CSI of Spiritism: the official organ of Truth

CSI of Spiritism, by Carlos Seth, became the official body of Truth.

by Paulo Degering R. Junior

Contrary to respecting world law, with regard to the moral right of the author and which peremptorily classifies, from a legal point of view, the fourth edition of Heaven and Hell and the fifth edition of Genesis as factual tampering, indisputable, the group known as CSI of Spiritism, through an argument full of holes and lack of logic, giving final words on the subject and running over The legal system says there were no adulterations.

There, in the CSI of Spiritism, by Carlos Seth, Adair Ribeiro and Luciana Farias, the subject is no longer discussed. Although the legal record of the publication of the fifth edition of A Gênesis only dates back to 1872, how did they find one (only one) supposed copy of this edition, but dated 1869, in a library in Switzerland (not in France, but in Switzerland ), soon linked this lost copy to the fact that Kardec declared that he was preparing a new version — as if this could be used as proof of conclusion and correspondence. And, in the basket, there is the statement that the grotesque — and obvious — adulteration of Heaven and Hell it didn't exist!

The logic of absolute Truth (CSI of Spiritism) is this: if Kardec declared that he was preparing a new edition of Genesis and if a copy, dated 1869, with at least strange changes, was found (in Switzerland), then it is clear that it could only have been published by Kardec (despite the problems, right on the cover), and whoever says otherwise is lying!

Of course, there is a detail here: the fact that, as the Legal Deposit of the 5th edition was only carried out in 1872, almost three years after Kardec's death, this, per se, classifies an important legal question — that any change made after the death of an author implies adulteration. But of course the Ministry of Truth has the answer: the unique copy, for who knows why, forgotten in a Swiss (and not French) library is complete proof against the legal issue (it is not)!

There is also the fact that Kardec's wife signed the minutes of 1873 (if I'm not mistaken) where she was aware of the publication of that edition... But that it was put aside by Leymarie, as demonstrated by Simoni Privato, and that this edition was not published in France in the first few years, it is clear that it is beside the point. It seems to us that everything was thought out so that this adulteration would not be evident on French territory.

It would be logical, for an unwary thinker, to imagine that the fact that it is not possible to find, in France, copies of this new edition, “Revised, Corrected and Enlarged”, is due to the fact that, in France, this could be considered a misdemeanor — since it had no legal deposit — but not for us who accept the Unquestionable Truth.

As they found several pieces of evidence that Kardec, before he died, had ordered a new edition of A Gênesis; how they found evidence that this new edition had begun to be printed; as they verified that Kardec's widow herself, three years later, signed a document acknowledging the distribution of this new edition, they concluded, of course, that it would be absolutely impossible for anyone to take the movable types after Kardec's death, and produced a second version, presenting each one according to convenience, or that the version altered by Kardec had disappeared, leaving only an adulterated version. No, none of this could have happened, according to the CSI of Spiritism.

Evidence is now supported to have the final say on something that cannot be proved — and which they claim cannot be proved. What we need to understand and accept, “on our side”, is that Kardec became — he may forgive me — gagá, in his last years! That, despite having produced such profound and wise works, in scientific and philosophical terms — Heaven and Hell and Genesis — shortly after that, he must have had some kind of syncope that left him injured, to the point of going against the direction of the Spirits, who said that the work was fine and that NOTHING should be removed.

"My opinion is that there is absolutely nothing of doctrine to be taken away; everything there is useful and satisfying in every way


"It is necessary to leave intact all theories that first appear in the public eye.”.

In this case, in addition to the legal demonstration of tampering with The Genesis, this communication also reinforces the fact due to the doctrinal changes identified in the work, with the suppression of several passages in which Kardec criticizes the heteronomous moral of religious fanaticism, among other manipulations.

Still in this communication, the spirit also suggested that he work without haste and without dedicating a lot of time:

"Above all, don't rush too much. (…) Start working immediately, but not in an exaggerated way. Do not hurry”.

AUTONOMY. NCNI – Advice on Genesis. Available in: https://espirito.org.br/autonomia/ncni-conselhos-sobre-a-genese/. Accessed on: 24 Apr. 2023.

Kardec not only removed very important points from the works, such as the preface of the new edition of OCI (after all, who needs a preface explaining the character of the work and the property it has, as a result of the study of the spiritist science?), he made a true frankenstein of GA, exchanging previously declared fundamental ideas and even making references to postulates that he would have to remove in the new edition of OCI. Then he, who, with frightening skill, was able to lead a line of thoughts perfectly linked between several issues of the Spiritist Magazine! He removed a chapter from the OCI and made into afterlife law what he once said could not be taken into law - without giving any explanation for it!

