The question of choices

Life is all about choices. Sometimes, they are lucid choices, that is, we know well that something is correct or not; other times, they are “ignorant” choices, that is, we don’t know enough to assume the results. From these, we can collect errors or successes and, in the case of error, there is no “sin”, as error is part of evolution. As long as you don’t get attached to it, “everything is fine”. Just move on and don't repeat the mistake. There is no condemnation, nor was there any intention of evil.

The big question is when the choice for what is wrong happens more consciously — and here I do not consider full conscience, because, if it existed, the bad choice would not be made. The individual, endowed with conscience and intelligence, acts in favor of attachment to what is wrong or that brings bad results. Yes, he acts enveloped in a confusion of ideas, which were born in the first place from his urge to satisfy himself in some respect — hence the assertiveness in saying that selfishness and pride are the mothers of all other imperfections — and, often, not even thinks of doing evil, but of satisfying his own desires or [false] needs. This is the problematic point of bad choices, where the individual condemns himself to a whirlwind of bad effects in which the cause is himself and no one else, and where he distances himself from the Good, which is the path, to take a detour that lasts forever. feathers will cost you to resume, as it requires the exercise of detachment.

That said, many will wonder: in both cases, but especially in the second, so how to make less mistakes? How can we better judge our own actions? How to avoid occasional mistakes and how to exercise detachment before a certain habit becomes a terrible imperfection?

Briefly, the answer is a rhetorical question: why do you think that the spirits of previously incarnated individuals — wise spirits and ignorant spirits; Kind spirits and evil spirits; Happy spirits and suffering spirits — did they take the time to tell us about their own adventures? Why do you think that an individual of sciences, dedicated philosopher of education and connoisseur of so many other sciences, having glimpsed something in these communications, dedicated, to exhaustion, about 14 years of his life, his finances, his joys, and your health in studying and disseminating this knowledge, which formed what we know as Spiritism or Spiritist Doctrine? WHY?

When the child sees his brother suffer a burn by putting his hand on hot coals, he will most likely think twice before doing the same. Imagine what an adult, full of his brain capabilities, can do with this knowledge?! And yet, how many people, going through years and years of foolishly cultivated suffering, CHOOSE to keep these works closed on the shelves, forgotten in their virtual places?

The passage of Zacchaeus, who, seeing Jesus pass by his door, climbed a tree to try to see him, without letting himself be seen interested by the citizens of the city, can be our same: just be interested. The difference is that we don't have to hide from anyone to read a book, except when WE CHOOSE our hiding from OURSELVES, out of a foolish fear of, seeing ourselves discovered by ourselves, having to carry out the correction movement. Well, at this point, if you act like that, I can already ask you: why do you like unhappiness so much?

Salvation is knowledge. Healing is done by yourself. And it's all as close as you want PLEASE. That's the message: to make better choices, you need to TO UNDERSTAND how the law works.

Happy new days to you.

Our final position on adulterations in Kardec's works

We are just here to record our final position on the subject of adulterations in Kardec's works, which is no longer discussed, except in the face of unquestionable evidence or irrefutable proof, something that neither the “CSI of Spiritism” produziu. Apresentamos, sucintamente, os seguintes pontos:

  1. The legal question: The Legal Deposit of A Gênesis was only made in 1872, about three years after Kardec's death; the DL of Heaven and Hell was made about three months after his death. This is already a sufficient legal fact to constitute a crime for the distribution of altered works, published after the fateful event, and there is no discussion about this, nor, to this day, any proof that Kardec has carried out the legal process necessary for this.

    This point is important, because, even though everything published there is actually by Kardec's hand - which would imply that he went back on his words, removed principles and formed works that were disconnected in themselves and among themselves - even though everything that is there is in Kardec's hands, yet we cannot even be sure that he would want all that to be published, due to the mere possible doubt that those editions might not be finished. This is what guarantees copyright.

    More than that: legally, it doesn't matter if letters were found (a letter) in which Kardec mentioned the production of these new editions. If there was no Legal Deposit of the work, by the hands of Allan Kardec, a crime against the law in force at the time was created and, given the fact that the DL was after his time, a crime against copyright was created.

  2. Even though evidence indicates that Kardec was finalizing or even that he would have finalized these editions, nothing proves that the printed editions have not been tampered with. Doubt remains, in addition to the indisputable legal fact.
  3. In addition, there remain the facts ascertained by reason, already discussed on here, on here, on here, on here, on here and on here.

Therefore, always repeating our desire to remain guarded against error, we prefer to follow Erastus' advice, dispensing with ten truths so as not to be left with just one lie, one mistake. There is doubt and, if there is doubt, reason tells us to stick with the original works, republished by Editora FEAL, where not only are we sure that all the commas come from Kardec's hands, but also where, through study, we realize that the connections intrinsic aspects of the works themselves and each other are intact and serve reason.

Thus, we declare the matter closed, making this decision part of our principles, not making it the stage of empty discussions, until irrefutable evidence is presented. Until then, we stick with what our reason tells us, of our own free will, respecting anyone who, for their reason, reaches another conclusion, however strange it may seem to us.

The group.

Our Final Position on Spirit Colonies and the Threshold

This article is very succinct and only serves to highlight our final position, as a group, on the issue of spiritual colonies, which many insist on dedicating precious time to endless debates. To be succinct, we will not dedicate time to long explanations or quotes from Kardec, since what we talk about here is based on Spiritism, from a scientific point of view — which almost completely ended with Kardec's death. So, let each person make, or not, the decision to study and reason.

I would like to say that this article is not for those who believe they already know everything and who prefer to follow what others say, but rather for those who seek to reason for themselves, based on scientifically produced knowledge.

Allan Kardec's studies

In the works of the dedicated scientist, obtained from the communications of the Spirits, passed through the method of double control — the generality of teachings, subjected to the sieve of reason — there are abundant assertions about the materiality of the spiritual world. It is not too much to assert that these were not ideas that came from his head., but quite the opposite: they were born from the observation of the Spirits themselves, thousands of them, by thousands of mediums, spread across the world. Many times, the Spirits themselves demonstrated the error of the hypotheses that Kardec considered.

The Spirits' Book gives the general principle, which is confirmed in the Spiritist Magazine and which is concluded in A Gênesis, after more than a decade of studies. We summarize:

  1. A less evolved Spirit does not easily detach itself from the ideas of matter. Often, you don't even realize that the body has died. As, through thought, he is able to manipulate fluidic matter, he condenses, without even noticing it, his own creations, which, however, are ephemeral, that is, transient, and which last only as long as his thought is on them.
  2. Together, kindred spirits create true scenarios, sometimes happier, sometimes truly infernal.
  3. The scenarios, individual or collective, reflect the beliefs and atavisms of these Spirits, attached to material ideas. It is precisely for this reason, which is easy to see, that unhappy spirits, through time, transmitted ideas that reflected these ideas: hell, purgatory, nothingness, the deep valleys, the dark cave, etc. On the other hand, it is very easy to see that the happiest spirits convey ideas in a figurative sense, referring to the seventh heaven, the city of flowers, the spiritual feast, etc.
  4. Unhappy Spirits externalize their moral pains and vices, but it is precisely because they are unable to attend to the latter that they suffer, as a “punishment”.

As far as the Doctrine has developed as a science, this is well established. After her, ideas of absolute materialism were born and strengthened in the world of Spirits, where even bathrooms can be used and soup can be eaten. A fantastic world was formed by spiritists and adepts who, little accustomed to study, allowed themselves to be dominated by fantastic ideas, narrated in mediumistic novels, the fault of which is neither the medium nor the Spirit, but rather those who did not judge such communications, did not question , as it should be – after all, we don’t go around taking anyone’s word for it, do we?

Ideas born from opinions

Today, this folklore is so established that many even ask themselves “where are the 58 spiritual colonies in Brazil”. There is already an established quantity. “Which spiritual colony do I go to?” is another frequently asked question…

We ask: why didn't the superior Spirits bring this truth to Kardec, who could very well explore it scientifically? The argument that “understanding at the time would not be possible” is completely false and cannot be sustained, because, in Kardec's time, cities, scientific and industrial development, intelligence, in short, all human scientific development were in its highest light. Why not then? If Kardec addressed all types of issues concerning the spiritual world, I repeat: why not? If this is such an important truth, since it would be directly linked to our near future, after death, why didn't the superior Spirits lead Spirits in the most diverse conditions to deal with this subject, through scientific exploration, as they did with all other subjects? ? Why did they lead those they did, in fact, to the opposite understanding, which leads to detachment from this materiality? Why?

