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To the spiritist beginner, a colleague said:
– Start with the works of Kardec. Then Chico Xavier with André Luiz! Luiz Sérgio's books also have great information about the spiritual world.
To which I reply:
– If the “start with Kardec” is carried out with a serious study, for years on end, including the Spiritist Magazine, great, because that way the individual will be able to understand and identify the errors brought in isolated communications, to the point of, for example, understand that Vale dos Suicidas, Umbral and Nosso Lar are nothing more than an illusion or a creation of disturbed spirits. You will also be able to verify that, despite many successes, André Luiz's work has errors, and that the book Brasil, Coração do Mundo was dictated by one or more Spirits with the clear intention of causing damage to the Doctrine.
As it is very difficult for the spiritist neophyte to take this path full of studies, I, today, completely abstain from indicating anything outside the “codification”, preferring to recommend that they NOT be read, unless after the mentioned process.
The Doctrine has suffered a lot due to the lack of commitment and care of those who claim to profess it, so that, today, something that used to be a science, easy to be understood by those of good will, has become a jewel covered with innumerable layers of coal and rocks, represented by mysticism and errors of opinion, which need to be removed for a mere acceptance to dedicate oneself to studying it.
Sorry, but that's it. We had a dilapidated piece of jewelry, but due to lack of care and commitment, we chose to cover it up again, to the point where its shine is almost no longer visible.
The dear colleague replies:
– I understand your opinion, but I have studied these works a lot and what I see is that one work proves the veracity of others! But I know that there is a legion of inferior spirits influencing and trying to put an end to religion! When I say Kardec, I mean the Pentateuch!
To which I reply:
– Be careful, because the agreement of the Spirits is not the only factor to build the Doctrine. Many Spirits can start to share the same wrong idea, when they are still in the range of attachment to matter. In addition, we have the problem of ideas gradually fixed in the Spiritist milieu and in mediums, who begin to translate the Spirit's ideas according to their own.
We are not talking about religion either, but about spiritist science. Therefore, the need for care, which is not part of my opinion, but from the facts exhaustively demonstrated by Kardec.
Spiritist Magazine, dear friend: there is an understanding of the formation of the Doctrine, of the steps taken by Kardec, of his observations on the psychology of the Spirits... few dozens or hundreds were usable.
This science is very serious, as it holds the key to the moral advancement of humanity. Currently, this key is quite rusty, due to carelessness.
And I prove this point to you, in Kardec. Tonight we will study Humboldt's evocation of the Spirit, presented in the RE of June 1859. At one point we have the following:
39. ─ Will Geology find one day the material traces of man's existence on Earth before the Adamic period?
─ Geology, no; common sense, yes.
This Spirit, who was an explorer, a scientist, did not yet have information that human fossils dating back millions of years existed. This is because the Spirit does not gain wisdom and knowledge not previously acquired, simply by disincarnating. Thus, if his words were taken as a rule, we would be, today, denying the existence of these fossils.
And that Spirit was quite enlightened, humble and at peace with himself. Imagine if he were in a state of disarray, attached to certain imperfections and atavisms. Imagine the kind of idea and illusion he could say. Imagine, finally, by means of what words he would do it.
Spiritism cannot be built without a rational investigation methodology. This is the problem we have always warned about, remembering what Kardec demonstrated in practice.
Kardec did not imagine, did not assume, did not presuppose, did not seek opinions on how the Spirits acted and the care that would be necessary in communicating with them. No: he learned in practice, and left this learning recorded for all who want to learn, in the Spiritist Magazine, from 1858 to 1869.
Kardec did not even assume the existence of spirits after the death of the body. It was the investigation of the facts, which he was reluctant to undertake, that led him to this conclusion. How, then, to probe something that cannot be seen or heard directly? Through the methodology. It was through careful investigation that Kardec found that reincarnation, the idea of which he was reluctant to accept, was a fundamental principle, and it was through the same investigation that he found that the Spirit that leaves matter does not gain wisdom and knowledge that it did not possess. I repeat: found.
found, in the same way, that spirits can lie, they can talk about what they think they know, without really knowing it, they can talk about their illusions that disturb them, they can talk about what they really know, however limited it may be, and they can talk, when they are really superior, of superior wisdom, which is attested by agreement, logic and reason.
The Spiritist Movement is collapsing and, in this process, causing great obstacles to the propagation of Spiritism, precisely for not observing this more than fundamental point of spiritist psychology! It is an entire building built on pillars supported by clay, which, as it cracks and sinks, compromises the soil below.
Each one has the freedom, guaranteed by God, to believe and conclude according to the reason that suits him, or even according to the attachments he chooses to cultivate. However, by sharing wrong information about something so serious, he becomes responsible for the effect of his actions, especially when not knowing is due to a resistance to studying and finding himself wrong.
It is past time to change this stagnant, petty and selfish mindset. Do we want to do good? So, if we have, within our reach, the opportunity to know, let us know, because, if we can apologize, before our own conscience, for producing evil by impossibility of access to knowledge, we can no longer do the same when that knowledge is constantly presented in our path and, many times out of vanity and pride, we choose not knowing, to continue speaking based on our own opinions.
Reading Recommendations (Books)
- Free PDFs by Kardec –
- Autonomy – The Untold History of Spiritism:
- Allan Kardec's Legacy:
- Final point – the reunion with spiritualism with Allan Kardec:
- Neither Heaven nor Hell – The Laws of the Soul According to Spiritism:
- Genesis – Miracles and Predictions According to Spiritism (unadulterated): Free PDF or
- Heaven and Hell: Or divine justice according to Spiritism (unadulterated): Free PDF or
- Spiritist Revolution. Allan Kardec's forgotten theory:
- Mesmer. The denied science of animal magnetism:
- The Book of Mediums:
- The Spirits' Book:
- Spiritist Magazine – complete collection:
- Practical Instructions on Spiritist Manifestations:
- Spiritism in its Simplest Expression: