Child is set on fire and dies in ritual to evoke evil spirits in Minas


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From the newspaper O Tempo:

During the sect, herbs and alcohol were thrown on the child's body. Afterwards, the spiritual leader set her body on fire using a candle. The girl had almost 100% of the body burned. The child's grandparents, an aunt and her mother were at the ritual when the crime took place. The family members were left with burns for trying to put out the fire from Maria Fernanda's body. 

Unfortunately, this is one of the cases that we believed to have been in the past of human bestiality, but that still reproduce today, and even on Brazilian soil. Far from such an act being linked to Spiritism, it is diametrically opposed to it, because, from the study of the Doctrine, it appears that Spirits do not require any type of ritual, and the approach to the case would be totally different.

On the internet, information circulates that the child was sick and that the false spiritual leader would have promised a cure during the ritual, but this information has not yet been confirmed by the Civil Police.

I understand, therefore, that the case in question was a kind of exorcism, a practice condemned by the Spirits themselves:

477. Do exorcism formulas have any effect on evil spirits?

"No. The latter laugh and become obstinate when they see someone taking it seriously.”

The Book of Spirits

Let us not take long to remember, in conclusion, that superstition and mysticism have a very dark side, which is to instill in man the fear of natural things, inexplicable to him. By the action of these beliefs, cats, owls and other animals are killed, believing in “bad omen” and, unfortunately, even children, in irrational and absurd rituals.

Unfortunately, this is yet another case to tarnish the reputation of spiritualists, but also to motivate them to studying Spiritism in order to conquer, in this science, the important knowledge to move away from this type of scabrous situation.


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