Have the passionate supporters of the systems born of these novels never asked themselves these questions? Could it be that the absence of these ideas about spiritual colonies and others, in Kardec's scientific study, is precisely due to the fact that they do not reflect spiritual truth and are only transmitted by poorly developed Spirits or even by mystifying Spirits, who would be readily seen in error? , as happens in the Spiritist Magazine of July 1858 — The False Father Ambrósio?

16. ─ Why don't you support the imposture in our presence?

─ Because my language is a touchstone, with which you cannot be deceived.

Genesis, final work, bringing together more than 10 years of studies

In order not to leave out some of Kardec's very important conclusions, we will quote Genesis, in chap. XIV — The Fluids:

Spirits act on spiritual fluids, not manipulating them as men manipulate gases, but with the help of thought and will, which are for the Spirit what the hand is for man. By thought they impress this or that direction on the fluid; they agglomerate, combine or disperse them and form sets with a certain appearance, shape, color; they change their properties, as a chemist changes those of a gas or other bodies, by combining them according to certain laws. It is the great workshop or laboratory of the spiritual life.

Sometimes these transformations are the result of an intention, but often they are the product of an unconscious thought, because the Spirit just thinks about something for it to be done.

This is how, for example, a spirit appears to an incarnate spirit, endowed with spiritual vision, under the appearance he had when he was alive, at the time he met him, although he has already had several other incarnations. He presents himself with clothes, external signs, diseases, scars, amputated limbs, etc. who had; a beheaded one will present himself without his head. I do not say that they preserved such appearances; no, certainly, because, as a Spirit, he is neither lame nor one-armed, nor one-eyed nor decapitated. But his thought, referring to the time when it was like that, his perispirit instantly takes on this appearance, which also changes instantly. If he had been once black and once white, he will present himself as either black or white, according to which of the two incarnations he is evoked and where his thoughts go.

By an analogous effect, the thought of the Spirit fluidly creates the objects it was used to using. A miser will handle gold; a soldier will have his weapons and his uniform; a smoker, his pipe; a workman, his plow and his oxen; an old woman, her distaff.

These fluidic objects are as real for the Spirit as they would be in the material state for the incarnated man. But, because they are created by thought, their existence is as ephemeral as it is ((See about fluidic objects in the Spiritist Magazine, July 1859, page 184. Book of Mediums, 2nd part, chapter VIII. (Note by Allan Kardec .))).

It is also worth reading the article from the Spiritist Magazine, quoted by Kardec in the footnote. Read with attention. Question #22 and its answer sums it up:

22. ─ We understand that in the two cases mentioned by Mrs. R.., one of the spirits wanted to have a pipe and the other a tobacco box to impress the vision of a living person. I ask, however, if it had not managed to make her see, could the Spirit think that he had these objects, creating an illusion for himself?

No, if he has a certain superiority, because he will be perfectly aware of his condition. The same is not true of inferior spirits..

NOTE: This was, for example, the case of the queen of Oude, whose evocation appears in our issue of March 1858, who still thought she was covered in diamonds.


Far be it from us to deify Allan Kardec's personality, as if he were not subject to error. We just ask ourselves, once again: how is it that, in more than a decade of studies, where Kardec penetrated so many truths about the world of Spirits, he did not arrive at this truth, passionately defended by certain people? As, on the contrary, he was led, by the superior Spirits, to the understanding that the materiality of the spiritual world is linked to the ignorance of the Spirit and that, therefore, it is ephemeral, not being possible to consider, in this way, spiritual cities, erected and commanded by high spirits, made to to sustain materialistic ideas and delay your detachment, the cultivating, on the contrary? These are questions that cannot be answered by systems, but which are very clearly and peacefully answered by Spiritist science.

we know of all about the world of Spirits? No, far from it. But, from there to systematizing ideas that have not gone through the scientific method, it is a long (and crooked) step. We will not give it, as we prefer to stick with Erastus' advice, asserting that “It is better to reject ten truths than to admit a single lie, a single false theory“.

And with that, we are done with this subject, until it can return to the scientific field, if need be, to be continued.

God does not take revenge

O artigo presente, “Deus não se vinga”, foi extraído textualmente de Revista espírita — Jornal de estudos psicológicos — 1865 > Maio > Dissertações espíritas.

I – Preconceived ideas

We have told you many times to examine the communications that are given to you, subjecting them to the analysis of reason, and not to take without examination the inspirations that come to stir your spirit, under the influence of causes that are sometimes very difficult to verify by the incarnated, subjected to countless distractions.

The pure ideas that, so to speak, float in space (according to the Platonic idea), carried by the Spirits, cannot always lodge alone and isolated in the brain of your mediums. They often find the place occupied by preconceived ideas that flow with the jet of inspiration, which disturb and transform it unconsciously, it is true, but sometimes profoundly enough for the spiritual idea to be thus entirely denatured. .

Inspiration contains two elements: thought and the fluidic heat destined to warm the spirit of the medium, giving him what you call the verve of the composition. If inspiration finds the place occupied by a preconceived idea, from which the medium cannot or does not want to detach himself, our thought is left without an interpreter, and the fluidic heat is wasted in heating a thought that is not ours. How many times, in your selfish and passionate world, have we seen the heat and the idea! You disdain the idea, which your conscience should make you recognize, and you seize the heat for the benefit of your earthly passions, thus at times squandering the good of God for the benefit of evil. Thus, how many accounts will one day have to pay all lawyers in lost causes!

No doubt it would be desirable for good inspirations to always be able to dominate preconceived ideas, but then we would impede the free will of man's will, and the latter would thus escape the responsibility that belongs to him. But if we are only Humanity's auxiliary advisors, how many times do we have to congratulate ourselves when our idea, knocking at the door of a straight conscience, triumphs over the preconceived idea and modifies the conviction of the inspired! However, it should not be believed that our misused help does not betray a little the misuse that can be made of it. Sincere conviction finds accents that, starting from the heart, reach the heart; the simulated conviction may satisfy passionate convictions, vibrating in unison with the first, but it carries a particular chill, which leaves the conscience unsatisfied and denotes a doubtful origin.

Do you want to know where the two elements of mediumistic inspiration come from? The answer is easy: the idea comes from the extraterrestrial world, it is the Spirit's own inspiration. As for the fluidic heat of inspiration, we found it and took it from you; it is the quintessential part of the emanating vital fluid. Sometimes we take it from the inspired person, when he is endowed with a certain fluidic power (or mediumistic, as you say); most of the time we take him in his environment, in the emanation of benevolence with which he is more or less surrounded. This is why it can rightly be said that sympathy makes eloquent.

If you carefully reflect on these causes, you will find the explanation of many facts that at first cause admiration, but of which everyone has a certain intuition. The idea alone would not be enough for man if he were not given the strength to express it. Heat is to the idea what the perispirit is to the Spirit, what your body is to the soul. Without the body, the soul would be powerless to stir up matter; without heat, the idea would be powerless to move hearts.

The conclusion of this communication is that you must never abdicate your reason, in the examination of the inspirations that are submitted to you. The more acquired ideas the medium has, the more he is susceptible to preconceived ideas; he must also make a clean slate of his own thoughts, deposit the influences that agitate him and give his conscience the necessary abnegation for good communication.

II – God does not take revenge

The foregoing is just a preamble intended to serve as an introduction to other ideas. I have spoken of preconceived ideas, but there are others besides those which come from the inclinations of the inspired; there are those that are the result of an erroneous instruction, of an interpretation believed over a more or less long time, which had their raison d'être at a time when human reason was insufficiently developed and which, passed into a chronic state, cannot be modified unless by heroic efforts, especially when they have the authority of religious teaching and reserved books. One such idea is this: God takes revenge. That a man, wounded in his pride, in his person or in his interests, takes revenge, this is conceivable. This revenge, although culpable, is within the limits of human imperfections, but a father who takes revenge on his children raises general indignation, because everyone feels that a father, with the task of forming his children, can redirect them in their mistakes. and correct his defects by all the means at his disposal, but that revenge is forbidden to him, under pain of becoming a stranger to all the rights of fatherhood.

Under the name of public revenge, the Society that is disappearing took revenge on the culprits; the punishment inflicted, often cruel, was the revenge she took on the wicked man. She had not the slightest concern for this man's rehabilitation and left it up to God to punish or forgive him. It was enough for him to strike with terror, which he thought salutary, the future culprits. The Society they came from no longer thinks like that; if she still does not act with a view to amending the culprit, she at least understands what hateful revenge contains in itself; safeguarding the Society against the attacks of a criminal is enough for him, aided by the fear of a miscarriage of justice. Capital punishment will soon disappear from your codes.

