The Double Concept of Good and Evil

This article The Double Concept of Good and Evil is a continuation of the article The Truth that Sets You Free

Pixabay GoldenVionist

The double concept of good and evil is a false idea: doing what is right is considered acting in good, while making mistakes is seen as acting in evil. Consequently, each failure committed by the person accompanies self-condemnation, as if committing an evil act. In reality, it is natural to make mistakes when carrying out any activity that we have not yet mastered in our lives; This is not evil, but simply a mistake.

Thus, through this false mentality, the person believes that it is better to avoid mistakes. But how can you avoid mistakes? “Do as I say” is what religious leaders and academics alike say, demanding blind obedience. In the gym, you often hear, “Do as I say.” “You are incapable, I know what is best!” “Learn from me and repeat my words!” (HETERONOMY). However, memorizing and imposing does not lead to learning, as each individual has their own way of learning and understanding; some faster, others less; skills differ from individual to individual; Who said there was only one right way?

True progress lies in everyone understanding the reasons why things don't work. It is impossible to achieve something without trying. Unfortunately, we condition ourselves to fear error as a sin, which paralyzes people, preventing them from trying and, consequently, from evolving. This notion is absurd; It's a false idea!

Allan Kardec established that Spiritism is a Philosophical Science, a classification from the 19th century. At that time, science was divided between Natural Sciences and Philosophical Sciences, the latter included the spiritualists. At that time, all these philosophical ideas were being discussed. Surprisingly, when revisiting the academic texts of that century, we discovered scientific spiritualism, which, together with Spiritism, has the potential to build a new world.

At the book “Heaven and Hell”, Spiritism explains that the double concept of good and evil are not personified in God and the Devil, nor are they limited to the exclusive division between the saved and the damned. This false dichotomy diverts humanity from the correct path.

There is no battle between good and evil; any statement to the contrary is misleading, as Evil is an illusion that dissipates when understood (AUTONOMY). Understanding is the tool of Good.

All creation exists in function of divine law, God's ministers organize the worlds, life and humanities according to the path of good. But the human spirit needs act in good by understanding the truth, in a free and disinterested way, that is, You need to overcome the false idea through your effort, conquering faith supported by reason: rational faith!

Pixabay by Congerdesign – O Bem

This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here to meet her.

The Truth that Sets You Free

Continuation of the article The Dominion by Lies and Violence

Jesus came to bring us the truth that sets us free! He mentioned the devil in the Bible, but did he believe in the literal existence of the devil? The word “Devil” is written in the Bible, but its meaning goes beyond the literal.

Pixabay – Golden Violinist – birds

It really all comes down to interpretation. God and Devil are representations of Good and Evil, respectively. However, viewing the Devil as purely malevolent is a misconception. The Devil is not an entity; it resides in those who embrace this false idea. Mal has no form, is not a real entity. No one is inherently evil. Is there anyone truly evil in this world? No, because evil is a false conception that supports a habit. When someone changes their mindset, they stop acting in evil ways, but overcoming the habit is a long process. However, you never overcome if your mentality doesn't change.

What will really transform the world is genuine education – not that which merely perpetuates false ideas, that decorates teachings, but rather that which is understood, which liberates. The weapons of good are understanding and explanation. How can I make you understand that the future of the world lies in cooperation? Simply explaining and cooperating endlessly, without worrying about the results.

We are introducing a new habit into the world. By overcoming the false idea of evil, we will see global renewal, offering new opportunities for everyone. There is no Spirit that will not, sooner or later, choose the path of good. However, the good is not imposed; everyone must achieve it with their own effort.

True understanding will free us from this false dichotomy between good and evil, leading us to a life of cooperation and harmony. The following passage from Jesus is revealing:

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your father, you would love me. I came from God and I go [to God]. For I did not come on my own, but He sent me. “

Bible – Volume I: New Testament – The four gospels – Gospel of John (pp. 470-471). Company of Letters. Kindle Edition. Trans. Frederico Lourenço

Jesus said he was sent by God and not by his own means. He came to teach the Law of God.

