The adulterations in A Genesis after Kardec's death: fact or point of view?


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By Paulo Degering Rosa Junior

"Text interpretation is dependent on the reading key used by the reader“, a correspondent involved in studies, even today, told us about evidence that would suggest or prove that the 5th edition of The Genesis was not a tampering.

Certainly – I reply – the interpretation depends on the reader's knowledge. It is even possible not to understand autonomy – foundation of spiritist morality – and, on the contrary, to infer false concepts, such as those linked to karma. What I do not see as a matter of interpretation, however, is the REMOVAL of such essential and important passages of the work, such as the one in item 24 of cap. XVIII (“Saying that humanity is ripe for regeneration does not mean that all individuals are on the same level…”) or the one that ends, in the 4th edition, item 19 of cap. III, about instincts – “All men go through passions […]”. In addition, we have the illogical removal of the end of item 22 of cap. II, which explains the concept of spiritual interaction through the perispiritual fluid, in line with Mesmer's thesis. Not to mention the handwritten letter where it appears that, in consultation with the Spirits, it was recommended to Kardec that ANYTHING be deleted in the new edition.

It is also interesting to note that it focuses so much on the issues of A Genesis, making a huge silence about Heaven and Hell, which was absurdly torn apart, even becoming contradictory, in the 4th edition.

I really don't understand how, even today, so much time is spent on this discussion that in anything adds to Spiritism and humanity. We already know that the Spiritist Movement has been completely misrepresented by people like Leymarie, who also condemned the future of the once recognized Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies; we already know the pernicious influence of Roustaing and his disciples; we already know about the publications of Kardec's loyal disciples, who signaled, in written screams, the facts that were happening then (according to Beacoup de Lumiere, by Berthe Fropo, close friend of the couple); we also know that it reached the point of burning Kardec's precious manuscripts, also by Leymarie's hands; we know the facts widely presented by Simoni Privato, in The Legacy of Allan Kardec. Despite so many facts and evidence, for some groups it is inconceivable that the works cited have not been tampered with, and they spend precious time and resources on research that only point to evidence that Kardec was planning new editions – which is more than rational.

Meanwhile, the understanding of Rational Spiritualism, Magnetism, Education and Spiritism - all very intrinsically linked - is forgotten in the third plane, while the Spiritist Movement remains trapped in false, materialist ideas, coming from Aristotle to the days of today – the same ideas that destroyed the unassailable philosophy presented by the Spiritist Doctrine. I respect each one's time and will, after all, we talk about autonomy and, I hope, today we understand it. But I can't see, in all this, but one more way to delay the step of the doctrine, while, still living in heteronomy, thousands of people "wait" for an official position from bodies like the FEB, regarding not only the adulteration of the works, but from the recognition of the distance they took from the philosophical, scientific and moral essence of Spiritism.

That's it.

Today, August 25, 2022, is the first anniversary of the Study Group O Legado de Allan Kardec. In this last year, with the indispensable cooperation of valuable comrades, the Group congratulates itself on having learned so much, developed so much and on becoming more and more useful every day for understanding the true essence – moral, scientific and philosophical – of the Spiritualism.

The Group was born right after reading O Legado de Allan Kardec, by Simoni Privato, which alerted us to the facts that we regularly saw highlighting and commenting on and we hope that, from now on, we will have the strength and possibilities to help more and more in the dissemination of the true character of the Spiritist Doctrine, away from false, materialistic and dogmatic ideas.

Spiritism has no “law of return”, “law of action and reaction”, “karma”, “debt settlement” or any idea linked to the dogma of falling into sin; Spiritism demonstrates that the Spirit is the author, The determining factor of the will, not being subjected – although influenced – by matter. It demonstrates, above all, the principle of autonomy and free will, away from the false concepts of a punishing God or an inquisitive devil.

Let's study!


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