The illusions of a spirit attached to riches

Extracted from the work “Psychophonic Instructions”, by Chico Xavier.

Brother “F” by which we will designate the companion, whose message we are going to transcribe, was a great banker on Earth. He was certainly not a criminal, in the common sense of the term, but, from the spiritual content of his manifestations, he seems to have been one of those “neither cold nor hot” men of the evangelical symbol, who, bringing his mind warm to the idea of gold, during his existence in the flesh, he was dominated by it in his early days, beyond death.

“[…] Troubled and afflicted, I felt the need for confession. After all, I was a Catholic who had relaxed his faith. Without anyone listening to my pleas, I asked for the presence of a priest. I advanced towards the confessional and got down on my knees, but in a few moments the confessional became a bank window for me. Startled, I raised my eyes to the altar. The altar, however, had been transformed into a safe. I tried to console myself with the sight of the missal, but the book of worship suddenly appeared metamorphosed into an old book of mine, in which I secretly entered my notes of real income. I tried to isolate myself. I feared complete madness. Still, I lifted my gaze to the image of the Virgin Mary. Naturally, she would feel sorry for me, however, before my attention, the image was reduced to a high-priced jewel... It was made entirely of gold, of pure gold...


I asked for a water tank that I was familiar with at the top of the Santo Antônio neighborhood. The water, there, ran in spurts. I could bend over... I could drink as if I were an animal and, prostrate, no longer on my knees but crawling, I would implore God's grace. I found running water, clear water visited by sunlight and I stretched out on the ground... But, at the precise moment that my thirsty lips touched the pure liquid, only gold, gold appeared... I recognized that I had descended to the condition of a mentally insane person. . Then I remembered an old friend... Cícero Pereira... Cícero was a spiritist and, for that reason, he became someone I supposed, in my sad blindness, to have left behind in madness. The memory was enough for his voice to be heard. He answered my call. Supported me. Talked to me […]

A great example that one cannot blindly take the communications of a Spirit as if they were the expression of the truth. Imagine if that Spirit, being taken to a spiritual aid meeting, told only the part of the illusion in question and the unsuspecting people left stating that, in the world of Spirits, there is gold...