Letter from the Spirit of Allan Kardec to Gabriel Dellane


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Few know, but Kardec didn't stay silent after his death. The book Beacoup de Lumiere (Too Much Light), by Berthe Fropo (click here to download), presents some of his post-mortem communications, always in a tone of extreme agreement with his way of expressing himself, always serious, but kind and fraternal.

On May 18, 1882, a very touching communication regarding the Spiritist Doctrine was given to Gabriel Dellane, which we reproduce below in full:

I was with you for some time, happy to see you resolved to valiantly resume your role as propagator of the spiritist faith.

The doctrine, so to speak, has been dormant since my departure. It was impossible for it to be otherwise, since my sudden disappearance did not give me time to carry out the projects I had done and which would allow a homogeneous collectivity to continue the work that had been started. So, the misfortunes that arose in our dear homeland forced everyone to work materially to improve their own situation and that of our dear country. For it must be admitted that the greater part of Spiritualists, being like the first apostles, without fortune, have a duty to provide for the daily necessities of their families.

This is an obligation from which no one has the right to escape. Work is a law imposed on man by the Creator, it is important to perform it. It was therefore preferable to spiritualism that it should continue to spread among the lackluster families, rather than be led astray from its true path., which is the study of the facts and the recognition of the manifestations of the disincarnate who lived on earth.

Don't be afraid to call them, no matter how big they may seem to you, and any role they may have played down here; the more evolved they are, the easier it is for them to surrender to your call., the perispiritual envelope of the spirit, having been bathed in the environmental fluid of the planet, preserves in it, eternally, the faculty of going to all the places where memory calls it, and especially when this spirit has fulfilled a missionary role in one of those worlds where it is wanted. The more the spirit is elevated, the easier it is for it to cross the spaces. The spirit can travel through all the worlds in which it has lived, as easily as it is for you to go from one country to another, without you being obliged to leave a part of yourselves on the way; if, for example, you travel from north to south, you will leave a warm garment to put on a fresh one; you will adjust to the environment in which you find yourself, and nothing will be able to oppose your transitory transformation, if you have been careful. It is the same with the superior spirits, having acquired omnipotence over matter, they transform it as they wish without any law opposing it. Whoever says superior spirit, says humility, love and charity. Example: Christ came to incarnate in a humble and poor family. He had his reasons. It was to show us that we shouldn't be afraid to call him to us, as it was the environment he preferred. Do not be afraid to call all those you have great sympathy for. They will always be happy with YOUR evocations.

I am delighted with the awakening that is taking place and I must tell you that I am not indifferent to it.; nor to the new acquaintance you make of these dear friends, full of good will and who will do all they can to bring the work to a good end. But they need to be helped and assisted.

It is the duty of every sincere spiritist to prevent the doctrine from being diverted from its true course.; therefore, my friends, I am counting on you. I know how much you love our dear philosophy and how much you want to see it triumph; this is why I have told you these things; are friendly advice that I give you, knowing that I will please you, and that you will strive to work for the work of regeneration to which I have devoted myself, Sublime mission that is to teach your brothers the way to happiness that is, as the Christ, "of eternal life."

Return, therefore, courageously to the fight; the more you work for others, the more will be given to you by yourselves.

A cause can only be judged when it has been studied well and when it is well identified with it.. It's the same with work. To know the laws, it is necessary to work for yourself., if one wants to reason with precision and help to solve the biggest question of the century, which is the understanding of labor and capital.

Oh! If the men in charge of the march of progress wanted to seriously occupy themselves with spiritism, what a powerful lever would they have had in their hands?!

The chapter on responsibilities is the only one capable of making workers and gentlemen well understand that they are similar to the powerful, but that it is not only to themselves that they owe the momentary situation they now occupy, a situation that they will be able to improve easily the day after. who understand the law of reincarnation. Work, therefore, tirelessly and courageously for the social and moral edifice of our doctrine; the means will be given to you. The time has come, the occasion presents itself today, second it, dear friends, with all your strength; appeal to us. Organize yourselves into a committee. Read, reread, comment on all the facts that subject you and be careful not to be absolute on any point other than those fundamental., that is, the belief in manifestations and in reincarnation. Do not advance the facts that are under reservation. In a word, do as I did. You saw me at work.

Allan Kardec. My italics.

Nothing could be more clear and beautiful. The Doctrine lacks of defense, and it needs of the individual effort of each one of us.

Following this communication, there was this complement:

I do not wish to fatigue the medium. In the meantime, I urge you to go and see my dear wife. It is necessary in the interests of doctrine (this for you personally). It is very difficult to judge the human heart, because if it has its hours of fainting, it also has its hours of rebuilding. Go, therefore, without delay, and you will be very pleasing to me.

Allan Kardec

We believe it is also important to cite the following two paragraphs, by the author, which complement this communication presented:

Despite this urgent injunction, Mr and Mrs Delanne allowed us to spend the month of July undisturbed; only at the end of August, from the new communications, telling them how harmful their delay was to the doctrine, that they went there and Madame Kardec welcomed them with deep joy; she saw, at last, the dawn of that long-promised society. They proposed to her to be the president, but she refused, as she was already very sick. “I am with you in my heart,” she told them, but she refused to fight “and destroy the society we founded, my husband and I. I will give you a president, my best and most faithful friend, a reflection of myself, and I will remain neutral”.

Mr. Delanne told him that in Belgium there was fear of a disquieting split in the doctrine, that a very zealous spiritist wanted to make spiritism a religion with worship and ceremonies. She vigorously rejected this idea, saying: "If spiritism becomes a religion, we will be nothing more than a sect, and the doctrine, this beautiful philosophy, will be lost." She also rejects the word federation, which sounded bad to ears after the commune. It was established that we would make an appeal to all sincere spiritists, we would elaborate the statute and that the society would receive the title of “French Spiritist Union“.

Berthe Fropo

Friends, communication and the aforementioned facts could not be more contemporary. How much longer will we let time pass, doing nothing? How much longer will we forget the work of Allan Kardec, so serious and so important, in the transformation of humanity? We criticize the spirits who distort Spiritism with their false conceptions of the Doctrine, but what would they be, if not mere voices that few hear, if the force of the majority were under Spiritism in its essence - in other words: if the spiritists study?

To paraphrase Kardec, “It is the duty of every sincere spiritist to prevent the doctrine from being diverted from its true course.“. And both our group and the friend group, SPIRITISM FOR ALL Study Groups (EPT), we lack volunteers. We are quite overloaded!

Examples of aid that could help all of us:

  • sharing content in possible groups
  • creation of short videos, with interesting excerpts, to share on video platforms (tiktok, reels, etc).
  • creation of essential texts, linking the videos of studies and the texts covered, by Kardec, for publication on our blogs (and others)
  • extraction of audios for publication on podcast platforms
  • others

If you can help and would like to volunteer to cooperate in this important work, please contact us via WhatsApp: https://wa.me/5515998628392.

But if you just want to study, Click here.


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