The truth about the law of Cause and Effect: a scientific axiom


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The law of Cause and Effect, in fact, is not a law: it is a scientific axiom ((Evidence whose proof is unnecessary because it is obvious; self-evident principle; Expression that contains a moral or general meaning; proverb, maxim or sentence .)): every effect has a cause. This is how, for example, the Big Bang and Dark Matter are theorized using the method of rational observation: by observing certain effects, we can trace back to the cause. It has absolutely nothing to do with the idea of a “law of return” which, in fact, does not exist.

In the field of morals, if a person suffers, it certainly has a cause. What is the cause? The Spiritist Movement generalized, based on the adulteration of Heaven and Hell, and went on to say: it is punishment for mistakes in past lives. But, in truth, it is forgotten that the cause of suffering can be present actions, the effects of material life itself that imposes natural vicissitudes on us and, in addition, the Spirit's choice to go through an ordeal for mere learning or, even, by mission, helping others with their passage.

Even if the cause of the present suffering are mistakes from past lives, it is necessary to understand the following: the person may still be suffering the effects of their intimate attachments. He may, for example, have developed the imperfection of selfishness in a past life and, in this life, continuing his selfish acts, suffers for his actions. natural effects (in fact, by the way: it may, today, be being any less selfish than in the previous life, which is already progress). You may also be suffering, in this life, trials chosen by her, aiming to exercise detachment, because she understood that her attachment took her away from good and happiness, wanting then to return to being happy, useful, in short: returning to good.

This is the true spiritist morality, which has been contradicted and distorted by adulteration of Heaven and Hell. Nothing to do with “law of return” or karma. Nothing to do with a punitive God. The original of Heaven and Hell, with very important footnotes, can be downloaded here:


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