Knowing True Spiritism


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I am always emphatic in demonstrating that the Spiritist Movement is considerably far from true Spiritism. We almost always find the Spiritist Movement, represented by the Spiritist Centers, the FEB, the USE and the speakers and representatives of these institutions, surrounded by atavisms, trapped in systems of ideas built on distortions and spiritist romances, attached to their own opinions gradually formed over decades. of a teaching distanced from Kardec and full of Roustaing, or supported on the false ideas born by adulteration of Heaven and Hell. As a result, the Spiritist Movement distanced itself from the logical and clear face of spiritual science and became a new religious variant, something that Spiritism has never been (nor will it ever be).

In the last almost four years (I write in February 2024), what I thought I knew about Spiritism has suffered a huge shock. It started with reading Allan Kardec's Legacy, followed by the reading of “Nem Heaven, Nor Hell: the laws of the soul according to Spiritism” and then went deeper with the inauguration of our Study Group, where we began to study the Spiritist Magazine and also with the reading of the works of Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo, dealing both with Rational Spiritualism, a scientific-philosophical movement of the 19th century that gave basis to the emergence of Spiritism, and with the true face of Spiritism.

I am, therefore, interested in summarizing, in this article, some recommendations for the Spiritist student, wishing to free themselves from the webs of the stagnant and dogmatic Spiritist Movement, to get to know and experience true Spiritism in their lives. Let's go in order:

  1. Study the work Neither Heaven nor Hell: the laws of the soul according to Spiritism, where it will be possible to understand the importance of the adulteration of the work Heaven and Hell.
  2. Study the work Autonomy — The Untold History of Spiritism:
  3. Study the work “Final Point: the reunion of Spiritism with Allan Kardec“, where it will be possible to understand what actually happened to Spiritism on Brazilian soil.
  4. Create a study group on the Revista Espírita (1858–1869). It is there that you can learn about the formation of the Spiritist Doctrine, with a great gain in understanding through the study of the previous work — “Autonomy”.

Concomitantly with these previous steps, here are some suggestions for content that can be studied with great benefit:

I hope this can be very useful to you. If you have any doubts, contact.


Reading Recommendations (Books)

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