The “alleged” adulterations in Allan Kardec: a call to spiritists


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supposed? No, they are not supposed. They are factual, with numerous evidence and strong evidence presented, including obtained by field research and others based on historical documents by Allan Kardec that, little by little, come to light.

Unfortunately, the FEB, supported by Carlos Seth's arguments, is basing itself on very weak evidence to argue in favor of what it believes - non-adulteration - without presenting, as Kardec would do, the contrary argument, without going deep into them. I talk about it in this article:

worse than that, the defense of non-adulteration, against the existing evidence, hurts Allan Kardec's own image, as if he, who always carried out everything with all the necessary care, under all the requirements of human law, had then decided to submit an amendment illegally, without making the legal deposit, obligatory at that time, making him a self-confessed criminal. I believe that we can and must do more than that, not only in the name of Allan Kardec, but in the name of something much bigger and more serious: Spiritism, a doctrine that finally comes to provoke and help the great changes necessary for humanity.

I feel a great dissatisfaction when verifying not that there are contrary opinions, but, yes, that many spiritists do not even try to follow the example of Kardec, honest and humble, verifying all serious sources, even contrary to his previously developed ideas, going deep into them and analyzing what is true or probable in them and, modifying one's own opinion in the face of scientific evidence and, when not, scrutinizing such ideas in order to show where they fail.

Unfortunately, many have not acted like this, despite countless serious spiritualists, already since the 19th century and, later, passing by Silvino Canuto de Abreu and Herculano Pires himself, having raised serious accusations against the deviations that the Doctrine suffered after Kardec.

In true, I don't want you to agree with me, but that we all act conscientiously, mirrored in the example of Professor Rivail. Several works, since a few years, have presented evidence that is too serious and too well-founded to the point of being put aside and discarded. If we are going to discuss tampering, let us discuss it in the light of reason, in the face of logical reasoning and evidence and evidence, as Kardec would do.

As we call ourselves Spiritists, which is a science born from the observation of facts and evidence, I ask once again: let us not leave these works aside, because what they bring, even if it were false, is too important and serious to ignore. them, as the Brazilian spiritist movement has done.

They are, but not only:

  • The Legacy of Allan Kardec, by Simoni Privato
  • Neither Heaven nor Hell: The Laws of the Soul according to Spiritism, by Lucas Sampaio and Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo
  • Much Light (BEAUCOUP DE LUMIÈRE), by Berthe Fropo
  • Autonomy: the untold story of Spiritism, by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo

Brothers, read, study, inform yourself and spread this motivation everywhere. It is high time to restore the original understanding of Spiritism!


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