If today Society feels too great before a guilty party to let itself go into anger and take revenge on him, how do you want God, sharing your weaknesses, to become irascible and strike out of revenge a sinner called to repentance ? Believing in God's wrath is a pride of Humanity, which imagines having a great weight in the divine scales. If the plant in your garden does badly, if it goes astray, will you get angry and take revenge on it? No; you will straighten it out if you can, you will give it support, you will force its bad tendencies by obstacles, if necessary you will transplant it, but you will not take revenge. So does God.

God take revenge, what a blasphemy! What a diminution of divine greatness! What ignorance of the infinite distance that separates creation from its creature! What forgetfulness of his goodness and justice!

God would come, in an existence in which you have no memory of your past mistakes, to make you pay dearly for the faults you may have committed in an era erased in your being! No no! God doesn't act like that. It checks the impulse of a disastrous passion, it corrects innate pride by a forced humility, it straightens out the selfishness of the past by the urgency of a present need that leads to the desire for the existence of a feeling that man has neither known nor experienced. As a father, he corrects, but also as a father, God does not take revenge.

Beware of these preconceived ideas of heavenly vengeance, scattered remnants of an ancient error. Beware of those fatalistic tendencies, whose door is open to your new doctrines, and which would lead you directly to eastern quietism. Man's share of freedom is no longer large enough to dwarf it further by erroneous beliefs. The more you feel your freedom, the greater your responsibility will undoubtedly be, and the more the efforts of your will will lead you forward, on the path of progress.


The Brazilian Spiritist Movement is collapsing

Look at spiritist centers: they are emptier every day. I myself could cite here, now, at least a dozen spiritist centers that are increasingly empty, struggling to keep their doors open, and you certainly know others like that. Those who are fuller, for the most part, tend to mysticism, which appeals to curiosity.

Every time a mother who lost a child comes in, looking for consolation, and receives a wrong answer, an alleged generic psychographics or even hears the thought that he went through what he went through to be rescuing past debts; every time a person hears that their family conflicts must be endured with resignation, as it is a matter of collective rescue; every time a person hears that if they don't go to the center they won't get better; each time, finally, that the MEB reinforces to the general public the very erroneous idea that the people who died in a disaster were “Nazi soldiers in their previous life, who burned Jews”, the MEB loses, to discredit, people who could be brought back to faith and hope through reason.

Não só: o MEB também perde ao tratar da caridade pelo viés puramente material. Entrega-se uma sacola de mantimentos, muitas vezes sob uma linda faixa onde lê-se “Distribuição dos Pobres”, ou algo assim, e diz-se “adeus, até o próximo mês”. Basta que essa pessoa encontre uma distribuição de alimentos mais próxima ao seu lar, e ela prontamente deixa de “visitar” o centro espírita. O espírita perde valiosas oportunidades de acolher uma pessoa e realmente consolá-la, because you don't know how to do it, because he does not really know Spiritism.

In no way do I accuse anyone of acting in this way on purpose. No. Most of the time, the action is done in the most good will, believing that one is doing good. However, if of our ancestors we could say that the lack of knowledge was due to inability, even, to access knowledge, today we can no longer apologize for this, since all of Kardec's work is about two clicks away from our reach.

Kardec, in the Spiritist Magazine of 1864, expresses himself (emphasis mine):

There is no spiritist center where you have not encountered a more or less large number of these pioneers of the work, these land clearers, these indefatigable fighters who, supported by a sincere and enlightened faith, by the conscience of fulfilling a duty, do not lose heart in the face of any difficulty, considering their devotion as a debt of recognition for the moral benefits they received from Spiritism. Isn't it fair that the names of those, of which the Doctrine is honored, are lost to our descendants and that one day they will be able to inscribe them in the spiritist pantheon?

Unfortunately, at their side, sometimes, are the terrible children of the cause, the impatient ones who, not calculating the importance of their words and their actions, they can compromise it; those who, out of unreflected zeal, untimely and premature ideas, unwittingly furnish our adversaries with weapons. Then come those who, not taking from Spiritism but the surface, without being touched in the heart, give, by your own example, an false opinion of its results and of its moral tendencies.

There is, without contradiction, the biggest stumbling block that the sincere propagators of the Doctrine encounter, because they often see the work they painstakingly outlined undone by those who should support them. It is a verified fact that Spiritism is more hindered by those who misunderstand it than by those who do not understand it at all, and even by its declared enemies.; and it should be noted that those who misunderstand him generally pretend to understand him better than others; It is not rare to see novices claim, after a few months, to be superior to those who have gained for them the experience acquired by serious studies. This pretense, which betrays pride, is itself a proof of ignorance of the true principles of the Doctrine.

KARDEC, Allan. Spiritism is a Positive Science. Spiritist Magazine - Journal of Psychological Studies, Paris, v. 7, no. 11, Nov. 1864. Available at: Accessed on: 28 Apr. 2023.

In the Spiritist Journey of 1862, he expressed the following (emphasis mine):

It is necessary to know that serious Spiritism becomes the patron, with joy and haste, of all work carried out with criteria, whatever the country from which it comes, but that, equally, repudiates all eccentric publications. All spiritists who, from the heart, are vigilant so that the doctrine is not compromised, must, therefore, without hesitation, denounce them, all the more so because, if some of them are products of good faith, others are the work of Spiritism's enemies, who aim to discredit it and be able to motivate accusations against it. This is why, I repeat, it is necessary that we know how to distinguish what is accepted spiritist doctrine from what it repudiates.

KARDEC, Allan. Spiritist Journey in 1862. Translated by Wallace Leal V. Rodrigues. 4. ed. São Paulo: EDICEL, 2010.

Let's be careful, however, not to spend time in unnecessary clashes and to get stuck attacking certain figures, which would be a mistake, as we cannot judge their intentions. We must, rather, act when opportune. Clarify, whenever we can, about a wrong idea; warn of a principle that goes against the doctrine; but, above all, seeking for ourselves the fundamental knowledge, built up over the years, that allows us to do our part, in the most correct and complete way possible, that is, so that, slowly, the error born of opinion and misunderstanding gives way to what the Doctrine provides us. If, in this process, we find individuals or groups that decidedly resist knowledge, let's leave them to their fate, because time, the infallible time, will take care of clarifying them. Wrong ideas isolated and will wither when the majority opinion is supported by facts and knowledge.

“Não deem o que é sagrado aos cães, nem atirem suas pérolas aos porcos; caso contrário, estes as pisarão e, aqueles, voltando-se contra vocês, os despedaçarão”. O espírita active, by not studying, throws pearls before swine.

The crystalline gem, overshadowed by carelessness

To the spiritist beginner, a colleague said:

– Comece pelas obras do Kardec. Depois Chico Xavier com André Luiz! Os livros do Luiz Sérgio também possuem grandes informações do mundo espiritual.

To which I reply:

– If the “start with Kardec” is carried out with a serious study, for years on end, including the Spiritist Magazine, great, because that way the individual will be able to understand and identify the errors brought in isolated communications, to the point of, for example, understand that Vale dos Suicidas, Umbral and Nosso Lar are nothing more than an illusion or a creation of disturbed spirits. You will also be able to verify that, despite many successes, André Luiz's work has errors, and that the book Brasil, Coração do Mundo was dictated by one or more Spirits with the clear intention of causing damage to the Doctrine.

As it is very difficult for the spiritist neophyte to take this path full of studies, I, today, completely abstain from indicating anything outside the “codification”, preferring to recommend that they NOT be read, unless after the mentioned process.

The Doctrine has suffered a lot due to the lack of commitment and care of those who claim to profess it, so that, today, something that used to be a science, easy to be understood by those of good will, has become a jewel covered with innumerable layers of coal and rocks, represented by mysticism and errors of opinion, which need to be removed for a mere acceptance to dedicate oneself to studying it.

Sorry, but that's it. We had a dilapidated piece of jewelry, but due to lack of care and commitment, we chose to cover it up again, to the point where its shine is almost no longer visible.

The dear colleague replies:

– I understand your opinion, but I have studied these works a lot and what I see is that one work proves the veracity of others! But I know that there is a legion of inferior spirits influencing and trying to put an end to religion! When I say Kardec, I mean the Pentateuch!

