Challenges of Kardec's methodology nowadays


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At the time of Kardec, it was easy to obtain contents with a great guarantee that they had not been “contaminated” by other mediums or groups, that is, when the same teaching came from different parts of the globe, or even from Europe, at the same time, it was possible to have great confidence that the medium from Provence, for example, had no contact with the medium from Tuscany, obtaining from the latter and not from spirituality the content transmitted, even if inadvertently.

How to adopt a necessary methodology, in times when communication can be in the same second on the other side of the globe? In times of global Internet and telephony, this becomes a great challenge, but we believe we can lessen this possibility of bias through the following methodological precepts, in a way already prescribed by Allan Kardec:

  1. The groups constituted need keep in touch with each other, giving news of their existence. 
  2. Through this, they can form other groups, which we will call Confederative Groups, because we lack a better term, made up of members of each of the Study Groups, and that, necessarily, don't be the psychics who participate as mediators of the contents transmitted by spirituality, in Study Groups.
  3. The members of the Study Groups will be able to share with the mediums of their groups only the knowledge that has already passed through the sieve of agreement and reason, through verification by the Confederative Groups.
  4. The contents obtained through the mediums of each study group you can not be shared with other study groups, nor with other people outside that group, but with those belonging to the Confederative Groups.

In this way, great reliability is guaranteed that the teachings coming from different study groups, through their participating mediums, are not biased by content from other groups and mediums. The work of the Confederative Group, then, would be to coordinate these contents, seeking to analyze them in the Kardec fashion, accepting those that appear to be in agreement and that meet the sieve of reason and logic, as well as the teachings previously affirmed by the same method. There is also the problem that has always existed that a given content is biased by other previously known, but not necessarily correct, content, as is the case with the theory of the seven astral bodies. However, groups endowed with good faith and humility will be able to easily verify what are the contents that (1) go against what was already affirmed by the Kardequian codification itself and that (2) can be easily denied by the study itself.

We remind you that our condition will not be that of researchers who put themselves to ask the most varied questions, hoping that they will be answered according to our will, but that of people who, starting from the precept of humility and availability to learn, will be attentive to the teachings received. , seeking to understand them in their entirety, within the limits that superior spirituality sets for us, as was done at the time of Allan Kardec. So, like Kardec, we will need to organize questions in a constructive way, moving forward or changing directions as the answers are given.


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