Curse and Spiritism

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This article aims to address, very succinctly, the topic of the curse according to Spiritism. Knowledge for this can be gleaned in abundance from Revista Espírita and other works by Allan Kardec.

If someone puts a curse on you, there are 5 possibilities:

1. No Spirit participates in this, but you, knowing about the “curse”, believe in it and suggest yourself;

2. One or more evil Spirits participate, and you, knowing about the “curse”, believe, self-suggest and allow yourself to be influenced by the Spirits;

3. You have no idea about the curse, but there are evil spirits involved in it. They seek to reach you through your thoughts, attacking you for possible imperfections. As imperfection is born from attachment, the thoughts please you and you, by not fighting them (the thoughts), slowly become obsessed.

4. You have no idea about the curse, and you don't allow yourself to have bad thoughts, attachments, etc. Nothing happens to you other than, who knows, a temporary inconvenience.

5. You know about the curse, whether there are bad Spirits involved or not, but you studied Spiritism in the works of Kardec, you know how things happen and you are always trying to watch yourself. He knows, moreover, that whoever does evil is doing it for himself. You say prayers for those people and Spirits, and they, not finding an open door in you, quickly give up.

The Spirits' Book gives the essential

552. What should one think of the belief in the power of certain people to bewitch?

“Some people have great magnetic power, which they can misuse if their own Spirits are bad, in which case it becomes possible for them to be supported by other bad Spirits. However, do not believe in an alleged magical power, which only exists in the imagination of superstitious creatures, ignorant of the true laws of nature. The facts they cite as proof of the existence of this power are natural facts, poorly observed and above all poorly understood.”

553. What effect can formulas and practices produce through which people pretend to dispose of the will of the Spirits?

“The effect of making them ridiculous, if they proceed in good faith. Otherwise, they are scoundrels who deserve punishment. All formulas are mere illusion. There is no sacramental word, no Kabbalistic sign, nor talisman that has any action on the Spirits, as they are only attracted by thought and not by material things.”

The Book of Spirits


Remove the idea that the curse is the transfer of bad energy. it is necessary to study Spiritism, in Kardec's works. Spiritual fluids have their role, of course, but they depend on attunement. Also, get rid of the idea of “hereditary curses”, because inheritance is of the flesh, but it is clear that the role here is spiritual. You would only “inherit” a “curse” if the Spirits find reason and acceptance in you to continue bothering you too.

And, of course, do not believe in magical formulas, rituals or any material objects to solve the case, as none of these have power over the Spirits, as has already been demonstrated. in this article. To “reverse” a curse, it is necessary to act on morality, that is, to understand, analyze yourself and try to change what takes you away from good.

Study the Spiritist Magazine (1858-1869)

Cover photo: Fariborz MP:


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