To which I reply:

– Be careful, because the agreement of the Spirits is not the only factor to build the Doctrine. Many Spirits can start to share the same wrong idea, when they are still in the range of attachment to matter. In addition, we have the problem of ideas gradually fixed in the Spiritist milieu and in mediums, who begin to translate the Spirit's ideas according to their own.

We are not talking about religion either, but about spiritist science. Therefore, the need for care, which is not part of my opinion, but from the facts exhaustively demonstrated by Kardec.

Spiritist Magazine, dear friend: there is an understanding of the formation of the Doctrine, of the steps taken by Kardec, of his observations on the psychology of the Spirits... few dozens or hundreds were usable.

This science is very serious, as it holds the key to the moral advancement of humanity. Currently, this key is quite rusty, due to carelessness.

And I prove this point to you, in Kardec. Tonight we will study Humboldt's evocation of the Spirit, presented in the RE of June 1859. At one point we have the following:

39. ─ Will Geology find one day the material traces of man's existence on Earth before the Adamic period?

─ Geology, no; common sense, yes.

This Spirit, who was an explorer, a scientist, did not yet have information that human fossils dating back millions of years existed. This is because the Spirit does not gain wisdom and knowledge not previously acquired, simply by disincarnating. Thus, if his words were taken as a rule, we would be, today, denying the existence of these fossils.

And that Spirit was quite enlightened, humble and at peace with himself. Imagine if he were in a state of disarray, attached to certain imperfections and atavisms. Imagine the kind of idea and illusion he could say. Imagine, finally, by means of what words he would do it.

Spiritism cannot be built without a rational investigation methodology. This is the problem we have always warned about, remembering what Kardec demonstrated in practice.

Kardec did not imagine, did not assume, did not presuppose, did not seek opinions on how the Spirits acted and the care that would be necessary in communicating with them. No: he learned in practice, and left this learning recorded for all who want to learn, in the Spiritist Magazine, from 1858 to 1869.

Kardec did not even assume the existence of spirits after the death of the body. It was the investigation of the facts, which he was reluctant to undertake, that led him to this conclusion. How, then, to probe something that cannot be seen or heard directly? Through the methodology. It was through careful investigation that Kardec found that reincarnation, the idea of which he was reluctant to accept, was a fundamental principle, and it was through the same investigation that he found that the Spirit that leaves matter does not gain wisdom and knowledge that it did not possess. I repeat: found.

found, in the same way, that spirits can lie, they can talk about what they think they know, without really knowing it, they can talk about their illusions that disturb them, they can talk about what they really know, however limited it may be, and they can talk, when they are really superior, of superior wisdom, which is attested by agreement, logic and reason.

The Spiritist Movement is collapsing and, in this process, causing great obstacles to the propagation of Spiritism, precisely for not observing this more than fundamental point of spiritist psychology! It is an entire building built on pillars supported by clay, which, as it cracks and sinks, compromises the soil below.

Each one has the freedom, guaranteed by God, to believe and conclude according to the reason that suits him, or even according to the attachments he chooses to cultivate. However, by sharing wrong information about something so serious, he becomes responsible for the effect of his actions, especially when not knowing is due to a resistance to studying and finding himself wrong.

It is past time to change this stagnant, petty and selfish mindset. Do we want to do good? So, if we have, within our reach, the opportunity to know, let us know, because, if we can apologize, before our own conscience, for producing evil by impossibility of access to knowledge, we can no longer do the same when that knowledge is constantly presented in our path and, many times out of vanity and pride, we choose not knowing, to continue speaking based on our own opinions.

Monologues and Dialogues

Received psychography:

Help! I need help! Darkness consumes me. I took my own life and now I feel persecuted by those who accuse me of being a sinner. My neck hurts a lot and my mind can't get out of that fateful scene, when I jumped off the stool, in the middle of the garden, with a rope around my neck. I suffer a lot! I feel really short of breath now... I'm at the bottom of the abyss! Will nothing stop this pain? I suffer in hell. Help, help...

Faced with this, the listeners soon associated the Spirit's speech with the idea of the Valley of the Suicides and went out to tell, everywhere, about this terrible communication from a Spirit who came to confirm this sad destiny for those who take their own lives. The leaders of the group put the name of this Spirit in prayers, hoping that they might be able to help him in some way.

The same communication, in another spiritist group, gives rise to the following:

We made the decision to evoke this Spirit, in order to clarify ourselves about his state and, who knows, help him in some understanding. For this, we use Kardec's method, based on the knowledge drawn from the Spiritist Doctrine.


Q. To the guiding Spirit of the group: would it be useful to evoke the Spirit of Dimas, who communicated with us on that day?

A. Yes, he will be able to offer a good learning opportunity, which will also be beneficial for him.

[To the Spirit of Dimas]

Q: We would like to understand your situation a little better, if you can describe it.

A: I suffer, I suffer a lot… Hell is all around me… I lack air…

Q: Could you tell us why you are in this situation?

A: I am punished for the sin of taking my own life.

P: You say you suffer pain, but how can you, if you no longer have the body?

A: I can't say, I just know that I feel the suffering come from the bottom of my soul.

Q: Do you regret what you did?

A: A lot, all the time! It's incessant suffering... My children accuse me and deplore the tragedy I imposed on them.

Q: Could you explain why this tragic ending was imposed?

A: I suffered in life, I suffered for having betrayed my family's trust. Shame overwhelmed my mind and I could no longer live with it.

P: And did you feel any relief after the act?

A: No, everything increased, it increased a lot! The vexatious scenes haunt me, and now this hell that tears me apart without ceasing…

Q: Have you already reflected on the reason for your mistake first, the one that causes you reasons for embarrassment?

A: No… Wait… I was very impulsive. I didn't know how to control my material impulses and I threw myself into the arms of another... I destroyed my home! Oh! I do not want to talk about this anymore.

Q: From your position, can you better assess our intentions?

A: A little. Your Spirit Guide assists me. I perceive that you are not idle curiosity and that you are benevolent.

Q: Maybe you think a little too highly of us. In any case, it is not our intention to judge you, as we have our own mistakes to regret.

A: Yes, I understand that. I feel more comfortable.

Q: We asked about your reflection on the error that haunts you. Forgive us for touching on this point, but did you do it willingly, that is, on purpose?

A: No… Not exactly. I was weak. I didn't reflect and let myself be carried away by the pleasures of the matter. Oh, what a shame!

P: You didn't do it on purpose. If you had more control and more knowledge, do you think you would have withstood that mistake and then the fateful mistake?

A: Most likely, but it's hard to say what I haven't accomplished.

Q: We want to say that, deep down, it seems to us that you made both mistakes for lack of greater knowledge and progress, and not for harm.

A: Yes. My last life was very focused on the material aspect, which was my only concern. I didn't dedicate myself to any spiritual development, nor did I know about this Spiritism they deal with... I didn't mean to do any harm, I was just ignorant.

Q: So you don't think that this suffering is self-created, that you pursue yourself out of remorse.

A: Yes, it is possible…

Q: You said you regret it, didn't you?

A: Yes, I wish I hadn't taken the actions I did, but I lacked the strength...

Q: We are sure that, with the help of the good Spirits, you will be able to find new strength and a new understanding to, in the future, choose a new life, where you will be able to dedicate yourself to working on what led you to the error. God is not vengeful, and punishment is simply a reflection of our own actions.

A: I begin to notice something new. Hope, maybe.

Q: Do you see any changes in your status?

A: It's still too early to say, but I feel something different. With the help of your Spirit Guide, I understand a little better what you told me.

Q: We are very happy to be able to share what comforts us and leads us back to good. Just tell us one more thing: that image described at the beginning, when you said it was at the bottom of the abyss, in hell… Did you mean a real landscape?

A: Not at all. I used figurative language, although the description of hell, for me, was very authentic to what I live. I realize now that it's all an effect of my moral situation.

Q: So it wasn't a material situation.

A: Your Spirit Guide assists me. Not at all, that is, it was not a material situation like the one you imagine, but, given that the Spirit materializes what it thinks, through the Universal Cosmic Fluid, it can shape disturbing realities, as long as it believes in them.

Q: We no longer wish to pester you with our questions.

A: Far from it. They helped me a lot and, who knows, they may have learned a little from my unfortunate story. Pray for me as my correction path has just begun.

Q: You will be in our prayers. Recognize in us sincere friends who are on the same evolutionary path, trying, getting it right and making mistakes. The important thing is to keep going.

