And after death?


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The ever-frequent question is: What will happen in the future of our Spirit? What happens to us after death? Will we go to the Illuminated Sky? Or is Hell our destiny? Who decides where we go? Can we find the beings that are dear to us?

Human beings have always pursued the idea of what will happen in the future of their Spirit. And it is perhaps the most frequent question in the spiritist environment.

In-depth study of the book Heaven and Hell, or Divine Justice According to Spiritism, makes us understand more and more the Spiritist Doctrine. At first part, your chapter VIII under the title Future Penalties According to Espiritismo practically we find the compilation of the entire Doctrine making it as if it were its heart, that is, the main part. There is a series of 25 items where each one was developed throughout the entire work, except, of course, A Genese, which was published later. The 25 items elucidate what happens to our Spirit after disincarnation. The explanations came through countless disembodied spirits in thousands of communications, from various parts of the world, by many different mediums. Kardec, through the Spiritist Magazine, showed a considerable amount of communications.

The particularity of this book is precisely to bring, before all this material, the conclusions of all the communications studied. Furthermore, in the second part of the book, many of these messages are presented. The content of these, published in the book Heaven and Hell, is a subject for another time.

Let's go back to Chapter VIII of the first part of the book. He begins by making important considerations, which we put here in full:

The lot of souls being in God's hands, no one in this world can, by his own
authority, enact the divine penal code. Any theory is nothing more than a hypothesis that
it only has the value of a personal opinion and, for that very reason, it can be more or less ingenious,
rational, bizarre or ridiculous. Only the sanction of facts can give it authority,
making it pass to the condition of principle.

In the absence of appropriate facts to define their conception of the future life, the
men have given free rein to their imaginations and created that diversity of systems that
shared, and still share, beliefs. If some elite men, in different
epochs, glimpsed one side of the truth, the ignorant mass remained under the dominion of the
prejudices that were usually imposed on him. The doctrine of eternal punishment is in this
number. This doctrine had its time; today it is repelled by reason. What to put in your
place? A system replaced by another system, even if more rational, will always have only
higher probability, but not certainty. That's why man, arrived at this period
intellectual property that allows him to reflect and compare, finding nothing that satisfies
fully his reason and respond to his aspirations, vacillates indecisively. some, terrified
for the responsibility of the future and wanting to enjoy the present without embarrassment, they try to deceive themselves and proclaim the nothingness after death, believing in this way to keep their conscience calm;
others are in the perplexity of doubt; the greatest number believe in something, but don't know
exactly what you believe.
One of the results of the development of ideas and acquired knowledge is the
scientific method96. Man wants to believe, but he wants to know why he believes. He doesn't leave anymore
take by words. Your vigorous reason wants something more substantial than theories. In a
word, he needs the facts.
God, then, judging that humanity has left childhood, and that man is now mature
to understand truths of a higher order, allows the spiritual life to be
revealed by facts that put an end to their uncertainties, causing the scaffolding of the
hypotheses 97. It is reality after illusion.
The Spiritist Doctrine, with regard to future penalties, is no longer founded on a theory
preconceived than its other parts. Everything is based on observations, which is the
that gives you authority. No one then imagined that souls, after death, should
find in this or that situation. It is the very beings who left the Earth who come today
– with God’s permission and because humanity enters a new phase – to initiate us into
mysteries of the future life, to describe its happy or unhappy position, its impressions and its transformation in the death of the body. The spirits come today, in short, to complete the teaching of Christ on this point.
It is not a question here of the relationship of just a spirit that could see things only from its
point of view, under a single aspect, or still being dominated by terrestrial prejudices,
nor of a revelation made to a single individual who could be deceived by the
appearances, nor of an ecstatic vision that lends itself to illusions and is often only the
reflection of an exalted imagination98, but of countless intermediaries disseminated over
all points of the globe, in such a way that the revelation is nobody's privilege, that each
one can at the same time see and observe, and that no one is compelled to believe by the faith of another.
The laws that follow from it are deduced only from the agreement of this immensity of
comments; this is the essential and special character of the Spiritist Doctrine99. never a principle
general is taken from an isolated fact or the affirmation of a single spirit, or from the teaching given to a single individual, or from a personal opinion. What man could he believe?
whether fair enough to measure the righteousness of God?

The numerous examples cited in this work to establish the future fate of the soul could
be multiplied to infinity, but as one can observe other analogues, it would be
enough in a way to give the types of the various situations. From these observations, one can
to deduce the conditions of happiness or unhappiness in the future life; they prove that the
penalty is not lacking in any wrongdoing, and that, while not eternal, the punishment is not
it is less terrible under the circumstances.

Allan Kardec, Heaven and Hell

Note: Allan Kardec defines the presuppositions of spirit science. Every theory, whether proposed by a man or a spirit, is a personal opinion. Chances range from ingenious to ridiculous. Therefore, Spiritism is based on the observation of facts, in thousands of testimonies, to extract from them the general principles, confirming the teaching of good spirits. It is the universality of the teaching of the spirits. (Note 94 of Heaven and hell by the editor Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo)

Notice how this introduction explains scientific thinking based entirely on facts. There is no dogma, no prophets, no fantasy.

After this careful introduction, Allan Kardec continues enumerating the general principles that the many Spirits gave. They appear progressively. They defined them as representing the law of divine justice.

As we have studied, there is no static system, no general pattern where the future is an Illuminated Heaven or the Dark Darkness of Hell. But if you, the reader, do the study, you will be able to reach your own conclusions.

We invite you to read and reflect! Very worth reading.


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