
Have you ever thought about talking to the Spirits?

Visualizações: 2,401 Esta é uma reflexão honesta e aberta. Acontece que, hoje, só se pensa em doutrinar. Esquecemos, porém, que os Espíritos tem muito a nos ensinar – mesmo os mais infelizes, pois podemos analisar seu estado atual, os motivos das read more

Yellow September: Spiritism and suicide prevention

In a century of despair, where society experiences materiality in an exaggerated way, perhaps like never before; where ancient dogmas and the imposition of fear no longer have any effect, discredited as they are by the development of science and reason; where, finally, the human being abandons life and its sufferings sweetened by the false conception that, after death, there is only “rest in peace”, Spiritism comes, once again, to show the essence of its doctrine, presenting, to individuals, the reality of life and a new way of facing it, with more determination and austerity. In preventing suicide, Spiritism is the most powerful tool available.