The attack on schools and the “vision according to Spiritism”


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I'm going to give myself the luxury of “getting wet”, just because the subject is important and requires, I think, reflection and rationality. The attacks carried out in schools were regrettable, but even more regrettable is hearing the absurdities that speak in the name of Spiritism.

In the face of the events in question, we see again the search for “spiritualist” answers to the reasons why those children went through such tragedies, and it is not uncommon to come across speakers who, in the name of Spiritism, will say that “they are indebted spirits who came together to redeem past faults”. Having overcome the initial moment of true disgust due to the lack of empathy of someone who puts himself in the position of judge of the path of others, without putting himself in the position of a father or mother listening to such words – a real disservice to Spiritism – I feel it necessary to reiterate: no it is possible, much less reasonable, to point to anyone to say whether the situation that the person is going through is the result of their choices - I repeat: choices – or whether it is simply a result of natural law, that is, a result of being alive.

We've covered this a few times already (see Can a person die before his time or is it always fate or fate?, The Petrópolis disaster from the point of view of Spiritism: collective rescue? and Karma and Spiritualism. There is no karma, everything is the effect of the Spirit's choices, which, only in exceptional cases, due to lack of reasoning capacity, is subjected to compulsorily incarnate (ref. OLE, p. 262). God does not punish his children for making bad choices, because he knows that everything is the result of ignorance, and when that ignorance is so great as to obliterate his ability to judge, his laws make up for this momentary incapacity.

Let's say that participating in certain disasters, private or collective, could even be the effect of a lucid choice of the Spirit who believes that that will teach him something or who believes in the law of talion or karma, judging it necessary to go through the same kind of suffering to in order to "debug". This has its basis in logic and truth, and we will see some cases like this permeating Allan Kardec's studies.

Could all these children have chosen to be there voluntarily, as a result of a choice made in Spirit? Let's assume so, and analyze the logic of the assumption. For that, one of two things: either these Spirits would have to know, in advance, that that individual, practically of the crime, would choose that school where they would have to study, to practice their crime, premeditated for years, or these Spirits would have to, through them or others, instigate this individual to commit a crime (assuming, in turn, a “debt”) just so that they could carry out his “rescue” – a veritable endless cycle.

Yes, a particular Spirit could have premeditatedly foreseeing the crime and managed to be there, to suffer its consequences, who knows why, just as another could have chosen to leave that place, that day, due to the same premonition. We see this all the time. It becomes inconceivable, however, to imagine that all those who are killed in any disaster chose to be there, often months or years before, just waiting for all the aligned circumstances to provoke the situation that would offer the opportunity of “rescue”. Furthermore, when Kardec or other Spirits speak of “rescue”, it is the rescue of oneself, through the process “repentance, expiation and reparation – in short: a serious, effective improvement, as well as a sincere return to the good“((KARDEC, Allan. O Céu e o Inferno. Translation by Emanuel G. Dutra, Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo and Lucas Sampaio. 2021.)), and not a redemption of reciprocal debts or with divine law – because God does not charge debts that, in truth, do not even exist.

Children who died in such tragic cases are not paying for anything. They died as a result of being incarnated and as a result of a bad choice by another individual. This individual, who already suffers as a result of his choices, even if he does not realize it, will suffer when his conscience awakens, either because of a feeling of guilt in the face of the crime committed, or because of the realization of his own condition of attachment, because of the effect of his actions, even who doesn't even remember the specific case in question. Children's Spirits may have already moved on, evolved a lot, by the time the criminal's Spirit becomes aware. There is no need to consider, therefore, a joint incarnation with the aim of any reciprocal rescue, but we can imagine the spirit of one of these children, touched with compassion for the other, choosing be born with him to help him on his way back to goodness. Or not. The spirit of the criminal can choose, if he is aware of it, to be born in the midst of a very good family, with great spiritual values, which can help him to learn... Or he can choose to be born in the midst of criminality, to put himself to the test of resistance. What is better? How to know who and for what reason made this or that choice? I don't know. Neither do you. The point is: any of the choices, for that Spirit, will be an atonement, and “atonement” does not mean punishment, but condition in which he has his "unceasingly concentrated attention on the consequences of this evil, understands its inconveniences better and is motivated to correct itself“((Ibidem)).

If you have already gone through something similar or if you have someone close to you who has gone through it, my message is this: the Spirit survives and will continue its journey. Those who go and those who stay need to make an effort not to get attached to what happened, understanding that whoever commits the crime will suffer alone, and that getting attached to him or the situation will lead you to suffer too. Sadness is part of it. Miss you, hurt. But attachment is unhappiness. Pray that you and the Spirit who passed away will not become attached to all of this, nor the personality that died with the body. Spirits that love each other communicate instantly, without intermediaries, and it is enough for one to think of the other for them to be together, without any need for this to be perceived as a sensation of presence. Thought reaches everything, anywhere in the Universe.

Finally: be careful when accepting “spiritist visions” without studying the foundations of Spiritism. Spirits, incarnated or disembodied, say what they want and, due to carelessness, often serve as a tool for the enemies of the Doctrine.


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