An evangelical studying Spiritism

evangelical studying Spiritism

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I am increasingly happy to see that the amount of interest in Spiritism is growing among religions, and even among evangelical Protestantism. Today, I come to tell you about an evangelical studying Spiritism.

The friend, P…, with whom I had the grateful contact, says that he was born in the Protestant milieu and grew up in it. However, he says that his father, since his childhood, taught him not to blindly believe what the pastors said, recommending that, If in doubt, look for what was written in the Bible.. This is the principle of Spiritism, taught by an evangelical: the search for reason, blindly believing in nothing. It is always sad to note that, today, this principle is not found even in the spiritist movement itself.

See, friends, how much it is essential transmit the best values to children. I also give my example, because my father also taught me the same, reflecting Kardec's teachings, which are purely scientific. Even though I went through a period of disbelief, because what I once knew I was not established on this science that is Spiritism, I managed to find my way again, and today I study the Spiritist Doctrine where it resides in all its reliability: in the works of Allan Kardec.

Religious people studied Spiritism in the past

I want to highlight that Kardec, in the Revista Espírita of January 1869, gives the following statistics about spiritist followers:

Regarding religious ideas:

  • Roman Catholics, freethinkers, not bound by dogma, 50%;
  • Greek Catholics, 15%;
  • Jews, 10%;
  • liberal Protestants, 10%;
  • Catholics linked to dogmas, 10%;
  • orthodox Protestants, 3%;
  • Muslims, 2%.

These are very interesting numbers, especially when compared to the current era, in which Spiritism, seen as a religion (a false idea) finds resistance and difficulty in proliferating. Protestant, at that time, is today's evangelical.

It is not too much to remember that Spiritism is the science of Creation itself, existing among all and taunting, with its phenomena, even those who deny it. Being, above all, a science, it can be studied by everyone, with great benefit, and it was only through adulterations that it stopped being so.

Read too: No more feuds, no more fighting: the time has come to collaborate!

The importance of questioning

But it is also a fact that many who come to Spiritism enter through the door of the false ideas that reign in the modern spiritist movement, which is very reluctant to take up Kardec, first of all. Here, I must once again recognize the willpower of P…, born in an evangelical milieu, but who never put reasoning aside and, having found material that demonstrates the spiritist science, he promptly found something in it that met his rational inquiries.

That's why I always highlight the importance of everyone doing their part, in the best way they can. But, to do so, solidifying knowledge in science is essential. Less mistakes are made by acting this way.

Safe harbor

The safe haven of Spiritism is in Kardec's works, not because he gave the last word, but because the words he gave were born from the scientific method. Today, having abandoned the method, there is an infinite number of false ideas, often contrary to doctrinal principles, born from the methodological study of thousands of Spirits, evoked or freely communicated, everywhere.

It is necessary to study and, from this solidified study, it is necessary to produce. Let us do our part, as there are many others like P…, – Protestants, Catholics, Umbanda, etc. – around the world, who just lack contact with true ideas.


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