43 Why do you not understand my speech? Why you can't hear my word.


Science advances mainly through a paradigm shift, that is, a change in ideas.Paradigm comes from the Greek “paradigm”, which means “example” or “model”. Initially, it was applied in grammar (to define its use in a given context) and rhetoric (to refer to a parable or to a fable). From the 1960s onwards, it began to be used to define a model or a standard in any discipline scientific or epistemological context. source: Click here. We have to understand what the new idea looks like. So, after it makes sense, we test it and when we verify its coherence, we adopt it. The key is to share the new idea.
But that doesn't mean everyone will become superior, that's not the world's idea. Children do not need to study at school just to get the best grades, generating competition between them. Each person must seek to learn more than they knew before, as we are all spirits at different stages of evolution. There are very intelligent spirits in our world because they have spent more time experiencing the world. However, the intelligent are not superior to the simple, because in other existences they were simple like them. They came to our world because they felt more prepared there. Intelligent spirits are not malevolent or demonic; however, they must cultivate simplicity to serve and contribute, not to be served. This is the great motto of the world.

To move toward happiness in this world, we need to help remove the blinders from the eyes of those who are blinded by false ideas. However, they will not easily accept acting for everyone. Thus, some leave for another world, where they can progress, help many others to progress technologically more quickly and have a new opportunity to rethink their choices. It is not a punishment or punishment to be sent to another world; it is simply a consequence of a choice that did not allow them to evolve. If they reconsider their attitudes in the other world, renewed, they can return here.

This has occurred in our world; the simple ones were on Earth when the exiles arrived. They were given a second chance by coming here, but now they must contribute in useful ways to the advancement of this world. Unfortunately, many have fallen into the false idea that they must be served, thus creating all the mistaken ideas that permeate the world. But whenever we try to explain the truth, because it is a false idea, they resist.

This is the last opportunity both to change your mindset and to fully participate in this world. Those who refuse to cooperate will not understand the truth through force, memorizing orders, or blind obedience. Only through personal effort can someone understand.

44 You are [children] of your father the devil; and you want to put your father's wishes into practice. He is homicidal from the beginning and was not and is not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he utters the lie, he utters it from his own; for he is a liar and is the father [of lies]. 45 Me because I tell the truth you don't believe me. 46 Who among you condemns me regarding error? If I speak the truth, why don't you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God listens to the words of God. This is why you do not listen to me: because you are not from God.”


This part of John's Gospel is pointing out that the “devil” is in the false idea of superiority and purity. When we consider ourselves pure and superior, we tend to judge and condemn others who we consider simple and inferior. However, the act of judging is, in itself, a false idea: when we point out the error in another person, we are actually making a mistake, as we are judging the person instead of their specific behavior. This is equivalent to considering the person as “evil” and condemning them unjustly. Nobody has the right to act like that. Not even benevolent spirits condemn others in this way.

Evil reveals itself in the distortion of divine law, when we seek to satisfy our personal interests at the expense of the submission of the simplest, sacrificing their tranquility and happiness. However, we must reject the notion of superiority due to our knowledge.

In this context, our responsibility becomes even more crucial! Those who possess knowledge have a duty not only to help those less knowledgeable, but also to serve.

We must dedicate our efforts to disseminating knowledge and ensuring that many understand it. The future of the world lies in cooperation, not competition. Any new value must be shared globally so that everyone can benefit.

48 The Jews answered and said to him: “Do we not say well that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?”. 49 Jesus answered them: “I do not have a demon, but I honor my Father and you dishonor me. 50 I I do not seek my glory. There is one who seek and judge. 51 Amen, amen, I say to you: if anyone observes my word, he will not see death until eternity.”


In this part, it is expressed: “You are contaminated by evil! And there’s a devil!” If someone already thinks the other is a devil, there seems to be no solution. Those who are selfish and arrogant label others as inferior, always seeing the evil in others. Religious fanatics see those who are different as inferior. Materialists judge those who think differently as inferior. The crux of the problem is when an individual believes they are superior and is stubborn about not changing their mind, even when faced with the truth. The truth confronts you, questioning your lofty self-image.