Poor Kardec, he must have loosened a screw from talking to spirits so much. According to this line of thought - that of Unquestionable Truth - he could have just become a new disciple of Roustaing!

Worse: in addition to gagá, Kardec was FEARFUL. Well, that's the only thing we can deduce from the unquestionable truth of the CSI of Spiritism, since it made, in A Gênese, heavy assertions about the opponents of Spiritism, to later remove them in the new edition.

To say that humanity is ripe for regeneration does not mean that all individuals are on the same level, but many have, by intuition, the germ of new ideas that circumstances will bring about. Then they will prove to be more advanced than one might suppose, and they will eagerly follow the lead of the majority. There are, however, those who are essentially refractory to these ideas, even among the most intelligent, and who will certainly not accept them, at least in this lifetime; in some cases, in good faith, out of conviction; others for interest. They are those whose material interests are linked to the current conjuncture and who are not advanced enough to give them up, since the general good matters less than their personal good — they are apprehensive at the slightest reform movement. The truth is for them a secondary issue, or rather, the truth for certain people lies entirely in that which does not cause them any trouble. All progressive ideas are, from their point of view, subversive ideas, and for this reason they have an implacable hatred for them and an obstinate war against them. They are intelligent enough to see Spiritism as an aid to progressive ideas and the elements of transformation that they fear and, because they do not feel up to it, they strive to destroy it.. If they thought him worthless and unimportant, they wouldn't worry about him. We have already said it elsewhere: “The more grandiose an idea is, the more it finds opponents, and its importance can be measured by the violence of the attacks to which it is the object”.


Perhaps Kardec received a threatening letter — more threatening than the dozens he should have received with threats. Or else Kardec finally noticed his mistake in judging that Spiritism was so potent as to awaken the relentless hatred to which he referred.

Well, in addition to accepting the Unquestionable Truth of the CSI of Spiritism, learning to leave aside this “reason” business, we also need to learn to bury certain authors, who are not even cited by the representative body of divine truth on Earth. We can even criticize them, as Carlos Seth did, but we cannot, in any way, use their vast works from years of research on Magnetism, Rational Spiritualism and Spiritism. Never! When criticizing them, we shouldn't even mention names – people will be interested in reading the crazy things said by this guy “Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo”. After all, this author has the audacity to question the Ministry of Truth, using this so-called “reason” and, stating that he cannot see a crazy Kardec, says that he found full agreement between the ideas discussed in the works and in the Revista Espírita with the first editions of these works — editions that should also not be cited.

Let's run a ruler over all this imbroglio, and let's talk about it no more. The evidence of the “other side”, the one that “believes” in an adulteration, must be summarily forgotten, together with its authors. Unlike what Kardec said — that we cannot give the final word on what cannot be proven — we must accept the final word of the CSI of Spiritism. Since the evidence they found became the final expression of unquestionable truth, all — I repeat: all — arguments from the “other side” automatically become null and void! That “truck” of arguments brought by Simoni Privato in “The Legacy of Allan Kardec”? NULL, as it says WArlos seth Investiga: “We demonstrate with FACTS that ALL the evidence used to prove that “The Genesis” could have been tampered with DID NOT hold up.” There are those who disagree.

Ah, the FACT that Leymarie tampered with a spiritual communication, in Posthumous Works, removing precisely the passage in which the Spirit recommended that Kardec not remove any idea in the new edition of The Genesis was also promptly annulled by the evidence of the organ of Unquestionable Truth.

Nor should we even bring up these opposing arguments, as what is it worth, against a few material evidences, an enormous amount of logical arguments and the fact that the registration, after the author's death, of an altered edition, constitutes adulteration? ? Absolutely nothing!

Of course, this brings a “small” problem, since Spiritism cannot be proven except through rationality, but we should not fear: the Ministry of Truth will certainly have a solution for this. As soon as Spiritism is somewhat more undermined by the distrust placed on Kardec (who, remember, was left stuttering) and by the discovery of “gossip of the time”, obtained through the opinions of dissident mediums, found in old documents, we will be able, who You know, take a look at “Kardec’s” Spiritism and found a new era of historical studies.

But that's not all: we must, in addition to declaring the nullity of any arguments to the contrary, without presenting them to the public, also combat any idea that comes from the opposite direction, criticizing works without any need for scientific commitment. If we commit fallacies, it's okay. After all, we will be fighting the lie and, for that, we must use all the weapons.

