Allan Kardec and the moral revolution of humanity

Allan Kardec and the moral revolution of humanity

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The following article contains the contents kindly provided by the Spirit Center Nosso Lar - Casas André Luiz, and correspond to the event recently held by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo on the topic highlighted. The presentation can be easily downloaded through this link and can also be heard in Podcast, the audio of which we provide below. The...

The presentation can be easily downloaded through from this link and can also be heard on Podcast, the audio of which we provide below.

Amaciante estraga a roupa

A palestra de Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo explica exatamente o que essa afirmação tem a ver com a mudança de mentalidade. Clique abaixo para ouví-la:

The following are the topics of the lecture, which can be checked in the presentation provided and in the audio exposed above.

MEETING WITH THE SPIRITIST CULTURE - Allan Kardec and the moral revolution of humanity

Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo - 28 and 29 Oct 2023


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