Now, if someone considers themselves superior, they will only recognize their error when they reach that conclusion on their own. Often, this person, deep down, does not really believe in their superiority, which is why they feel the need to affirm it so vehemently.

The only factor that makes us equal is our individuality. We are unique Spirits, each with different experiences to develop and understand. However, having more knowledge does not make us superior to others. What truly defines the evolution of a Spirit is not its intelligence or experience, but its ability to understand the law of God. The goal of the Spirit is to give the best of itself.

This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here to meet her.

Continue on The Double Concept of Good and Evil

Spiritism: The Idea of Jesus

Continuation of the article Prophecy of the Spirit of Truth. Spiritism develops the Idea of Jesus.

Spiritism developed the teaching of Jesus
Ego Sum Via Veritas et Vita (I am the Way, the Truth and the Life) pixabay – didgeman

For a time, they despised Kardec's message, bringing false ideas into their doctrine. His concluding works had their best adulterated ideas. A persistent disclosure of false principles by refractors (( “22. Alongside the materialists strictly speaking, there is a third class of unbelievers who, although spiritualists, at least in name, are no less refractory to Spiritism: they are the unwilling unbelievers. These do not want to believe, because it gives them it would disturb the enjoyment of pleasures. They fear finding condemnation of their ambition, their selfishness and the human vanities in which they delight. They close their eyes so as not to see and cover their ears so as not to hear them. .” A. Kardec, The Books of Mediums, Preliminary Notions, chapter III Method)), implanted the lie among many spiritists, causing division.

However, in an increasing sequence, Allan Kardec's original documents, facts and ideas returned to light. His works were recovered, like the works Heaven and hell from 1865 and The Genesis of 1868 in their translations of their original versions. The contents presented are extremely important, as they are ideas that are much more in-depth by Kardec.

New times are already upon us, reforming ideas are spreading around the world. It is interesting to note how through study enlightened by sincere and disinterested dedication, the spiritist message, which is that of Jesus, will reach everyone. And the
Spiritism will be the lever of the moral revolution, which will regenerate humanity, paving the way for a happy world.

Evil in the world represents the false mentality, which divides the world in order to justify the pride and selfishness of those who consider themselves superior and privileged. In this way, they manage to dominate and, even worse, abuse the masses. They consider her inferior and impure.
The good, the good news or true mentality aims to awaken duty through reason and freedom, choosing solidarity through cooperation and mutual support, aiming for the happiness of all humanity, at all levels. By the guidance and direction of the good spirits, who are ministers of God. Everyone follows the path of good that leads to God.
Spiritism, finally, explains and develops the idea of Jesus, a true mentality or good news. Like all revelations, it faces opposition from the proud and selfish who defend the false mentality.

What is the idea of false mindset? Falsely spreading that we have 2 Gods in the world, God and the Devil; spread the idea that the spiritual world is divided into 2 parts, heaven and hell; that people are divided into pure and impure, superior and inferior, etc. This is the FALSE IDEA.

In order for us to overcome the false idea, we cannot use the “same weapons” as the false idea. It uses imposition, violence, division, lies, the chosen who understand the teachings as non-existent intellectual superiority: it says that if you don't understand you are inferior, only superiors understand

THE TRUE IDEA It depends on everyone's effort! Each of us needs to understand the true idea!!

You just have to be indifferent and you help maintain the False Idea!

There is a very interesting article from 1859 that we will highlight some points regarding this idea of Jesus also described by Spiritism:

“Thus, Spiritism is based on general principles independent of any dogmatic issue. It is true that it has moral consequences, like all philosophical sciences. These consequences are compatible with Christianity, because Christianity is, of all doctrines, the most enlightened, the purest, which is why, of all the religious sects in the world, the Christian ones are the most capable of understanding Spiritism in its true essence.

