the Mesa Girante channel for having jumped to a conclusion by not seeing my comment and looking at the number of responses. For the same reason, and because I was emotionally affected by a topic that touches me deeply, I removed the video originally posted on my channel, now making a new post, addressing the topic as required, in the same way I changed the text of the article above by deleting this bias caused by behavior that should not exist when we talk about a topic as sensitive as this.

      I would like to take this opportunity to highlight that, despite what you say, when I said “of Amelie being away”, I was referring to the time of the document prepared by Amélie Boudet (the inventory of material from the 1873 Joint Stock Society), where she states that the The 4th edition of Heaven and Hell was printed in February 1869, with Kardec still alive – which is contrary to what the official document, the legal deposit, shows.

      I changed the entire article, removing everything that was useless, and added comments about the video made yesterday with Lucas Sampaio, talking about the work Nem Céu, Nem Inferno.

      1. I just take advantage of the space in the answer to return to the subject, since the ideas are now VERY clear and evident to me:

        1. The adulterations of A Gênesis and O Céu e o Inferno are legal facts, for the mere reason that editions were released, with changes, after the death of the author and without the legal deposit, made by the author, in life, that could prove the correspondence of contents. This legal fact is beyond any consideration and, because of this, spiritist federations from other countries, in respect for the law, returned to the third edition of the work, something that the FEB should also do, since, in Kardec's own words, “ the true spiritist respects the law.” There is no possible argument regarding this fact.

        2. The adulterations in OCI and AG had the same general intention: to promote the false idea that all human suffering is due to paying for mistakes in previous lives. This is why, in OCI, very important paragraphs were removed from the work, which support the always evident doctrinal idea that the incarnation is necessary for everyone, “good and bad”, in addition to inserting others that lead to this false idea; in AG, the text about the body of Jesus was attacked, since the fact that Jesus was incarnated undermines the thesis of the Roustainuist dogma.

        It goes without saying how much this idea, inserted in the adulteration of OCI, totally contradicted the original spiritist theory and how much it is a limiting idea for the development of the Spirit and the way of looking at life. Furthermore, it created the necessary gap for all kinds of absurdities that we see today in the spiritist environment, linked to this false conception, and which causes discredit and shame to the true moral theory of Spiritism, previously unassailable.

        I leave the link to two important articles in this regard, to clarify this argument: and

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