The Renaissance of Spiritualism


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We live in the great darkness, again. After Spiritism dawned on the face of the Earth as a great light that could launch us into the most accelerated process of human spiritual and moral renewal, spreading with the speed of lightning, it suffered a huge setback and, then, slowly began to be forgotten in its proposals. and true face originals. Then came the wars, the great industrial development, the enormous material facilities, the enormous profits and, behind the big false smiles, the beautiful social masks, happy and fun, the enormous pain and anguish multiplied that, not infrequently, find a way out in giving up on life and in direct or indirect suicide.

Humanity cries out. There is weeping and gnashing of teeth. So, then, the unimaginable happens and a disease that is easily transmitted, although with relatively low mortality rates, spreads across the entire surface of the planet, taking loved ones, neighbors and acquaintances, poor and rich, in a matter of a few weeks – almost always, in less than 20 days. Humanity is once again wounded and vulnerable. The Spirit was forgotten. Morality was put aside as an article of politicking. God has become an article of blind faith, often misunderstood and, although present in many languages, empty in the heart.

The departures of close people shake families and individuals. A great movement accelerates: the search for rapprochement with the spiritual, the search for consolation, the search for answers. And behold, precisely at that same time, great studies and precious works began to increase in our eyes, by the dedicated hands of brothers dedicated to the work of Truth, bringing to us the true face of Spiritism and its history, and great and precious part, hitherto misunderstood or otherwise unknown.

Today, we are experiencing a process very similar to that experienced in the mid-19th century, bringing us an opportunity that is once again extremely grandiose. I see and believe that, as before, we are experiencing a great call back to spirituality. Mediumship phenomena are multiplying everywhere, including physical ones, with a view to attracting our attention. As before, humanity passed through a very serious materialist phase, giving rise to the great wounds of selfishness and pride, in addition to space for the proliferation of all vices and imperfections, physical and moral.

It was made known to us that Spiritism suffered from various manipulations and deviations, sometimes criminal, if not in the eyes of human justice, but at least in the eyes of Divine justice. Lyrics and Movement have been tampered with. Spiritism, after Kardec's death, lost the gigantic force that it had been developing and, with the wars, found shelter in Brazil, to remain in a semi-gestational stage, in the religious environment, for more than a century...

Brothers, as I said, we are living a very important and unique moment. Spiritism was born at a favorable and necessary moment, when humanity was looking for philosophical answers to face materialist denialism, which, in turn, was born to face the fierce dogmatism of the old religions. Today, Spiritism is reborn, in its real exuberance, at the right time, to respond to the cries of those who seek answers to the same strong and fervent materialism that cooled souls during the last century and put man on the path of gain and profit, of ephemeral passions and the cult of the body.

The huge difference is that, today, we find the work already started. We don't need to develop reasoning from scratch, analyzing physical phenomena, talking to Spirits through blows. It is enough for us to study in depth, with great wisdom and dedication, Spiritism and the complementary works that help us to better understand it, placing it in a contextualized way in the historical moment in which it was born, in order to bring it to our days. the exact understanding, which until today we have not had, for the most part, about what really It's Spiritism!

But this will not be possible until we act according to the example of the one whom God has given us as an example in this regard. I'm not talking about our ultimate example, Jesus, but about our great and humble master, affable and charitable, a researcher dedicated to humanity, Allan Kardec. No, until we follow their example, I repeat, the recovery of Spiritism will not be possible. Kardec was not perfect, as none of us are, but he exemplified one very important thing: the total absence of personalism, vanity and pride, as well as the quest to analyze facts, evidence and opinions, from all sides and from all sources. , without, before, form an idea previously conceived. As long as our personalism, our vanity, our pride, our prejudices, in short, speak louder, we will not leave the same place. Unfortunately, this is not what has been done by people who, taking fragile arguments in favor of their personal ideas, continue to deny historical facts and who, therefore, distance themselves from the unfolding of a clear and deep understanding of Spiritism, as already I treated in this article.

Spiritualists, look around: work calls us, hard! The world of regeneration will not come alone! Regeneration needs to come from us, but it won't happen as long as we keep still, sitting, waiting for life and what we think are punishments, to pass. We need to understand that the difficulties of life, which we consider insurmountable punishments, are actually valuable opportunities for learning and correcting our imperfections that lead us to make mistakes. We need to understand that, just as God does not impose punishments on us, but rather difficult opportunities - but totally bearable, as long as we ourselves do not increase their difficulties - for learning and elevation, we also need, with the help of the Spiritist Doctrine, to learn to putting into practice in our lives and, above all, with our children, the same moral: we are imperfect and punishing the error born of imperfection only causes retraction and, often, an increase in imperfection and error. That's what Spiritism comes to show us: no one becomes an angel at the snap of a finger and, also, no one loses what they've already conquered. There are no fallen angels, just as there are no chosen ones by God. We will all reach perfection, no exceptions, but the speed with which we will get there depends, solely and exclusively, of us.

Thus, brothers, more than ever, that very important exhortation is valid: “spiritualistsloveyou, this is the first teaching; instructyou, this is the second”. We need to put aside divisions. We need to put aside prejudices. We need, like Kardec, to listen to all opinions, from all sources, but only like Kardec, understanding his work, his example and his method very well, can we unite, love and educate each other. And above all, we need to produce, in our good and in favor of the next, because time is pressing and, after a year and a half of closed spiritist centers, many without none production, even among its closest members, we need to recover Spiritism that is not lived in closed temples, but in our family intimacy and, from there, to the outside world!

Once again, here is the exhortation, the request, so that you, brothers, also read the works so important and necessary for our understanding:

  • Allan Kardec's Legacy, by Simoni Privato
  • Neither heaven nor hell, by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo and Lucas Sampaio
  • Autonomy: the untold story of Spiritism, by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo
  • A lot of light, by Berthe Fropo

Reading Recommendations (Books)

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