Kardecism: an inappropriate term

kardec kardecism

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Many followers of the spiritist movement use the term “kardecism” or “kardecista” to refer to their “religion” or “belief”. In just one sentence, we already have three errors, which we can start with.

spiritism is science

Firstly, it is important to highlight that Spiritism is a science. As such, it is one. It could have branches of study areas, such as Physics, Quantum Physics, Mechanics, Optics, etc. But Physics is one, just as Spiritism is one. Talking about “kardecism” would be like stopping talking about Physics to talking about Newtonism or Einsteinism, which would be a mistake, since Newton and Einstein were researchers who, using the scientific method, studied Physics and generated their ideas. scientific theories. Allan Kardec did the same.

To say “kardecism” is to give a personality to spiritist science, reducing it to the expression of Kardec’s ideas, which is false. Kardec was the researcher responsible for centralizing the studies, yes, and it is his works that form the Spiritist Doctrine as it is known. But it is necessary to remember that his works are the result of collective and collaborative work. Kardec never gave himself the right to dominate the truth.

The other mistakes would be treating Spiritism as a religion, what is not true, or as belief, which would be to demote it from the level of science and transform it into mere belief. It is necessary to distinguish what is born from blind belief in what someone says, from the “belief” born from scientific reasoning. They are different things.

Spiritist Movement became religion

Unfortunately, it is important to highlight that what became the Spiritist Movement became beliefs and religion. For most modern spiritists, Kardec has the same weight as Jesus in religions linked to the Old Testament: his name is spoken of, to give credibility, but only the surface is known, preferring to stay with the distortions.


When asked about my religion, do not say that you are a spiritist, Kardecist, etc. If you have a religion, say your religion and say that, in addition, you study Spiritism. If you have no religion and study spiritist science, say: “I have no religion: I study spiritist science”.


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