Our final position on adulterations in Kardec's works

We are just here to record our final position on the subject of adulterations in Kardec's works, which is no longer discussed, except in the face of unquestionable evidence or irrefutable proof, something that neither the “CSI of Spiritism” produziu. Apresentamos, sucintamente, os seguintes pontos:

  1. The legal question: The Legal Deposit of A Gênesis was only made in 1872, about three years after Kardec's death; the DL of Heaven and Hell was made about three months after his death. This is already a sufficient legal fact to constitute a crime for the distribution of altered works, published after the fateful event, and there is no discussion about this, nor, to this day, any proof that Kardec has carried out the legal process necessary for this.

    This point is important, because, even though everything published there is actually by Kardec's hand - which would imply that he went back on his words, removed principles and formed works that were disconnected in themselves and among themselves - even though everything that is there is in Kardec's hands, yet we cannot even be sure that he would want all that to be published, due to the mere possible doubt that those editions might not be finished. This is what guarantees copyright.

    More than that: legally, it doesn't matter if letters were found (a letter) in which Kardec mentioned the production of these new editions. If there was no Legal Deposit of the work, by the hands of Allan Kardec, a crime against the law in force at the time was created and, given the fact that the DL was after his time, a crime against copyright was created.

  2. Even though evidence indicates that Kardec was finalizing or even that he would have finalized these editions, nothing proves that the printed editions have not been tampered with. Doubt remains, in addition to the indisputable legal fact.
  3. In addition, there remain the facts ascertained by reason, already discussed on here, on here, on here, on here, on here and on here.

Therefore, always repeating our desire to remain guarded against error, we prefer to follow Erastus' advice, dispensing with ten truths so as not to be left with just one lie, one mistake. There is doubt and, if there is doubt, reason tells us to stick with the original works, republished by Editora FEAL, where not only are we sure that all the commas come from Kardec's hands, but also where, through study, we realize that the connections intrinsic aspects of the works themselves and each other are intact and serve reason.

Thus, we declare the matter closed, making this decision part of our principles, not making it the stage of empty discussions, until irrefutable evidence is presented. Until then, we stick with what our reason tells us, of our own free will, respecting anyone who, for their reason, reaches another conclusion, however strange it may seem to us.

The group.