Abortion and Spiritism: the REALITY on the subject

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Dear reader, the topic of abortion is on the rise... And how many absurd opinions, issued as a “spiritist view of abortion”, have we seen, on this subject, in the Spiritist Movement (which, today, does not represent Spiritism)! “Women who are infertile are paying for abortions in past lives” is just one of them. We always remember: there is no karma, no law of return, no payment of debts, none of that.

These days, the topic has fully returned to action, due to the case of the girl from Santa Catarina, who became pregnant at the age of 11, and who divided society between opinions, and did not occur less in the Spiritist environment. Many, guided by false ideas implanted in the Movement, talk about sin, karma, debts... Finally, as we have already pointed out, none of this actually exists, and Spiritism explains it very well.

Let's go back to The Spirits' Book, checking what there is in it on the subject:

357. What consequences does abortion have for the Spirit?
“It is a nullified existence and he will have to start over.”

358. Is it a crime to provoke abortion at any period of pregnancy?

“There is crime whenever you transgress the law of God. A mother, or whoever,
will commit a crime whenever he takes the life of a child before birth, which is why
prevents a soul from passing through the tests to which the body that
was forming.”

359. In the event that the birth of the child endangered the mother's life
her, is there a crime in sacrificing the first to save the second?

"It is preferable to sacrifice the being that does not yet exist than to sacrifice what already exists.

KARDEC, Allan. My italics.

In the study of Spiritism, an isolated passage can never be taken as a general rule. It is necessary to understand the whole, as the superior spirits often respond objectively to a question, complementing it or clarifying other points at another time. By not carrying out the study in this way, we would see contradictions that, in fact, do not exist.

The Spirits, in Kardec's time, often used the word “crime” to highlight any act we took against Natural Law. However, Spiritism is not a doctrine of dogmas, but rather a scientific and rational doctrine. Now, given that the fact of pregnancy can put the mother at risk, isn't it fairer to preserve the mother's life, who, perhaps, could even attempt a new pregnancy? It is important to remember that the Spirit's progress is uninterrupted and, if that existence is not possible, he will need to choose another.

There is, however, the materialist thinking that currently prevails regarding abortion, and which, by making the human being a mere biological machine, wants to transform the practice into something banal. This is a mistake, of course, but let's say that the fact happens, and that it becomes legal to carry out an abortion by the simple will of the mother. What will be the consequences, then, for those involved, before the law of God?

We have already seen that, for the Spirit of the fetus, there will be a need to restart the incarnation planning, which is never easy. But what about the mother, who practices the act? She, as we read above, would be committing a crime against the divine law. Will there therefore be condemnation?

It must be remembered, dear reader, that there is no condemnation, and that punishment is always an effect of consciousness of the Spirit on the act performed. By making a mistake many times, the Spirit can acquire an imperfection, which will make it suffer and, eventually, repent and seek reparation (in itself). On this subject, we recommend the reader to watch the studies carried out in this video, with Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. But what if the individual is not aware what do you do?

A woman can, for example, without planning, become pregnant. being away from understanding of divine laws, and not desiring to have that child, then practices abortion, at any stage of pregnancy. She doesn't even think about it, because for her it's something simple and without implications. Technically, you committed a “crime”, but what will your suffering be in the face of it? Perhaps none, at least until, through understanding, your thinking changes. But in that case, perhaps, when she understand the mistake he made, and never made again, is so far gone that there will only be regret, but it will not necessarily generate suffering. It is a mistake. We make mistakes in our progress. The problem is knowingly repeating the mistake.

Another case would be that of a woman who, given over to her emotions, often, through an inconsequential act, becomes pregnant and who, every time she becomes pregnant, miscarries. She will, every time, be aborting the planning of a Spirit, but the picture demonstrates that what she does arises from a lack of knowledge and also from a sinking into the pleasures of matter. Do you see the path she will need to take, until she reaches the understanding that what she does is wrong? Will she need to “pay” for what she does? No, of course, because, at present, she already suffers from the effects of her way of thinking and acting, which keep her away from good — even if she is not aware of it. It may be that, when you become aware and understand your error, you will choose a way of life that leads you to fight directly against your imperfections, or it may be that, depending on your beliefs, you will feel so guilty that you choose to reincarnate without the possibility of having children, which can be more or less useful in their atonement, that is, in the process of overcoming those imperfections.

And what about the Spirit of the aborted fetus? Will you be sad, angry? Will you hate the ex-mother? Will you want revenge? Of course, all this depends on your degrees of understanding and evolution, all depending on your choices.

In everything, as far as transgressions of divine or natural law are concerned, the effects and possibilities are infinite, because they depend on the individual's level of consciousness about what he does. It is a fact that thoughtless and widespread abortion is a profound mistake for the Holy Spirit., but this happens, I think, much less because of the act itself, and much more because of the context that leads the error to exist, and which is always the result of a complete lack of knowledge of spiritualist morals. Those who practice abortion inconsequentially almost always demonstrate a materialistic thinking that, for sure, in various aspects of life, makes the individual suffer.

Much better than trying to guess, from the present vision of suffering, the infinity of past possibilities that gave rise to it, is to seek to study Spiritism, in Kardec, and spread the knowledge. If most of the world knew the Spiritist Doctrine and evaluated it rationally, we wouldn't be here talking about it. But as long as humanity is immersed in materialism or dogma, which leads to materialism, the same mistakes and their painful consequences will continue to be perpetrated.

It is clear that Spiritism cannot be in favor of facilitated abortion. In a way, we cannot be in favor of legalizing this practice. But then, we fall into the old discussion: to what extent can the State interfere in individual decisions that, at least from a materialist point of view, affect only the individual himself? We see, once again, that the political struggle will not change society through imposition. The transformation has to come from the base, from childhood, through education, embracing morality and rationality.


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