Roustaing, Ismael and “Brazil, Heart of the World”


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“Brazil, Heart of the World, Homeland of the Gospel”, is a work by Chico Xavier, attributed to the Spirit of Humberto de Campos Veras. A very strange work, it introduces a series of ideas contrary to Spiritism, revolving mainly around the role of the supposed Spirit of Ismael, who many believe to be the “spiritual protector of Brazil”, but who, in fact, is nothing more than another enemy of Spiritism — perhaps the greatest of them. For a long time, this Spirit has been disseminating false ideas among those who blindly accept them and, thus, has been causing enormous disservice and delay in the propagation of Spiritism in your reality. In Roustaing, he found the worker of the wrong path.

The following excerpt was taken from the book “Final Point: the reunion of Spiritism with Allan Kardec”, and highlights evidence that this work was probably tampered with by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation:

[…] Julio Abreu Filho, first translator of the 12 volumes of the Revue Spirite, denounced that exactly one year before the appearance of “Brazil, heart of the world, homeland of the Gospel”, the book Crônicas de Além-Túmulo, also psychographed by Chico Xavier and signed by Humberto de Campos himself, had been released, and in whose pages you can find a similar message in which only Kardec, Denis, Delanne and Flammarion are mentioned, and nowhere is Roustaing mentioned. Given the report of a possible interpolation, which could be resolved very easily by showing the originals of the book in question, FEB reported that it had ordered its incineration. The fact is similar to Berthe Froppo's complaint in the 19th century, that Leymarie had burned numerous documents from Kardec's archive.

Ah! How much this Doctrine needs defenders, which, even though it comes from Spirits and is immortal, depends on human work to be taken up and developed in the necessary way, because, unfortunately, the bad Spirits have found many defenders, ready to listen to them blindly. .

Spiritists: forward!


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