Alzheimer's and Spiritism: atonement for debts from past lives?


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Some time ago, a medium very well known said, in public, speaking about Alzheimer's and Spiritism, that degenerative diseases are atonement for mistakes from past lives...

Friends, be careful with generalizations. Unfortunately, most active Spiritists, and speaking in the name of the Doctrine, do not know Spiritism in its reality.

We forget that attitudes of this life, conscious or not, has consequences in this life? Have we forgotten that prolonged consumption of certain substances, including those sold in pharmacies, cause damage to our bodies?

It was because of these ideas that, when my grandmother died of cancer, I rebelled against God, because I was wondering how a person as good as her could have to “pay” for something so bad. The regrettable effect of these absurd opinions, finally overcome by the study of Spiritism in its reality.

Where did we get these ideas that we suffer from in this life to pay off debts, if not from the absence of a deep study of spiritist science?

See: proof is all what we face in life and what allows us to learn. Already the atonement it is the conscious choice of the Spirit that aims to try to detach itself from an imperfection acquired by its own will.

“8o) The duration of the punishment is subject to the perfection of the guilty spirit. No sentence for a fixed time is pronounced against him. What God requires to put an end to suffering is repentance, atonement and reparation – in short: a serious, effective improvement, as well as a sincere return to goodness.” – KARDEC, Allan. Heaven and Hell, Chapter VIII – Future penalties according to Spiritism. FEAL Publisher

“To repair” is to repair this deviation, for those who take it. Not everyone takes these detours, but we will continue to incarnate on the planets related to our spiritual evolution, where we will suffer the vicissitudes of matter, increasingly smaller, as we rise through learning. collaborative.

There is no karma in Spiritism.


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