The Dominion by Lies and Violence


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Those who make mistakes consciously use violence and lies to dominate and act for their own benefit.

Continuation of the article The Truth about Evil and Punishment.

To achieve dominance over others, the strategy is often used to make them believe that the error or failure lies in not obeying, therefore deserving punishment. At the same time, the illusion is propagated that obeying will bring rewards. This is the trap of evil, known as heteronomy. Those who submit are then controlled through conditioning, and this is where the true violence of evil lies.

Evil acts through violence and lies. She proclaims: “You must obey! If you don’t obey, you will receive punishment!” Then she states: “This is the only way to deal with those who refuse to obey.” This is an inversion of values.

Evil manifests itself in the false idea that distorts divine law, seeking the satisfaction of interests and personal joy at the expense of the submission of the simplest, sacrificing their tranquility and happiness. However, we must not be fooled into thinking that we are superior because we have knowledge. And do you know the error of the one who knows? Indifference! Having values and not using values for good.

In this sense, our duty, which you already know, intensifies! The responsibility of those who have knowledge goes beyond simply helping those who are less educated; they must also serve. Reflect: The duty of those who know is to serve the simplest!

We should not think about taking advantage of our knowledge, but rather about cooperating. We must use our efforts to disseminate this knowledge and make many people understand it. The future of the world lies in cooperation, not competition.

This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here to meet her.

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