A. Kardec, Revista Espirita, 1859 – Refutation of an article by “L 'Univers” (( /4547/may/refutation-of-an-article-from-l-univers ))

Spiritism is not, therefore, a religion. (…) Spiritism is concerned with observing facts and not the particularities of this or that belief; researching the causes; of the explanation that facts can give of known phenomena, both in the moral and physical order, and does not impose any cult on its supporters, in the same way that Astronomy does not impose the cult of the stars, nor Pyrotechnics the cult of fire. (…)

Today, thanks to the lights of Christianity, we can judge it with more certainty. He puts us on our guard against wrong systems, the fruits of ignorance. And religion itself can draw from it tangible proof of many truths contested by certain opinions. This is why, contrary to most philosophical sciences, one of its effects is to return to religious ideas those who have strayed into exaggerated skepticism.


This article was prepared based on a lecture given by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. Click here for more details Continue on The True Mindset and the False Idea

Was Jesus ever as imperfect as we are?

Why, of course! Jesus was neither a demagogue nor a hypocrite when he called us “brothers”. He demonstrated that he was like us, an evolving Spirit.

This is a fundamental postulate of the science of Spirits: all of us, without exception, were created simple and ignorant and, from there, we followed the path of evolution. When and where, only God knows. Since God is the sovereign justice and Love in essence, he could not create privileged, full and evolved creatures, while creating others to suffer. This is a very ancient dogma taught mainly by the Roman Church, which we will not go into, given the extent of its discussion.

Everything that is exposed here is abundantly postulated in Kardec's works, with great clarity and rationality, and it is possible to find the necessary bases already in The Spirits' Book.

The fact that we highlight here is that nobody evolves in a straight line towards God. This is a false concept. The evolution of any Spirit goes through the same steps, passing through all kingdoms, including that of the animal, and then, upon entering the realm of consciousness, acquiring free will, that is, the ability to choose.

However, how can the Spirit choose in the face of a situation it has never faced before? It's impossible. He acts, obtaining a result that can be a mistake or a success. So, the next time you face the same situation, having already some knowledge of the result according to your way of acting, you can choose to act the same way again, or you can try to act in another way, which can make you right or wrong again.

While the Spirit is trying, it's making progress. The error that is born of the attempt is not a sin, but only an error. He is not committing evil, but good, for he had no basis for his own judgment on how to act. It's how much he spends choose act wrong, for whatever reasons, that the mistake becomes a habit and then becomes an imperfection.

Kardec, in A Genesis (chapter III), concludes:

“He who does not control his passions can be very intelligent, but at the same time, very bad. Instinct annihilates itself; passions can only be tamed by the effort of the will.”

However, that chapter ends here, in the 5th edition of this work, which, today we know, has strong indications of having been tampered with. Taking the 4th edition, we have the following closing, VERY IMPORTANT:

All men go through passions. Those who have overcome them, and are not, by nature, proud, ambitious, selfish, spiteful, vindictive, cruel, wrathful, sensual, and do good without effort, without premeditation and, so to speak, involuntarily, it is because they have progressed in the sequence. of their previous existences, having rid themselves of this uncomfortable weight. It is unfair to say that they have less merit when they do good, compared to those who fight against their tendencies. It turns out that they have already achieved victory, while the others have not yet. But when they do, they will be like the others. They will do good without thinking about it, like children who read fluently without having to spell. It is as if they were two sick people: one cured and full of strength while the other is still recovering and hesitates to walk; or as two runners, one of which is closer to the finish than the other.

Therefore, Jesus also went through the same path, including wrong and right. He is just a Spirit that has already run the entire scale, while we are still at the beginning of it, making efforts to get out of the third order of the classification of the Spirit Scale. Today, if a Spirit at the beginning of its life could evaluate us, we would think that we are demigods and would judge how wonderful the few deeds we can perform.

Far from this thought lowering Jesus, it elevates him and, at the same time, gives us hope, as it demonstrates that a Spirit who has already walked this entire path of evolution, through a free gesture of kindness and charity, has returned to teach us. One day we will be working with him, but let's not forget that, from now on, we can also make a difference in people's lives, without expecting anything in return.