Says Carlos Seth, from the CSI of Spiritism:

In the mid-1890s, the division between the Consoling Spiritism and Scientific Spiritism, as my colleague John Monroe has already pointed out.

History repeated itself between 2016 and 2020 now in the field of morality, with the release of books that sought to bring the thoughts of Kant, Maine de Biran and Victor Cousin into Spiritism, even if that meant distorting the ideas of Allan Kardec.

BASTOS, Carlos Seth. Added bonus – The ending. Spirits under investigation. Available at: <https://www.luzespirita.org.br/leitura/pdf/L193.pdf>. Accessed on: 04/15/2023.

Without a shadow of a doubt, Seth has not read absolutely anything that these crazy people are saying about Rational Spiritualism, nor has he read the Spiritist Magazine, which is where the scientific basis of Spiritism, which he seems to criticize. Precisely in Revista Espírita, where Kardec seems to have “lost his head”, when stating that Spiritism is a development of Rational Spiritualism! Interestingly, reading and taking care not to talk about what is not known makes it clear that Rational Spiritualism gave the basis to Spiritism, with a great exchange between these two sciences, with Spiritism providing the key to what the ER had no way to respond. But therein lies the problem: this subject is dealt with by an author whose name the Ministry of Truth (CSI of Spiritism) does not even allow to be mentioned — this so-called “Figueiredo”. I even quote the work: “Autonomy: the untold story of Spiritism”. But please, don't read this book, full of nonsense! We should just place it in the shadow of non-existence, along with its author who, according to the Ministry, is causing a division in Spiritism, “now in the moral field”!

If the Unquestionable Truth acts like this, it is because it has a very serious reason: it is that this author can endorse the subversive ideas of adulteration. Showing his malevolent intentions and putting his books into oblivion, through some harmless and far from light fallacious statements, Truth acts in the name of Good. If these ideas of autonomy and Rational Spiritualism — “rational” — are treated by this author, they are either the result of an error, or they should just be forgotten, so that, we repeat, they do not lead people to read the prohibited works.

Pay close attention: the controversy over the adulteration of the works Heaven and Hell and Genesis turned out to be non-existent! Yes, because, for us who accept the Unquestionable Truth of the CSI of Spiritism, the other side does not even exist! Because we accept evidence as proof (although science is about theories, not proof) and make an inference that to many may seem far-fetched — but the Ministry of Truth claims it is not — everything else automatically becomes null. Let us also delete the story, which we should not even mention. Regarding the authors who corroborate this idea of a plot around Kardec, we can do nothing more than show them as they are — impulsive and frivolous, despite having dedicated themselves to long years of research — so that, finally, we can guide the people on the correct path — that of Unquestionable Truth — not through reason, but through coercion, since the majority are incapable of thinking for themselves. That story of leaving it up to time and the public to judge what is correct — these crazy ideas from Kardec — fall apart, as we have evidence that can be taken as complete proof, according to our theories.

Those, finally, who do not accept the Unquestionable Truth, we must treat them as they are: resistant and closed-minded, who do not accept the evidence that we point out to them. They prefer to believe that Kardec could never have made such alterations, because, they say, they are not rational or consistent with the method he would have used for years, much less with the rest of the work. Balela! Let us declare war on these ideas without any nexus and prohibit, as much as possible, that they are even raised, as they cause a gigantic harm by stirring up, in the people, this absurd desire to think for reason — so absurd that they do not accept historical evidence as an irrefutable fact of non-adulteration. By the way, we should name them as such: denialists, so that they are demoralized wherever they speak and do not arouse anyone's curiosity.

Therefore, some steps are defined to be followed to reestablish the Truth, according to the CSI of Spiritism:

  • Use every space possible, on social media and YouTube channels, to state that all opposing arguments have been defeated, no intention of dialogue.
  • Write documents and articles showing a series of material evidence that corroborates the thesis, that is, the evidential proof of Truth — again, without considering presenting contrary arguments.
  • Write articles that disparage authors and ideas in contrast to the position of the CSI Ministry of Spiritism, without venturing to get to know them, which is obvious, and without any concern about committing fallacies. Remember: everything for the Good!
  • Create study spaces. From Spiritism? No. From its scientific context? Much less! To study the old letters and investigate who were the mediums that Kardec insistently said should not be placed in relevance.
  • In the face of any discussion about the Ministry of Truth's form of action, quickly and skillfully lead the matter to the question of adulteration, where we have total control, since the other side, already demoralized by being framed in denialism, will not be able to sustain reliability in the face of the public.

