Passive Obedience and Blind Faith—The Two Principles of the False Idea

Street signs pointing to Obey and Disobey

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Continuation of the article The True Mindset and the False Idea.

Several times in his works, Kardec mentions Passive obedience and blind faith. Now let us reflect on why they are the principles of False Idea.

The false prophets, in order to conquer through passive obedience, needed to prevent the masses from learning through their own efforts without the experience of trial and error to learn. They, the false prophets, condemned error, as if error were the cause of evil in the world.

However, we all know that You can only learn when you try. From trying, errors and successes are produced. From there, we evaluate and understand the best way to act. And God does not condemn error, because error is part of learning. Think about it: it's very different to make mistakes unconsciously than to persist in making mistakes consciously.

“To rise, man must be tested. Preventing their action and putting an obstacle to their free will would be going against God and in this case the tests would become useless, because the Spirits would not commit faults.. The Spirit was created simple and ignorant. To reach happy spheres, it is necessary for him to progress and rise in knowledge and wisdom, and it is only in adversity that he acquires an elevated heart and better understands the greatness of God.”

Allan Kardec. Spiritist Magazine — Journal of Psychological Studies — 1858 – November

At the same time, when someone does something, whether at work or in everyday life, they have to know what they are doing and what the results of what they are doing are. So, this someone may be doing evil without knowing it or even participating in evil without being aware of the evil. Therefore, the ideal would be to never carry out an activity without understanding it.

The false idea, through the two principles of passive obedience and blind faith, leads us to believe that the error is evil. Consequently, error generates fear. Is it better to obey without understanding and have faith?

Since ancient times, priests have determined people's behavior, as they themselves claim that God chose them to determine His Law. Priests created the false teaching that the right thing is to obey God to receive divine rewards and be saved. They also propagate that error represents action inspired by the devil, who attacks man to take possession of him. Kardec shows this understanding in A Genesis:

Religion was, at that time, a powerful brake on governing. The people voluntarily bowed before the invisible powers, in the name of which they were subjugated and whose rulers claimed to possess their dominion, when they did not pretend to be equivalent to these powers. To give more strength to religion, it was necessary to present it as absolute, infallible and immutable, without which it would have lost its ascendancy over these almost primitive beings, just initiated towards rationality. It could not be discussed, just like the orders of a sovereign. This resulted in the principle of blind faith and passive obedience, which had, in origin, its reason for being and its usefulness. The veneration of sacred books, almost always considered to have come down from heaven, or inspired by divinity, prohibited any examination65.

Allan Kardec. GENESIS – Miracles and Predictions According to Spiritism (Portuguese Edition) . chapter IV, item 2. Kindle edition. ((Genesis – Miracles and Predictions According to Spiritism: ))

Whoever disobeys or does not repent will be handed over to the devil, suffering punishment, vicissitudes and pain. Through this false idea, the priests conditioned the masses to believe without reasoning — Blind Faith — claiming that reason does not understand the divine will. Obeying without understanding — Passive Obedience.

Blind faith and passive obedience occur in any area of activity: science, philosophy, religion, at work, at home, in relationships. In the Middle Ages, the religious dogma to guide actions. Today we use the materialistic dogma. In this way, it's like the middle ages of science!

If a person believes that their work is not and cannot be spiritualized, they are excluded from the environment. Exclusion is the same instrument that the church used, with condemnation, excommunication, persecution, etc. It is true that the church's condemnation led to death, but today exclusion by society is practically dying, becoming marginalized. There are graduates of higher education (or even technical education) who tend to believe in materialism; the others are the excluded. And the fight of the superior versus inferior. Spiritualism is the devil of science! And Materialism is the god of science!

Finally, currently, due to the false idea, those who think differently, whether from other countries or other religions, are enemies, they are controlled by the Devil, and must be fought and destroyed. Those who obey are protected by Good God. Thus, they create exclusivism and war. It is a MATERIALIST exclusivism!

This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here to meet her.

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