Dear reader: the two situations are hypothetical and were only created to demonstrate the ways of acting of each group, the first being a group that is guided by what the Spiritist Movement has said, and the second a group very well penetrated by the study of the Spiritist Doctrine, on the works of Kardec.

Which group did good most deeply? Where was there a real learning situation for both sides? Could it be that the medium who served this communication ended up feeling sick, as they say, or, for serving the good, ended up like all the mediums that Kardec used — only, perhaps, fatigued by physical exercise? Should we take phrases out of context or lacking knowledge as rules? Have you ever seen that Kardec talked to the Spirits as if he were talking to any person, without ceremonies, without rituals, without far-fetched prayers, with words adorned with a love that is not even understood? Why do we treat spirits as if we were mute? Why don't we talk to them? Why, finally, do we not study when we are involved in a science as profound as Spiritism?

To studies. Good awaits!

And this resistance, how is it going?

So, my friend, how is this resistance going? Yes, the same one, from diving on Kardec. We won't lie: it's not easy. But who said learning is easy? It takes time and effort, yes. Oh, lack of time? Is it really missing? And that time you must be spending watching videos on Facebook or Instagram? No, by no means are we saying that relaxing with an “empty” mind is not important, especially after a long day at work… But could it not be possible to fit in a reading before bed? Half an hour, whatever, helps a lot. Oh, you learn better by listening? Solved: Today, apps like Google Books and Amazon Alexa do instant voice reading for you.

Não, de forma alguma nos colocamos na condição do aluno exemplar. Longe disso. Tem gente que está muito mais à frente, muito mais envolvida, muito mais dedicada. Mas cada um faz o que pode. A questão é que o “não posso”, muitas vezes, simplesmente dá lugar à ocupação inútil do tempo… E você já conhece aquele ditado: “mente vazia é oficina do diabo”. Não do diabo, propriamente, mas vai saber o tipo de companhia que nos rodeia quando nossa mente está apenas mergulhada nessa materialidade do dia-a-dia…

Could it be that, deep down, what exists is not a resistance? Analyze yourself—you don't have to tell anyone. Could it be that what exists is not an accommodation, because it is easier to believe in the little that is known — in the lights themselves, Kardec would say — or in what they tell you? Well, here's some bad news: Creation is based on autonomy, and there's only one being in the universal space capable of making you progress — and it's not God: it's yourself. Progress, however, is made of two components: intelligence and morale. For the Spirit to progress in morals, it is necessary to have intelligence — not that intelligence of an Einstein, but the intelligence that reasons, based on knowledge. And behold, the Spiritist Doctrine, formed by the scientific study of Kardec (yes, scientific) brought us an incredibly deep and transformative knowledge.

Yes, I know: reading novels and stories about fantastic places is very enjoyable and activates the imagination. But could it be that the absence of Kardec's studies, preferring novels, is not also due to resistance on his part, linked, who knows, to a little bit of pride in imagining that he holds the truth — especially when this "truth" was studied for decades on end?

Yeah, I know it too: it sucks to be wrong. No one likes to find themselves in error. But hey, that's the way it is: evolution is based on trial and error, or success. “To err is human”. The problem is getting attached to the mistake. And, another bad news: when studying Kardec, yes, we will see that we are, many times, attached to a series of flagrant errors. Yes, it's annoying to see that we spend long decades learning Spiritism the wrong way, but, well, who doesn't? Furthermore, it is very unlikely that we will err by will. Often, the very force of circumstances leads us to this: we grow up in the environment, which also learned the wrong way. What we had within our reach was the product of that culture. Okay, it happens.

No, the purpose of Spiritism is not mediumship, especially that mediumship that only serves as a telephone waiting for a call, nor is it to analyze other people's lives to identify whether someone is going through such difficulty because they have, as many assume, " kicked dog” in past life. No.

So, coming to this point, I again ask: what about this resistance? Why this resistance? The superior spirits themselves — yes, I am also sorry to say this, but we are right there at the end of the line, right on the first step of the conscious evolutionary scale — they themselves dedicate a very great effort, out of disinterested charity, out of moral duty, to help us. to understand. And the codification it's there for that. But—jeez, another bad news! — it is not enough to read The Spirits' Book as a sacred code, or to open The Gospel According to Spiritism at random, following the communications of the Spirits as a plank of salvation, without reasoning. No, I'm sorry to say. Spiritism is science and, as a science, it is progressive.

– Quer dizer que os Espíritos não deram algo pronto para seguirmos?

No, not at all, never. And this is very well demonstrated in that publication that you have certainly heard of, but still resist studying: the Spiritist Magazine. So it is. This monthly publication, from 1858 to 1869, was prepared by Kardec with a very wise purpose: after The Spirits' Book, he needed a way to disseminate knowledge, at the same time that he could establish correspondence with people from all over, receiving Thus, from everywhere, the confirmations or denials of communications given separately by the Spirits. The Spiritist Magazine was Kardec's laboratory, where we can understand very well the formation of the Spiritist Doctrine, culminating, finally, in his two final works — O Céu e o Inferno and A Gênese.

Then again, why the resistance to studying it? Yes, I already said it: I know it's not easy, especially if it's alone, but today we have the facility of instant communication over the Internet. Is it really that impossible to find a little time a week for group study? Reflects. But I'm already advancing: there is no teacher of Spiritism. Everyone is free to draw rational conclusions about what they know, without, however, giving final words about what is not established. This would be nothing more than opinion, and opinion is not science, nor does it build anything other than religious errors, in the sense here addressed.

But is this resistance fear? Afraid of seeing yourself in error? Afraid of realizing you've said the wrong things to other people? Afraid, perhaps, of noticing that he acted wrongly and alienated people from the Doctrine, for expressing wrong things? Perhaps? Well, fear of being caught in error is attachment, and it's a protective cover for something much deeper: pride. We've said it before: everyone makes mistakes. For our part, you have no idea how much we've made mistakes! But, for our part, we can say: how good it is to realize the error in time, recognize it and, who knows, resume contact with these people, saying: “I was wrong, and everything or almost everything I told you about Spiritism was false. See, this is reality.”

On the path of evolution, there will always be time. It will never be late. But attachment makes us live longer away from happiness. Were we taught that we are here to pay debts, as if the incarnation were a punishment? Well, if Spiritism not only says, but demonstrates the opposite, great! We were taught about a fully material life in the spirit world, but does Spiritism prove this to be an illusion of the attached Spirit? Well then, I don't want to develop that attachment! We were taught that we cannot evoke, but only wait for communication from the Spirits, which we take for the truth, but does Spiritism demonstrate that this is not how it works? Good, then let's fix it and get us on track again. We were taught that Spiritism is only practiced at the center, but does Kardec demonstrate a totally opposite reality — safeguarding the need for seriousness, knowledge and purpose for this? Well, let's pursue this reality.

We can say of ourselves: we are not afraid to prove our ignorance. In fact, what has unfolded in front of us about Spiritism, for us, who can hardly call ourselves diligent students, is wonderful, it is exciting, it removes the supernatural, it overthrows mysticism and it shows that Spiritism has a depth never before understood .

Let's study? We are here to help with whatever we can! Want tips? Want to study with us? Do you want to create a channel for questions and debates about what each group studies? Want suggestions on how and where to start? We're here. We are far from having the ideal model that can be applied to any situation, but we have already gone through some learning in these almost two years of studies. Count on us.

The study of the Spiritist Magazine, right in the first year, deconstructs many errors inserted in the Spiritist milieu, the most serious and present of which is the habit of blindly guiding us by the opinions of isolated Spirits, but it also shows us many previously unknown truths, in addition to leave with many doubts about other things, doubts that will only be answered with the continued study of this work. Therefore, the recommendation that nobody put yourself in the position of having the final word, or jumping to conclusions. Conjecturing, based on prior knowledge, is not prohibited. Reaching different conclusions is also not prohibited. What matters is to seek the joint construction of understanding, in cooperation, not in dispute. The important thing is that the only way to get to know Spiritism is this: studying Kardec, preferably in possession of knowledge of the scientific context in which the Spiritist Doctrine was developed (see Recommended Works).

Have you ever stopped to reflect on missed opportunities? In everyday life, we tend to forget that we are not forgotten, and that there is a good Spirit often inspiring us. How many times has he not taken you in contact with important studies, and how many times has he not passed up this opportunity? We say this on our own behalf.

So, enough resistance, enough blaming what is external, and shall we study?

