Was Jesus ever as imperfect as we are?


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Why, of course! Jesus was neither a demagogue nor a hypocrite in calling us “brothers”. He demonstrated that he was like us, an evolving Spirit.

This is a fundamental postulate of the science of Spirits: all of us, without exception, were created simple and ignorant and, from there, we followed the path of evolution. When and where, only God knows. Since God is the sovereign justice and Love in essence, he could not create privileged, full and evolved creatures, while creating others to suffer. This is a very ancient dogma taught mainly by the Roman Church, which we will not go into, given the extent of its discussion.

Everything that is exposed here is abundantly postulated in Kardec's works, with great clarity and rationality, and it is possible to find the necessary bases already in The Spirits' Book.

The fact that we highlight here is that nobody evolves in a straight line towards God. This is a false concept. The evolution of any Spirit goes through the same steps, passing through all kingdoms, including that of the animal, and then, upon entering the realm of consciousness, acquiring free will, that is, the ability to choose.

However, how can the Spirit choose in the face of a situation it has never faced before? It's impossible. He acts, obtaining a result that can be a mistake or a success. So, the next time you face the same situation, having already some knowledge of the result according to your way of acting, you can choose to act the same way again, or you can try to act in another way, which can make you right or wrong again.

While the Spirit is trying, it's making progress. The error that is born of the attempt is not a sin, but only an error. He is not committing evil, but good, for he had no basis for his own judgment on how to act. It's how much he spends choose act wrong, for whatever reasons, that the mistake becomes a habit and then becomes an imperfection.

Kardec, in A Genesis (chapter III), concludes:

“He who does not master his passions can be very intelligent, but at the same time very bad. Instinct annihilates itself; passions can be tamed only by the effort of the will”.

However, that chapter ends here, in the 5th edition of this work, which, today we know, has strong indications of having been tampered with. Taking the 4th edition, we have the following closing, VERY IMPORTANT:

All men go through passions. Those who have overcome them, and are not, by nature, proud, ambitious, selfish, spiteful, vindictive, cruel, wrathful, sensual, and do good without effort, without premeditation and, so to speak, involuntarily, it is because they have progressed in the sequence. of their previous existences, having rid themselves of this uncomfortable weight. It is unfair to say that they have less merit when they do good, compared to those who fight against their tendencies. It turns out that they have already achieved victory, while the others have not yet. But when they do, they will be like the others. They will do good without thinking about it, like children who read fluently without having to spell. It is as if they were two sick people: one cured and full of strength while the other is still recovering and hesitates to walk; or as two runners, one of which is closer to the finish than the other.

Therefore, Jesus also went through the same path, including wrong and right. He is just a Spirit that has already run the entire scale, while we are still at the beginning of it, making efforts to get out of the third order of the classification of the Spirit Scale. Today, if a Spirit at the beginning of its life could evaluate us, we would think that we are demigods and would judge how wonderful the few deeds we can perform.

Far from this thought lowering Jesus, it elevates him and, at the same time, gives us hope, as it demonstrates that a Spirit who has already walked this entire path of evolution, through a free gesture of kindness and charity, has returned to teach us. One day we will be working with him, but let's not forget that, from now on, we can also make a difference in people's lives, without expecting anything in return.


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