The Truth that Sets You Free


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Continuation of the article The Dominion by Lies and Violence

Jesus came to bring us the truth that sets us free! He mentioned the devil in the Bible, but did he believe in the literal existence of the devil? The word “Devil” is written in the Bible, but its meaning goes beyond the literal.

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It really all comes down to interpretation. God and Devil are representations of Good and Evil, respectively. However, viewing the Devil as purely malevolent is a misconception. The Devil is not an entity; it resides in those who embrace this false idea. Mal has no form, is not a real entity. No one is inherently evil. Is there anyone truly evil in this world? No, because evil is a false conception that supports a habit. When someone changes their mindset, they stop acting in evil ways, but overcoming the habit is a long process. However, you never overcome if your mentality doesn't change.

What will really transform the world is genuine education – not that which merely perpetuates false ideas, that decorates teachings, but rather that which is understood, which liberates. The weapons of good are understanding and explanation. How can I make you understand that the future of the world lies in cooperation? Simply explaining and cooperating endlessly, without worrying about the results.

We are introducing a new habit into the world. By overcoming the false idea of evil, we will see global renewal, offering new opportunities for everyone. There is no Spirit that will not, sooner or later, choose the path of good. However, the good is not imposed; everyone must achieve it with their own effort.

True understanding will free us from this false dichotomy between good and evil, leading us to a life of cooperation and harmony. The following passage from Jesus is revealing:

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your father, you would love me. I came from God and I go [to God]. For I did not come on my own, but He sent me. “

Bible – Volume I: New Testament – The four gospels – Gospel of John (pp. 470-471). Company of Letters. Kindle Edition. Trans. Frederico Lourenço

Jesus said he was sent by God and not by his own means. He came to teach the Law of God.

43 Why do you not understand my speech? Why you can't hear my word.


Science advances mainly through a paradigm shift, that is, a change in ideas.1 . We have to understand what the new idea looks like. So, after it makes sense, we test it and when we verify its coherence, we adopt it. The key is to share the new idea.
But that doesn't mean everyone will become superior, that's not the world's idea. Children do not need to study at school just to get the best grades, generating competition between them. Each person must seek to learn more than they knew before, as we are all spirits at different stages of evolution. There are very intelligent spirits in our world because they have spent more time experiencing the world. However, the intelligent are not superior to the simple, because in other existences they were simple like them. They came to our world because they felt more prepared there. Intelligent spirits are not malevolent or demonic; however, they must cultivate simplicity to serve and contribute, not to be served. This is the great motto of the world.

To move toward happiness in this world, we need to help remove the blinders from the eyes of those who are blinded by false ideas. However, they will not easily accept acting for everyone. Thus, some leave for another world, where they can progress, help many others to progress technologically more quickly and have a new opportunity to rethink their choices. It is not a punishment or punishment to be sent to another world; it is simply a consequence of a choice that did not allow them to evolve. If they reconsider their attitudes in the other world, renewed, they can return here.

This has occurred in our world; the simple ones were on Earth when the exiles arrived. They were given a second chance by coming here, but now they must contribute in useful ways to the advancement of this world. Unfortunately, many have fallen into the false idea that they must be served, thus creating all the mistaken ideas that permeate the world. But whenever we try to explain the truth, because it is a false idea, they resist.

This is the last opportunity both to change your mindset and to fully participate in this world. Those who refuse to cooperate will not understand the truth through force, memorizing orders, or blind obedience. Only through personal effort can someone understand.

44 You are [children] of your father the devil; and you want to put your father's wishes into practice. He is homicidal from the beginning and was not and is not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he utters the lie, he utters it from his own; for he is a liar and is the father [of lies]. 45 Me because I tell the truth you don't believe me. 46 Who among you condemns me regarding error? If I speak the truth, why don't you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God listens to the words of God. This is why you do not listen to me: because you are not from God.”


This part of John's Gospel is pointing out that the “devil” is in the false idea of superiority and purity. When we consider ourselves pure and superior, we tend to judge and condemn others who we consider simple and inferior. However, the act of judging is, in itself, a false idea: when we point out the error in another person, we are actually making a mistake, as we are judging the person instead of their specific behavior. This is equivalent to considering the person as “evil” and condemning them unjustly. Nobody has the right to act like that. Not even benevolent spirits condemn others in this way.

Evil reveals itself in the distortion of divine law, when we seek to satisfy our personal interests at the expense of the submission of the simplest, sacrificing their tranquility and happiness. However, we must reject the notion of superiority due to our knowledge.

In this context, our responsibility becomes even more crucial! Those who possess knowledge have a duty not only to help those less knowledgeable, but also to serve.

We must dedicate our efforts to disseminating knowledge and ensuring that many understand it. The future of the world lies in cooperation, not competition. Any new value must be shared globally so that everyone can benefit.

48 The Jews answered and said to him: “Do we not say well that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?”. 49 Jesus answered them: “I do not have a demon, but I honor my Father and you dishonor me. 50 I I do not seek my glory. There is one who seek and judge. 51 Amen, amen, I say to you: if anyone observes my word, he will not see death until eternity.”


In this part, it is expressed: “You are contaminated by evil! And there’s a devil!” If someone already thinks the other is a devil, there seems to be no solution. Those who are selfish and arrogant label others as inferior, always seeing the evil in others. Religious fanatics see those who are different as inferior. Materialists judge those who think differently as inferior. The crux of the problem is when an individual believes they are superior and is stubborn about not changing their mind, even when faced with the truth. The truth confronts you, questioning your lofty self-image.

Now, if someone considers themselves superior, they will only recognize their error when they reach that conclusion on their own. Often, this person, deep down, does not really believe in their superiority, which is why they feel the need to affirm it so vehemently.

The only factor that makes us equal is our individuality. We are unique Spirits, each with different experiences to develop and understand. However, having more knowledge does not make us superior to others. What truly defines the evolution of a Spirit is not its intelligence or experience, but its ability to understand the law of God. The goal of the Spirit is to give the best of itself.

This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here to meet her.

Continue on The Double Concept of Good and Evil


Reading Recommendations (Books)

  1. Paradigm comes from the Greek “paradigm”, which means “example” or “model”. Initially, it was applied in grammar (to define its use in a given context) and rhetoric (to refer to a parable or to a fable). From the 1960s onwards, it began to be used to define a model or a standard in any discipline scientific or epistemological context. source: Click here []

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