Ps: it doesn't hurt to say that, in the illustration on the cover, the little devil is our own attachment, which leads us to evil, and not just any external figure. In the same way that we choose, by our own will, not to listen to the good advice of the superior Spirits, we choose to listen or not to listen to the bad advice of the imperfect Spirits who love us because of our attachments.

CSI of Spiritism: the official organ of Truth

CSI of Spiritism, by Carlos Seth, became the official body of Truth.

by Paulo Degering R. Junior

Contrary to respecting world law, with regard to the moral right of the author and which peremptorily classifies, from a legal point of view, the fourth edition of Heaven and Hell and the fifth edition of Genesis as factual tampering, indisputable, the group known as CSI of Spiritism, through an argument full of holes and lack of logic, giving final words on the subject and running over The legal system says there were no adulterations.

There, in the CSI of Spiritism, by Carlos Seth, Adair Ribeiro and Luciana Farias, the subject is no longer discussed. Although the legal record of the publication of the fifth edition of A Gênesis only dates back to 1872, how did they find one (only one) supposed copy of this edition, but dated 1869, in a library in Switzerland (not in France, but in Switzerland ), soon linked this lost copy to the fact that Kardec declared that he was preparing a new version — as if this could be used as proof of conclusion and correspondence. And, in the basket, there is the statement that the grotesque — and obvious — adulteration of Heaven and Hell it didn't exist!

The logic of absolute Truth (CSI of Spiritism) is this: if Kardec declared that he was preparing a new edition of Genesis and if a copy, dated 1869, with at least strange changes, was found (in Switzerland), then it is clear that it could only have been published by Kardec (despite the problems, right on the cover), and whoever says otherwise is lying!

Of course, there is a detail here: the fact that, as the Legal Deposit of the 5th edition was only carried out in 1872, almost three years after Kardec's death, this, per se, classifies an important legal question — that any change made after the death of an author implies adulteration. But of course the Ministry of Truth has the answer: the unique copy, for who knows why, forgotten in a Swiss (and not French) library is complete proof against the legal issue (it is not)!

There is also the fact that Kardec's wife signed the minutes of 1873 (if I'm not mistaken) where she was aware of the publication of that edition... But that it was put aside by Leymarie, as demonstrated by Simoni Privato, and that this edition was not published in France in the first few years, it is clear that it is beside the point. It seems to us that everything was thought out so that this adulteration would not be evident on French territory.

It would be logical, for an unwary thinker, to imagine that the fact that it is not possible to find, in France, copies of this new edition, “Revised, Corrected and Enlarged”, is due to the fact that, in France, this could be considered a misdemeanor — since it had no legal deposit — but not for us who accept the Unquestionable Truth.

As they found several pieces of evidence that Kardec, before he died, had ordered a new edition of A Gênesis; how they found evidence that this new edition had begun to be printed; as they verified that Kardec's widow herself, three years later, signed a document acknowledging the distribution of this new edition, they concluded, of course, that it would be absolutely impossible for anyone to take the movable types after Kardec's death, and produced a second version, presenting each one according to convenience, or that the version altered by Kardec had disappeared, leaving only an adulterated version. No, none of this could have happened, according to the CSI of Spiritism.

Evidence is now supported to have the final say on something that cannot be proved — and which they claim cannot be proved. What we need to understand and accept, “on our side”, is that Kardec became — he may forgive me — gagá, in his last years! That, despite having produced such profound and wise works, in scientific and philosophical terms — Heaven and Hell and Genesis — shortly after that, he must have had some kind of syncope that left him injured, to the point of going against the direction of the Spirits, who said that the work was fine and that NOTHING should be removed.

"My opinion is that there is absolutely nothing of doctrine to be taken away; everything there is useful and satisfying in every way


"It is necessary to leave intact all theories that first appear in the public eye.”.

In this case, in addition to the legal demonstration of tampering with The Genesis, this communication also reinforces the fact due to the doctrinal changes identified in the work, with the suppression of several passages in which Kardec criticizes the heteronomous moral of religious fanaticism, among other manipulations.

Still in this communication, the spirit also suggested that he work without haste and without dedicating a lot of time:

"Above all, don't rush too much. (…) Start working immediately, but not in an exaggerated way. Do not hurry”.

AUTONOMY. NCNI – Advice on Genesis. Available in: Accessed on: 24 Apr. 2023.

Kardec not only removed very important points from the works, such as the preface of the new edition of OCI (after all, who needs a preface explaining the character of the work and the property it has, as a result of the study of the spiritist science?), he made a true frankenstein of GA, exchanging previously declared fundamental ideas and even making references to postulates that he would have to remove in the new edition of OCI. Then he, who, with frightening skill, was able to lead a line of thoughts perfectly linked between several issues of the Spiritist Magazine! He removed a chapter from the OCI and made into afterlife law what he once said could not be taken into law - without giving any explanation for it!

Poor Kardec, he must have loosened a screw from talking to spirits so much. According to this line of thought - that of Unquestionable Truth - he could have just become a new disciple of Roustaing!

Worse: in addition to gagá, Kardec was FEARFUL. Well, that's the only thing we can deduce from the unquestionable truth of the CSI of Spiritism, since it made, in A Gênese, heavy assertions about the opponents of Spiritism, to later remove them in the new edition.

To say that humanity is ripe for regeneration does not mean that all individuals are on the same level, but many have, by intuition, the germ of new ideas that circumstances will bring about. Then they will prove to be more advanced than one might suppose, and they will eagerly follow the lead of the majority. There are, however, those who are essentially refractory to these ideas, even among the most intelligent, and who will certainly not accept them, at least in this lifetime; in some cases, in good faith, out of conviction; others for interest. They are those whose material interests are linked to the current conjuncture and who are not advanced enough to give them up, since the general good matters less than their personal good — they are apprehensive at the slightest reform movement. The truth is for them a secondary issue, or rather, the truth for certain people lies entirely in that which does not cause them any trouble. All progressive ideas are, from their point of view, subversive ideas, and for this reason they have an implacable hatred for them and an obstinate war against them. They are intelligent enough to see Spiritism as an aid to progressive ideas and the elements of transformation that they fear and, because they do not feel up to it, they strive to destroy it.. If they thought him worthless and unimportant, they wouldn't worry about him. We have already said it elsewhere: “The more grandiose an idea is, the more it finds opponents, and its importance can be measured by the violence of the attacks to which it is the object”.


Perhaps Kardec received a threatening letter — more threatening than the dozens he should have received with threats. Or else Kardec finally noticed his mistake in judging that Spiritism was so potent as to awaken the relentless hatred to which he referred.

Well, in addition to accepting the Unquestionable Truth of the CSI of Spiritism, learning to leave aside this “reason” business, we also need to learn to bury certain authors, who are not even cited by the representative body of divine truth on Earth. We can even criticize them, as Carlos Seth did, but we cannot, in any way, use their vast works from years of research on Magnetism, Rational Spiritualism and Spiritism. Never! When criticizing them, we shouldn't even mention names – people will be interested in reading the crazy things said by this guy “Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo”. After all, this author has the audacity to question the Ministry of Truth, using this so-called “reason” and, stating that he cannot see a crazy Kardec, says that he found full agreement between the ideas discussed in the works and in the Revista Espírita with the first editions of these works — editions that should also not be cited.

Let's run a ruler over all this imbroglio, and let's talk about it no more. The evidence of the “other side”, the one that “believes” in an adulteration, must be summarily forgotten, together with its authors. Unlike what Kardec said — that we cannot give the final word on what cannot be proven — we must accept the final word of the CSI of Spiritism. Since the evidence they found became the final expression of unquestionable truth, all — I repeat: all — arguments from the “other side” automatically become null and void! That “truck” of arguments brought by Simoni Privato in “The Legacy of Allan Kardec”? NULL, as it says WArlos seth Investiga: “We demonstrate with FACTS that ALL the evidence used to prove that “The Genesis” could have been tampered with DID NOT hold up.” There are those who disagree.

Ah, the FACT that Leymarie tampered with a spiritual communication, in Posthumous Works, removing precisely the passage in which the Spirit recommended that Kardec not remove any idea in the new edition of The Genesis was also promptly annulled by the evidence of the organ of Unquestionable Truth.

Nor should we even bring up these opposing arguments, as what is it worth, against a few material evidences, an enormous amount of logical arguments and the fact that the registration, after the author's death, of an altered edition, constitutes adulteration? ? Absolutely nothing!

