Spiritist Magazine – a light appears in the midst of darkness

Maybe some of you already know what I'm going to talk about. I didn't know, and I can only express extreme joy in doing so. I just found a group publishing in the style of Allan Kardec's Spiritist Magazine – carrying out evocations, receiving reports, analyzing them, etc.

A light in the midst of darkness: Revista Espírita.

This is the website “Revista Espírita” – simply that. Named in light of the Revista Espírita – Jornal de Estudos Psicológicas – publication that served as the basis for the development of the Spiritist Doctrine, there they present evocations, spontaneous communications and personal reports, all, as far as I could see, within the best rationality and with all the characteristics of the communication of Spirits duly aligned with the scientific principles of Spiritism.

The Revista Espírita Digital is subtitled: PERIODIC FOR THE DISCLOSURE OF PRACTICAL SPIRITISM. It couldn't be more right.

If you don't fully understand, I emphasize: are current evocations of Spirits. Yes. Like Kardec did.

Our objective is not the same as that of our dear Master in that century, nor do we even want to insinuate that we could, even if we are several spiritists working together, reach the feet of Allan Kardec, as we recognize our smallness. Kardec worked on creating a Science, and his Revue Spirite served for this purpose. 

What we want is to make available to everyone, in a single place, the studies carried out with the Spirits, and which we consider to be useful; our intention is to make a simple contribution from our spiritist group, formed in February 2007. In doing so, we wish to show our gratitude to Allan Kardec for the efforts he made in order to bequeath to us the spiritist science, which, as we know, is a practical science.

Team of Digital Spiritist Magazine, Curitiba, Parana.

As we can see, they have modest objectives, which is in full agreement with anyone who has really understood Spiritism. But what matters most, and what I want to highlight, is that this initiative is one that needs to be replicated, based on the knowledge obtained from Kardec's works.

Since the beginning of our group, with the creation of this website, I had a greater purpose in mind: infect. My biggest goal, after reading The Legacy of Allan Kardec, by Simoni Privato, and saying to myself “I need to do something”, was to spread as much as possible the understanding that it is required resume the evocations... And, today, I count two groups that I know carrying out this work.

I invite you to read the articles presented on their website and carry out your analyses, using the same principles outlined by Kardec. Check whether, in the communications presented, there are any types of thoughts that betray their alleged authors – among them Allan Kardec – and are invited to interact with us through the comments on our website and Facebook. I intend to start doing studies on articles published there.

I can only finish by saying: thank God.

Follow the link to access the aforementioned website: https://www.revistaespirita.net