Spiritist Scale: what Spirit am I?


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Kardec built and presented, in the Spiritist Magazine of 1858 and in the Spirits' book, the Spiritist Scale (click here for 1858 Spiritist Scale ). He elaborated it for us to better identify the Spirits who communicated through mediums, thus facilitating the understanding and content of the communications.

However, when faced with item 100 of the Spirits' Book with the Spiritist Scale, everyone is looking for their flaws and qualities in it... And they ask themselves: What class am I? Will I be a Spirit that has a lot to evolve or will I be a Spirit already able to teach and risk new horizons?

Pixabay Jerzy Gorecki

Some important points may be clarified for us to better understand which stage we are in. Let's go to them...

God is the creator of all things.

According to the communications of the Spirits, there are 3 general elements in the Universe: God, matter and Spirits.

God, matter and Spirits. These three things are the beginning of all that exists, the universal trinity.

Kardec, The Spirits' Book, issue 27

The Spirits also taught us, from the various communications, the understanding of the continuous creation of matter and Spirits by God:

This is how universal creation is made. It is therefore correct to say that the operations of nature, being the expression of the divine will, God has always created, creates incessantly, and will never cease to create.

Allan Kardec. GENESIS – Miracles and Predictions According to Spiritism, chapter 2 – God – item 18

We can deduce, then, that in Antiquity, at the time of Christ, in the Middle Ages, Renaissance, in short, EVER souls of all classes existed among us: from the simplest ignorant to the most advanced, superior spirits. This means that we will always have in our socializing incarnate souls who teach us to be better spirits, as well as others inferior to us that we can help for their progress. Souls who are of the same degree of advancement accompany us in our learning, always in cooperation.

Saint Vincent de Paul says exactly that in his communication published in the RE of 1859:

Never forget that the Spirit, whatever its degree of advancement and its situation, as reincarnated or in erraticity, is always placed between a superior, who guides and perfects it, and an inferior, before whom it has the same duties to fulfil.

Kardec, Allan. Spiritist Magazine 1859 (pp. 476)

And he even adds:

Be charitable, therefore, not only with that charity that leads you to take out of your pocket the offering that you give coldly to anyone who dares to ask, but go out to meet hidden miseries. Be indulgent towards the faults of your fellow men. Instead of despising ignorance and vice, educate and moralize them. Be meek and benevolent towards everything that is inferior to you. Do it even before the smallest beings of Creation, and you will have obeyed the Law of God.

Kardec, Allan. Spiritist Magazine 1859 (p. 477)

We understand, based on the teachings of Saint Vincent de Paul, that we should not worry about where on the Spiritist Scale our Spirit is. But how can we contribute to accelerating our progress and the progress of everyone on our journey!


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