Of course, this brings a “small” problem, since Spiritism cannot be proven except through rationality, but we should not fear: the Ministry of Truth will certainly have a solution for this. As soon as Spiritism is somewhat more undermined by the distrust placed on Kardec (who, remember, was left stuttering) and by the discovery of “gossip of the time”, obtained through the opinions of dissident mediums, found in old documents, we will be able, who You know, take a look at “Kardec’s” Spiritism and found a new era of historical studies.

But that's not all: we must, in addition to declaring the nullity of any arguments to the contrary, without presenting them to the public, also combat any idea that comes from the opposite direction, criticizing works without any need for scientific commitment. If we commit fallacies, it's okay. After all, we will be fighting the lie and, for that, we must use all the weapons.

Says Carlos Seth, from the CSI of Spiritism:

In the mid-1890s, the division between the Consoling Spiritism and Scientific Spiritism, as my colleague John Monroe has already pointed out.

History repeated itself between 2016 and 2020 now in the field of morality, with the release of books that sought to bring the thoughts of Kant, Maine de Biran and Victor Cousin into Spiritism, even if that meant distorting the ideas of Allan Kardec.

BASTOS, Carlos Seth. Added bonus – The ending. Spirits under investigation. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 04/15/2023.

Without a shadow of a doubt, Seth has not read absolutely anything that these crazy people are saying about Rational Spiritualism, nor has he read the Spiritist Magazine, which is where the scientific basis of Spiritism, which he seems to criticize. Precisely in Revista Espírita, where Kardec seems to have “lost his head”, when stating that Spiritism is a development of Rational Spiritualism! Interestingly, reading and taking care not to talk about what is not known makes it clear that Rational Spiritualism gave the basis to Spiritism, with a great exchange between these two sciences, with Spiritism providing the key to what the ER had no way to respond. But therein lies the problem: this subject is dealt with by an author whose name the Ministry of Truth (CSI of Spiritism) does not even allow to be mentioned — this so-called “Figueiredo”. I even quote the work: “Autonomy: the untold story of Spiritism”. But please, don't read this book, full of nonsense! We should just place it in the shadow of non-existence, along with its author who, according to the Ministry, is causing a division in Spiritism, “now in the moral field”!

If the Unquestionable Truth acts like this, it is because it has a very serious reason: it is that this author can endorse the subversive ideas of adulteration. Showing his malevolent intentions and putting his books into oblivion, through some harmless and far from light fallacious statements, Truth acts in the name of Good. If these ideas of autonomy and Rational Spiritualism — “rational” — are treated by this author, they are either the result of an error, or they should just be forgotten, so that, we repeat, they do not lead people to read the prohibited works.

Pay close attention: the controversy over the adulteration of the works Heaven and Hell and Genesis turned out to be non-existent! Yes, because, for us who accept the Unquestionable Truth of the CSI of Spiritism, the other side does not even exist! Because we accept evidence as proof (although science is about theories, not proof) and make an inference that to many may seem far-fetched — but the Ministry of Truth claims it is not — everything else automatically becomes null. Let us also delete the story, which we should not even mention. Regarding the authors who corroborate this idea of a plot around Kardec, we can do nothing more than show them as they are — impulsive and frivolous, despite having dedicated themselves to long years of research — so that, finally, we can guide the people on the correct path — that of Unquestionable Truth — not through reason, but through coercion, since the majority are incapable of thinking for themselves. That story of leaving it up to time and the public to judge what is correct — these crazy ideas from Kardec — fall apart, as we have evidence that can be taken as complete proof, according to our theories.

Those, finally, who do not accept the Unquestionable Truth, we must treat them as they are: resistant and closed-minded, who do not accept the evidence that we point out to them. They prefer to believe that Kardec could never have made such alterations, because, they say, they are not rational or consistent with the method he would have used for years, much less with the rest of the work. Balela! Let us declare war on these ideas without any nexus and prohibit, as much as possible, that they are even raised, as they cause a gigantic harm by stirring up, in the people, this absurd desire to think for reason — so absurd that they do not accept historical evidence as an irrefutable fact of non-adulteration. By the way, we should name them as such: denialists, so that they are demoralized wherever they speak and do not arouse anyone's curiosity.

Therefore, some steps are defined to be followed to reestablish the Truth, according to the CSI of Spiritism:

  • Use every space possible, on social media and YouTube channels, to state that all opposing arguments have been defeated, no intention of dialogue.
  • Write documents and articles showing a series of material evidence that corroborates the thesis, that is, the evidential proof of Truth — again, without considering presenting contrary arguments.
  • Write articles that disparage authors and ideas in contrast to the position of the CSI Ministry of Spiritism, without venturing to get to know them, which is obvious, and without any concern about committing fallacies. Remember: everything for the Good!
  • Create study spaces. From Spiritism? No. From its scientific context? Much less! To study the old letters and investigate who were the mediums that Kardec insistently said should not be placed in relevance.
  • In the face of any discussion about the Ministry of Truth's form of action, quickly and skillfully lead the matter to the question of adulteration, where we have total control, since the other side, already demoralized by being framed in denialism, will not be able to sustain reliability in the face of the public.

They say that we tarnish the image of Kardec and Spiritism itself by acting like this. Now, the search is for the Truth, and everything that sustains what we are certain of, from the beginning, must be exalted, no matter who it hurts. But enough of this subject, for we will not discuss it further now that we are in possession of the Unquestionable Truth.

Dear reader,

Of course, if you study Kardec and follow us, you will notice that the text is just a criticism, in a satirical tone, of the absurd behavior adopted by some people who decided to take the truth for themselves, leaving important facts aside. I'm sorry I made you read all this. For our part, we do not wish to impose our truth or our conclusions. We leave each person the freedom to judge for themselves, in possession of evidence and using their own reason. What saddens us is that many, allowing themselves to be led, completely ignore works such as those by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo and Simoni Privato, who have made a unique contribution to the understanding of Spiritism.

What is the crux of the matter, anyway? Is that the 5th edition, with alterations, was legally deposited only in 1872. This, legally, constitutes adulteration. The rest, the evidence found by the “CSI of Spiritism”, only points to the fact that Kardec was preparing a new version, but it does not prove that this version ever went to print.. All efforts to point out that the only copy found in Switzerland corresponds to this new edition constitute forced inferences, just because it corresponds to the copy referring to the legal deposit of 1872, of the 5th edition, made by Leymarie. This is the point.

What do we have for security, without a shadow of a doubt: Kardec edited A Gênese, of which he ordered four reprints, each of which constituted a new edition, although equal to the first. The proof of this lies in the fact that he did not make a legal deposit for the other editions.

It is also a fact that Kardec was preparing a new edition of this work and of O Céu e o Inferno. But there is no proof that he concluded them, it being another forced inference to state that the request for reprint of two thousand copies of A Gênese, made in February 1869, refer to the printing of this new edition. Maybe yes, maybe not. If so, it may be that this edition has been destroyed, so that someone can tamper with it. For the argument about the time to do so, it is enough to remember that, in those days, people had much more time than we have today and that, moreover, there is no proof that the adulterated version was not printed only later. ; for the argument of the printer's need to convince, it suffices to assume that it would only be necessary to say, for example, that it was a request from Kardec, made shortly before his death, and that, not being a final edition, but only an edition for evaluation and corrections, legal deposit would not be required (which is a fact).

An important point, by the way: what is the point of Kardec changing the title of his work (A Gênesis), inserting the subtitle “revised, corrected and increased”, if he has never done this before, for any of his other works? In my opinion, it looks more like something done, by a tamper, to reinforce that that edition would be an important “change”.

Spiritual communication, where the Spirit affirms, through the medium Mr. M. Desliens, that Kardec should not remove anything, but only condense what may have become clear in other points (which you can check on here), he was tampered with by PG Leymarie, when it was included with cuts and alterations in Posthumous Works, organized by him, and published in 1890: second part, chapter: “My initiation into Spiritism”, item: “My new work on The Genesis” (where “ Mine" would be a reference to Kardec, talking about himself).

Now, why Leymarie's rage in supporting, through flagrant adulteration, the idea that the 5th edition of A Gênese was produced by Kardec?

Anyway, let's leave each one to their time and their choices, but we don't fail to present the real proposal of the spiritist science, totally autonomous and liberating and, as we concluded, very far from the concepts transformed in "Código Penal da Vida Futuro", in that which, for us, can only be configured as an adulteration.

