The Thoughts of the Founder of Spiritism, Allan Kardec, today

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Allan Kardec still has a very important role in Spiritism. Let's see:

“It requires our reflection so that we can increasingly understand more and better the role that Spiritist Philosophy plays in our days and how we will interpret its postulates and proposals in light of the reality presented to us by the times in which we live, accompanied by technological progress and advancement. intellectual and moral that characterize this century.

Since the founding of Spiritism, with the publication of “The Book of Spirits” on April 18, 1857, and as a clear expression of the logical and rational thought of its systematizer, it has been recorded that: “Spiritism is, at the same time, a science of observation and a philosophical doctrine. As a practical science, it consists of the relationships that can be established with the Spirits; as a philosophical doctrine, it encompasses all the moral consequences that arise from such relationships.”

In this way, supported by the experience developed by Allan Kardec in the classification, evaluation and characterization of the mediumistic phenomenon as the main axis and effective means to develop and specify the spiritualist principles and theoretical bases, the Spiritist Philosophy is established as a Doctrine of scientific, philosophical and moral character.

The systematic and continuous publication of his basic and complementary works allowed the dissemination of spiritist teaching to increase; in them we read: “The strength of Spiritism resides in its philosophy, in the appeal it makes to reason and common sense”; “Spiritism, under penalty of suicide, cannot close the doors to any progress”; “Spiritism, advancing with progress, will never be surpassed, because if new discoveries demonstrate that it is wrong at some point, it will change at that point and if a new truth reveals itself, it will accept it.”

The clear expression of Kardecist thought in these lines presents us with an Evolutionary Doctrine, placing us before an open, dynamic, rational, coherent and, above all, practical Philosophy. It encourages us, as followers, to embrace a proposal of free thought and humanism, in which, through continuous study and deep understanding, the result of long reflections and conscious and serious experiments, we are led to the clear and logical identification of our be like immortal Spirits. We are linked to the reincarnation present in this world as a result of countless evolutionary journeys that we have already experienced and that constitute our current situation. We are Spirits who are conscious and responsible for this entire spiritual collection of successes and mistakes, achievements and failures that we have experienced and which are essential for our evolution, progress and deeper understanding of our true spiritual situation.

Thus, we find in the Kardecist exhortations, which form the basis and starting point of Spiritist Philosophy, an excellent guide, an experimental and rational plan that can greatly facilitate our vision and conscious understanding of the great Universal Truths.

However, to preserve and update the understanding of the “Kardecian Legacy”, it is necessary to contextualize each of its concepts, points of view and fundamental ideas. These principles derive from the scientific, philosophical and ethical foundations that characterized the second half of the 19th century in France.

The set of spiritist teachings, as well as the precise exposition of their principles and foundations, maintains their indisputable relevance in the face of technological advances, scientific discoveries and proposals for humanist and solidary integration of philosophies and religions. However, some thoughts, procedures and conceptions found in spiritist works also reflect the personal vision and points of view expressed by its founder and by the disembodied Spirits who advised him in his work. These aspects need to be valued, analyzed, compared and contextualized, following the exhortation of Spiritism itself, for the benefit of the Spiritist Doctrine itself. This ensures that it continues to be the clear, logical and rational expression of the principles and postulates that are based on the objective and real manifestation of Natural Laws, which regulate the functioning of the Universe and the stability of our individualities.

It is the duty of every Spiritist scholar, of every adherent committed to the fidelity and preservation of Spiritist Philosophy, to adopt an open, dialectical stance, free from dogmas and prejudices, away from sectarian positions and parallel radical movements in their thoughts and conceptions. This allows the study, promotion and dissemination of spiritist doctrines as they were manifested in their foundational works, but in accordance with the necessary evolution and conceptual updating and in the expressive language of the Doctrine, which current times demand. In this way, the Doctrine is free from ambiguities and harmful interpretations that could affect its adequate interpretation and its indispensable dissemination.

The thought of the founder of Spiritism must be exposed exactly as it was expressed, reflected, studied, analyzed, valued and adapted to current times, as, given the undeniable relevance of this thought, it requires a more in-depth study and assimilation on the part of Spiritist followers. It should be considered as a guide for the introduction to the knowledge of Spiritist Science, seeking deeper insights, but never as the expression of definitive truths or unquestionable revelations.

The guarantee for the preservation of Spiritist Thought for new generations is in our hands and largely depends on the attitude that each one of us takes towards it, with individual responsibility.

Walter Pérez

The text above was submitted by Walter Pérez, from the group CEEAK — Centro de Estudios Espiritas Allan Kardec — from Cuba. We can add nothing to it. It contains the clarity transmitted by Kardec's rational and scientific thinking and attitude, responsible for the birth of the Spiritist Doctrine and necessary for its development. We could just highlight that the title of “founder” of Spiritism belongs to the part of the Spiritist science developed “on this side”, but it would not fit to Spiritism as a science of Nature, which exists from eternity and encompasses everything we can understand.


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