They say that we tarnish the image of Kardec and Spiritism itself by acting like this. Now, the search is for the Truth, and everything that sustains what we are certain of, from the beginning, must be exalted, no matter who it hurts. But enough of this subject, for we will not discuss it further now that we are in possession of the Unquestionable Truth.

Dear reader,

Of course, if you study Kardec and follow us, you will notice that the text is just a criticism, in a satirical tone, of the absurd behavior adopted by some people who decided to take the truth for themselves, leaving important facts aside. I'm sorry I made you read all this. For our part, we do not wish to impose our truth or our conclusions. We leave each person the freedom to judge for themselves, in possession of evidence and using their own reason. What saddens us is that many, allowing themselves to be led, completely ignore works such as those by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo and Simoni Privato, who have made a unique contribution to the understanding of Spiritism.

What is the crux of the matter, anyway? Is that the 5th edition, with alterations, was legally deposited only in 1872. This, legally, constitutes adulteration. The rest, the evidence found by the “CSI of Spiritism”, only points to the fact that Kardec was preparing a new version, but it does not prove that this version ever went to print.. All efforts to point out that the only copy found in Switzerland corresponds to this new edition constitute forced inferences, just because it corresponds to the copy referring to the legal deposit of 1872, of the 5th edition, made by Leymarie. This is the point.

What do we have for security, without a shadow of a doubt: Kardec edited A Gênese, of which he ordered four reprints, each of which constituted a new edition, although equal to the first. The proof of this lies in the fact that he did not make a legal deposit for the other editions.

It is also a fact that Kardec was preparing a new edition of this work and of O Céu e o Inferno. But there is no proof that he concluded them, it being another forced inference to state that the request for reprint of two thousand copies of A Gênese, made in February 1869, refer to the printing of this new edition. Maybe yes, maybe not. If so, it may be that this edition has been destroyed, so that someone can tamper with it. For the argument about the time to do so, it is enough to remember that, in those days, people had much more time than we have today and that, moreover, there is no proof that the adulterated version was not printed only later. ; for the argument of the printer's need to convince, it suffices to assume that it would only be necessary to say, for example, that it was a request from Kardec, made shortly before his death, and that, not being a final edition, but only an edition for evaluation and corrections, legal deposit would not be required (which is a fact).

An important point, by the way: what is the point of Kardec changing the title of his work (A Gênesis), inserting the subtitle “revised, corrected and increased”, if he has never done this before, for any of his other works? In my opinion, it looks more like something done, by a tamper, to reinforce that that edition would be an important “change”.

Spiritual communication, where the Spirit affirms, through the medium Mr. M. Desliens, that Kardec should not remove anything, but only condense what may have become clear in other points (which you can check on here), he was tampered with by PG Leymarie, when it was included with cuts and alterations in Posthumous Works, organized by him, and published in 1890: second part, chapter: “My initiation into Spiritism”, item: “My new work on The Genesis” (where “ Mine" would be a reference to Kardec, talking about himself).

Now, why Leymarie's rage in supporting, through flagrant adulteration, the idea that the 5th edition of A Gênese was produced by Kardec?

Anyway, let's leave each one to their time and their choices, but we don't fail to present the real proposal of the spiritist science, totally autonomous and liberating and, as we concluded, very far from the concepts transformed in "Código Penal da Vida Futuro", in that which, for us, can only be configured as an adulteration.

The fact is that Carlos Seth, in the search for everything that can support his idea, has distorted ideas and words himself, using fallacies and logical arguments, sometimes invalid, to force conclusions. It was frivolous and inelegant to state, with great ignorance, that “a certain author” would be causing a division in Spiritism, “now in the moral field”, by bringing, into the Doctrine, Rational Spiritualism (we have already dealt with this in the article Rational Spiritualism and Spiritism – a new division in the Spiritist milieu?) and is equally inelegant in using his means of communication to denigrate those who, through reason and facts, conclude differently from him, imputing “denialist” terms to them.

Furthermore, we present a final argument: Carlos Seth himself claims that he has no proof that the works have not been tampered with. There remains, therefore, room for some doubt and, therefore, it would not be much more prudent to stick with the first edition of these works, from when Kardec was alive, where we have complete confidence that everything, absolutely everything that exists there, was produced by your hands? This, of course, without treating the other editions as non-existent, as they serve, in our view, precisely to demonstrate the tone of the changes and what they removed or inserted in Kardec's thinking.

We leave the reflection to the reader.