The fact is that Carlos Seth, in the search for everything that can support his idea, has distorted ideas and words himself, using fallacies and logical arguments, sometimes invalid, to force conclusions. It was frivolous and inelegant to state, with great ignorance, that “a certain author” would be causing a division in Spiritism, “now in the moral field”, by bringing, into the Doctrine, Rational Spiritualism (we have already dealt with this in the article Rational Spiritualism and Spiritism – a new division in the Spiritist milieu?) and is equally inelegant in using his means of communication to denigrate those who, through reason and facts, conclude differently from him, imputing “denialist” terms to them.

Furthermore, we present a final argument: Carlos Seth himself claims that he has no proof that the works have not been tampered with. There remains, therefore, room for some doubt and, therefore, it would not be much more prudent to stick with the first edition of these works, from when Kardec was alive, where we have complete confidence that everything, absolutely everything that exists there, was produced by your hands? This, of course, without treating the other editions as non-existent, as they serve, in our view, precisely to demonstrate the tone of the changes and what they removed or inserted in Kardec's thinking.

We leave the reflection to the reader.

an interesting dialogue

– Oh, are you a Spiritist? Cool. Do you go to a center?

– Yes, I go to one near my house.

– And what do you do there?

Ah, we watch a lecture on the Gospel, then take a pass… Then we say a few prayers, and leave. There is also child evangelization.

– Aaah… So it’s like a Catholic church.

- No! Because Spiritism has no ritual.

- Huh?! But it's just the same. At church, you arrive, there was a sermon on the Gospel, then you receive the host, then you pray, and you leave. Children participate in catechism.

- No but…

- Admit it, it's the same. Even evangelization, which I know has a positive aspect, is done in this kind of imposing way, isn't it? But what surprises me is that I've already studied a little of Spiritism, but I've never attended a center... And, from what I've studied, there wasn't any of that in Spiritism. For example: do you evoke Spirits to help them?

– No, you cannot evoke Spirits, because you could end up obsessed.

- Our! Who told you that?

- Huh?! Everyone from the center! FEB itself says so!

– Ah, the FEB… But… If Kardec himself evoked Spirits to learn from them, Spirits even of suicides, and often ended up helping them to reflect?!

– Ah, but that was in a controlled group, and these Spirits were already calmer. And it was Kardec.

– It wasn't what I read. And it wasn't just Kardec who evoked. Did you know that, at that time, people practiced studies, with evocations even of disturbed spirits, in their homes, in small groups?

– Wow, and weren’t they obsessed, feeling bad, about these inferior Spirits?

– Look, we are all inferior in relation to the most advanced spirits. And no, they weren't obsessed or sick. In fact, they often helped these Spirits while learning from them.

There is an evocation, for example, of this suicide, which was just a few days after his death, and he appeared to be in full disarray. Kardec asked some questions, trying to understand what was going on with that Spirit, and with these questions, he understood something. Then he asked for prayers and said goodbye, because he didn't want to talk anymore. I agree that seriousness and control are needed, but Kardec never mentioned any of the mediums becoming obsessed while trying to learn, with the analysis of the situation of Spirits like this, and even murderers!

- Murderers?!

- Yes! There is an evocation of Assassin Lemaire, look for it in the Spiritist Magazine of 1858, it is very interesting.

– And you said they evoked DAYS after death?

– Yes. Sometimes, hours later!

– Hours?! But I've always heard that, in addition to not being able to evoke, you have to wait patiently for that Spirit to gain the light and come to communicate of its own accord.

- This is not true. It all depends on the purpose. As the intention was to analyze these Spirits psychologically, there was no problem. Furthermore, it is clear that they respected the will of the Spirits. Many times they did not want to talk about their sufferings. There is another problem there: Kardec has always shown that being available to any Spirit brings the danger of purposeless, often misleading, communications.

But then you don't do evocations in the center?

– No. There is even a meeting of mediums, but it is closed to the public.

– Oh, natural. But there they evoke, then, to learn and help?

- No no. They are available to any spirit that wants to communicate. These days, they received communication from the Apostle John!

– How do they know it was John, and not another? Did they later question the guiding Spirit of the group?

– Spirit guide? No, the Spirit SAID that he was John the apostle and spoke of Jesus and the need for much prayer because the deadline is coming.

– Ah… But… What if this Spirit was using the apostle’s name and beautiful words to pass on wrong teachings?

– Oh, but…

– And at home, do you practice Spiritism?

– What do you mean, practice?

– Study, evoke Spirits for learning purposes by analyzing their situations…

– If we don't evoke it even in the center, do you think we're going to evoke it at home? Get out! Will a Spirit decide to stay there?

– What do you mean, “stay there”? Spirits are everywhere. There are definitely some here right now.

– Good God!

- Yes of course! And they are attracted by affinity of thoughts. If the evocation is done with serious intent and with knowledge, there is no problem. The wrong thing is to evoke it as a joke or lightly. If the evocator is proud, for example, a frivolous spirit can appear and say things that feed that pride. There, without studying, and willing to cultivate his own pride, the subject enters the spirit and ends up fascinated. This is the danger, but this can happen even through intuition, indirectly.

– Wow, I didn’t know that. I had already heard that, if you evoke a disturbed Spirit, it “sticks” to you.

- No of course not. It depends on the intention and preparation. Well, but is there at least a study at this center? Like, studying the works of Kardec, the Revista Espírita…

– Spiritist Magazine? What's that? No, we study works by Chico and Divaldo, because we know that Kardec's works are outdated in many points, right?!

– Outdated? My friend, I know that there are even beautiful and correct things in these mediumistic works, but they were the result of uncontrolled communications. How, without studying Kardec, do they recommend the study of mediumistic works? Spiritism is science!

– Science? No! Spiritism is religion!

– That was not what Kardec demonstrated. Have you read Genesis?

– Wow, I already took a leaf, but very difficult and, as I said, outdated! Imagine they believed there was life on the moon!!

– But, my friend, that was part of the human science of the time. But there is the part of the spiritist science.

– Spiritist Science?

– Yes, what was developed by the methodological study of Kardec, with the use of reason and with the need for universal confirmation of the teachings of the Spirits. But then, if there is a group of mediums in the house, how did it form?

– Ah, they are very old mediums in the house, and the group is closed.

– But what about other people’s mediumship?

– Ah, if a “good” medium appears there, he has to take a 5-year course in Spiritism!

– But what course, if they don’t study Kardec?

– No, there, there, there are some FEB booklets, where Kardec is discussed…

– At least something!

– And then there is the complement with mediumistic works. Have you seen the works of Ramatis, about mediumship??

- My God…

- What?

– Friend, Ramatis is a pseudo-sage.

– Pseudo what?

– It means that he pretends to be a wise man, but there are several absurdities in these works. We don't even know, in fact, if it's just a Spirit, because anyone can use that name.

– But I've seen some of his things, they seemed coherent

– Consistent? Well, being a Spirit, it is clear that something or other will be true... But the problem is that they accept what this or these Spirits say without even reasoning! These works are mystic, not doctrinal.

– How are they not doctrinal? The same thing he says, many others also say. It's not that?

- Not only that. It is necessary to submit this to reason, which demands knowledge. What is already established by this process can only be undone by the same process, that is, it is not enough to say the same thing everywhere, when there is no control, no method, no rationality. For example: Ramatis talks about seven spiritual bodies, which is mystical – you know those things about biblical, kabbalistic numbers? Then!

Kardec has already demonstrated, through studies with the Spirits and in a scientific way, that what exists is the perispirit, formed by the universal cosmic fluid. Just that. This story of seven bodies, after all, is materialistic.

– Friend, I don’t understand anything anymore! You mean everything I've been told is wrong?

– Not all, but most of it. When Spiritism was disseminated in Brazil, the Spiritist Movement was already worn out and weakened, due to an adulteration of principles after Kardec's death.

Well, the question is this: do you want to study, or are you comfortable with what you experience in this center?

– Ah, I feel good, and it’s so difficult trying to understand Kardec!

– Really, there are things difficult to understand in Kardec. But the dedicated study of the Spiritist Magazine, from 1858 to 1864, helps to understand a lot! Also, there are many study groups, and I myself participate in one. But, you see, these are study groups. There is no professor, nor is it a course.

Give it a chance, study it, and your reason will lead you, with the intuition of good spirits, along the path that best suits you.

– Yeah... I'll think about it...


I didn't want to title this text. We don't need to give exhaustive names. It is enough that we understand the distance that exists between the Spiritist Movement and Spiritism. This distance needs to be overcome through dialogue, through facts, but only by those open to dialogue and learning. It's no use fighting the recalcitrant.