Our Final Position on Spirit Colonies and the Threshold


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This article is very succinct and only serves to highlight our final position, as a group, on the issue of spiritual colonies, which many insist on dedicating precious time to endless debates. To be succinct, we will not dedicate time to long explanations or quotes from Kardec, since what we talk about here is based on Spiritism, from a scientific point of view — which almost completely ended with Kardec's death. So, let each person make, or not, the decision to study and reason.

I would like to say that this article is not for those who believe they already know everything and who prefer to follow what others say, but rather for those who seek to reason for themselves, based on scientifically produced knowledge.

Allan Kardec's studies

In the works of the dedicated scientist, obtained from the communications of the Spirits, passed through the method of double control — the generality of teachings, subjected to the sieve of reason — there are abundant assertions about the materiality of the spiritual world. It is not too much to assert that these were not ideas that came from his head., but quite the opposite: they were born from the observation of the Spirits themselves, thousands of them, by thousands of mediums, spread across the world. Many times, the Spirits themselves demonstrated the error of the hypotheses that Kardec considered.

The Spirits' Book gives the general principle, which is confirmed in the Spiritist Magazine and which is concluded in A Gênesis, after more than a decade of studies. We summarize:

  1. A less evolved Spirit does not easily detach itself from the ideas of matter. Often, you don't even realize that the body has died. As, through thought, he is able to manipulate fluidic matter, he condenses, without even noticing it, his own creations, which, however, are ephemeral, that is, transient, and which last only as long as his thought is on them.
  2. Together, kindred spirits create true scenarios, sometimes happier, sometimes truly infernal.
  3. The scenarios, individual or collective, reflect the beliefs and atavisms of these Spirits, attached to material ideas. It is precisely for this reason, which is easy to see, that unhappy spirits, through time, transmitted ideas that reflected these ideas: hell, purgatory, nothingness, the deep valleys, the dark cave, etc. On the other hand, it is very easy to see that the happiest spirits convey ideas in a figurative sense, referring to the seventh heaven, the city of flowers, the spiritual feast, etc.
  4. Unhappy spirits externalize their moral pains and their vices, but it is precisely because they cannot attend to the latter that they suffer, as a “punishment”.

As far as the Doctrine has developed as a science, this is well established. After her, ideas of absolute materialism were born and strengthened in the world of Spirits, where even bathrooms can be used and soup can be eaten. A fantastic world was formed by spiritists and adepts who, little accustomed to study, allowed themselves to be dominated by fantastic ideas, narrated in mediumistic novels, the fault of which is neither the medium nor the Spirit, but rather those who did not judge such communications, did not question , as it should be – after all, we don’t go around taking anyone’s word for it, do we?

Ideas born from opinions

Today, this folklore is so established that many even ask themselves “where are the 58 spiritual colonies in Brazil”. There is already an established quantity. “Which spiritual colony do I go to?” is another frequently asked question…

We ask: why did the superior spirits not bring this truth precisely to Kardec, who could very well explore it scientifically? The argument that "understanding at the time would not be possible" is completely false and does not hold, because, in Kardec's time, cities, scientific and industrial development, intelligence, in short, all human scientific development was in its highest light. Why not then? If Kardec addressed all kinds of questions concerning the spiritual world, I repeat: why not? If this is such an important truth, since it would be directly linked to our near future, after death, why did the superior spirits not lead spirits in the most diverse conditions to deal with this subject, through scientific exploration, as they did with all other subjects? ? Why did they lead those who led, by the way, to the opposite understanding, which leads to detachment from this materiality? Why?

Have the passionate supporters of the systems born of these novels never asked themselves these questions? Could it be that the absence of these ideas about spiritual colonies and others, in Kardec's scientific study, is precisely due to the fact that they do not reflect spiritual truth and are only transmitted by poorly developed Spirits or even by mystifying Spirits, who would be readily seen in error? , as happens in the Spiritist Magazine of July 1858 — The False Father Ambrósio?

16. ─ Why don't you support the imposture in our presence?

─ Because my language is a touchstone, with which you cannot be deceived.

Genesis, final work, bringing together more than 10 years of studies

In order not to leave out some of Kardec's very important conclusions, we will quote Genesis, in chap. XIV — The Fluids:

Spirits act on spiritual fluids, not manipulating them as men manipulate gases, but with the help of thought and will, which are for the Spirit what the hand is for man. By thought they impress this or that direction on the fluid; they agglomerate, combine or disperse them and form sets with a certain appearance, shape, color; they change their properties, as a chemist changes those of a gas or other bodies, by combining them according to certain laws. It is the great workshop or laboratory of the spiritual life.

Sometimes these transformations are the result of an intention, but often they are the product of an unconscious thought, because the Spirit just thinks about something for it to be done.

This is how, for example, a spirit appears to an incarnate spirit, endowed with spiritual vision, under the appearance he had when he was alive, at the time he met him, although he has already had several other incarnations. He presents himself with clothes, external signs, diseases, scars, amputated limbs, etc. who had; a beheaded one will present himself without his head. I do not say that they preserved such appearances; no, certainly, because, as a Spirit, he is neither lame nor one-armed, nor one-eyed nor decapitated. But his thought, referring to the time when it was like that, his perispirit instantly takes on this appearance, which also changes instantly. If he had been once black and once white, he will present himself as either black or white, according to which of the two incarnations he is evoked and where his thoughts go.

By an analogous effect, the thought of the Spirit fluidly creates the objects it was used to using. A miser will handle gold; a soldier will have his weapons and his uniform; a smoker, his pipe; a workman, his plow and his oxen; an old woman, her distaff.

These fluidic objects are as real for the Spirit as they would be in the material state for the incarnated man. But, because they are created by thought, their existence is as ephemeral as it is ((See about fluidic objects in the Spiritist Magazine, July 1859, page 184. Book of Mediums, 2nd part, chapter VIII. (Note by Allan Kardec .))).

It is also worth reading the article from the Spiritist Magazine, quoted by Kardec in the footnote. Read with attention. Question #22 and its answer sums it up:

22. ─ We understand that in the two cases mentioned by Mrs. R.., one of the spirits wanted to have a pipe and the other a tobacco box to impress the vision of a living person. I ask, however, if it had not managed to make her see, could the Spirit think that he had these objects, creating an illusion for himself?

No, if he has a certain superiority, because he will be perfectly aware of his condition. The same is not true of inferior spirits..

NOTE: This was, for example, the case of the queen of Oude, whose evocation appears in our issue of March 1858, who still thought she was covered in diamonds.


Far be it from us to deify Allan Kardec's personality, as if he were not subject to error. We just ask ourselves, once again: how is it that, in more than a decade of studies, where Kardec penetrated so many truths about the world of Spirits, he did not arrive at this truth, passionately defended by certain people? As, on the contrary, he was led, by the superior Spirits, to the understanding that the materiality of the spiritual world is linked to the ignorance of the Spirit and that, therefore, it is ephemeral, not being possible to consider, in this way, spiritual cities, erected and commanded by high spirits, made to to sustain materialistic ideas and delay your detachment, the cultivating, on the contrary? These are questions that cannot be answered by systems, but which are very clearly and peacefully answered by Spiritist science.

we know of all about the world of Spirits? No, far from it. But, from there to systematizing ideas that have not gone through the scientific method, it is a long (and crooked) step. We will not give it, as we prefer to stick with Erastus' advice, asserting that “It is better to reject ten truths than to admit a single lie, a single false theory“.

And with that, we are done with this subject, until it can return to the scientific field, if need be, to be continued.


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