Hell, according to Spiritism

Hell according to Spiritism

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Spiritism demonstrated the impossibility of the existence of Hell, as well as purgatory as a place after death. It is logical to note that, in doing so, it demonstrates the impossibility of modern constructions of ideas such as that of umbral. But, at the same time, it demonstrated the existence of these last two, not as a fluidic place, but as a material place: the planets themselves like Earth and lower, where, literally, purge acquired imperfections:

“It is, therefore, in successive incarnations that the soul gradually strips itself of its imperfections, in other words, that it purges itself, until it is pure enough to deserve to leave the worlds of expiation and go to happier worlds, of where he later leaves to enjoy supreme happiness1.

Therefore, Purgatory is no longer a vague and uncertain idea, it is a material reality that we see, touch and suffer. He is in the worlds of atonement, and the Earth is one of these worlds – on it men atone for the past and the present for the benefit of their future. But, contrary to the traditional idea of Purgatory, it depends on each person whether to shorten or prolong their stay there, depending on the degree of advancement and purity they reach through work on themselves. We leave these worlds not because our time has come to an end, or because of the merit of others, but because of our own merit, according to the words of Christ: – To each one, according to his works –, words that summarize all the justice of God .

Spiritism did not come, therefore, to deny the future penalty – it came, on the contrary, to confirm it. What he destroys is the localized Hell, with its furnaces and its irremissible penalties. It does not deny Purgatory, because it proves that we find ourselves in it, defining and detailing it, explaining the cause of earthly misery, thereby leading those who denied it to believe.”

KARDEC, Allan. Heaven and Hell – Editora FEAL


Reading Recommendations (Books)

  1. At the beginning of your evolution, there are imperfections that are mistaken habits created by attachment, which result in pride and selfishness. This personal responsibility, only for those who choose this painful path, configures the condition of moral imperfection and suffering that must be overcome by atonement. However, on primitive planets, there are vicissitudes resulting from the lack of intelligence to create better living conditions and comfort, in terms of food, housing and health. There is also a lack of opportunity for everyone to progress, such as education, work, family. Therefore, everyone faces tests, which are opportunities for progress, individual and collective. They are the planets of atonement and trials. (N. do E.) []

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