Brazilian Spiritist Federation: it’s time to put things back in their rightful place!

What is known about Spiritism in Brazil necessarily involves the image of a Spiritist Movement formed mainly by the influence of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation. However, the more we study, the more strange we find the unquestionable distance between this Movement and original Spiritism. We then began to ask ourselves: “what happened?” Recently discovered information has made us aware of what, for some, has been very clear for a long time.

It all started with reading Ponto Final: the reunion of Spiritism with Allan Kardec, by Wilson Garcia. The undisputed fact finally comes to light our doubts: The Brazilian Spiritist Federation is an institution with tradition and Roustainuist roots, since its first steps!


Roustaing — Jean-Baptiste Roustaing — for those who don't know, he was a powerful lawyer at the time of Kardec. In short, he began to receive spiritual communications through a medium — yes, just a medium. In these communications, “the Spirits” (probably there was just one) presented themselves as the four evangelists and said that he, Roustaing, was the Revealer of Revelations. Needless to say, this was a blatant mystification, is it? We will say: this was a blatant mystification, easily recognized by someone who deeply knew spiritist science. This someone, Kardec, criticizes the work transmitted by these Spirits, “The Gospels”, and, thus, touching on that gentleman's blatant pride and vanity, creates a new enemy.

Among the dogmas admitted by this gentleman was the idea that a Spirit who makes a lot of mistakes is sent to an inferior planet, where he would incarnate as a slug (“fleshy cryptogams”). There was also the dogma of the fall through sin, where the human being would only have to incarnate after making a mistake and, thus, acquiring a guilt that would project him to a punishment, through incarnation — the same idea inserted in adulteration of Heaven and Hell — as well as the dogma that Jesus was just an agender, that is, he never incarnated among us.

Mystical ideas, for some reason that we do not understand, appeal to many, no matter how complicated and meaningless they may seem to us, given the unbreakable crystallinity of Spiritism. Thus, these ideas found support even in French territory, including by Leymarrie, most responsible for the adulteration of the purposes of the Sociedade Anônima and the Revista Espírita, after Kardec's death. Soon, these ideas were imported to Brazilian soil, where the Sayão Group was founded. worshiped by FEB)), or the Humble Group, or the Ismael Group. In this group, in fact, the Spirit of the “Angel” Ismael communicated, reproducing various mysticist absurdities, the same “Angel” Ismael who appears in “Brazil, Heart of the World, Homeland of the Gospel”, a work probably tampered with and full of mysticistic absurdities and even lies. The well-known Dr. Bezerra de Menezes was also part of this group. AND.

FEB, roustainuist

Before the Sayão Group, the Confúcio Group was founded. This Group included, among others, Dr. Siqueira Dias, Dr. Francisco Leite de Bittencourt Sampaio, Dr. Antonio da Silva Neto, Dr. Joaquim Carlos Travassos, Prof. Casimir Lieutaud. Many of these you will see in the material available, declaring their “faith” in Roustaing and his four Gospels. This group was followed by the Society for Spiritist Studies “God, Christ and Charity”, founded in March 1876. “God, Christ and Charity” is, to this day, the motto of the FEB.

“Accepting Bezerra de Menezes to accept the Presidency of the Federation, in 1895, the 'Ismael Group' accompanied the apostle, supported him in the direction of the House and joined it”, as read on the FEB portal itself (A FEB – Origens), accessed on 06/23/2024. Thus, a Roustainuist group came to dominate the FEB, which established itself and created roots that would cross the 20th century, enter the 21st century and, in the first years of that, in 2018, although they left the Febian status, which previously required study and dissemination of these works, continued in its bowels, even though to this day this institution has not publicly acknowledged its deviations and committed itself to reparation.

The coordinator of the CFN's legal consultancy, Francisco Ferraz Batista, presented the results of the proceedings in the 29th Civil Court of the District of Rio de Janeiro, regarding the withdrawal, from the FEB Statute, of the part of the item referring to the disclosure and study of works of JB Roustaing. The results were favorable to FEB, for the removal of the aforementioned section of the item from its Statute, which should formally occur at a General Assembly meeting.

BRAZILIAN SPIRITIST FEDERATION. National Federative Council. Minutes of the CFN Ordinary Meeting – 2018. Available in: Accessed on: 24 June. 2024.

Julio Nogueira, in the article “Brief examination of the FEB statutes ((NOGUEIRA, Julio. Brief examination of the FEB statutes. Available in: Accessed on: 24 June. 2024.))”, explains well about the Febian status and his relations with Roustaing.

Did the FEB leave Roustaguinism behind?

The removal of this section from the FEB statute obviously did not remove Roustaing from its depths, since it continues to contain the obligation to study “Brazil, Heart of the World”, a work which, as we said, probably adulterated, continues to support the lie about Roustaing, highlighted by us in bold:

“According to the work plans of the invisible world, the great missionary, in his wonderful effort of synthesis, would count on the cooperation of a multitude of assistants to his work, particularly designated to assist him, in the individualities of João-Batista Roustaing, who would organize the work of faith; by Léon Denis, who would effect the philosophical unfolding”.

CAMPOS, Humberto de. Brazil, heart of the world, homeland of the gospel. Psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier. 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB – Brazilian Spiritist Federation, 1938. Available at: Accessed on: 24 June. 2024.

This is how, “to be a spiritist”, most of the spiritist centers you step into will direct you to the Febian catechization, studying “Spiritism” not in the works of Kardec, but in the booklets of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation, where, bringing as a work basic to the probably adulterated “Brazil, Heart of the World”, the lie about the figure of Roustaing and the mysticism of the “angel” Ismael are validated at the same time. Therefore, the entire Febian tradition is validated and the entire methodology and organization necessary for the continued development of Spiritism are discarded, replacing all spiritist science with blind belief in the Spirits and in the personalities endorsed by the FEB...

Sérgio Aleixo quotes:

As predicted by the so-called “Golden Pact” (05/10/1949), “it is up to the spiritists of Brazil to put into practice the exposition contained in the book Brazil, Heart of the World, Homeland of the Gospel, in order to accelerate the evolutionary march of Spiritism”. Well done! This passed into art. 63 of the statute of the Mother House of Rustenism in the world, which records:

The Council [National Federation of FEB] will make it clear to all spiritist societies in Brazil that it is up to them to put into practice the exposition contained in the book Brazil, Heart of the World, Homeland of the Gospel, by Francisco Cândido Xavier.

Among other jokes from beyond the grave, in chapter I of this work, “the divine bitterness” of Jesus “excites” a whole “beautiful assembly of cherubim and archangels” and he, “who directs this globe”,[1] does not even know where is Brazil.

ALEIXO, Sergio. Roustainuism in the works of Chico Xavier. Available in: Accessed on: 24 June. 2024.

We could extend this article at length, demonstrating that the presidents of this institution have always been Roustainuists; that the FEB, as read in O Reformador, placed Roustaing above Kardec several times; that FEB, at the beginning of the 20th century, published the work The Gospels, by Roustaing, bringing, in the preface, a true affront to Kardec, Spiritism and confessed Spiritists. We will leave this observation to the dear reader, who will find material available here, largely obtained from the FEB website itself (on Google, search like this: “ Roustaing”), proof of what we now say. We limit ourselves to highlighting the following image, obtained from a document from the FEB website:

It is also important to highlight that, in the FEB domain, there is a glossary, “Spiritism from A to Z”, containing an explanation of terms and words — in the light of Spiritism, obviously? No. In the shadow of Roustaining:

Spiritist Movement away from Spiritism

We will, however, focus on evaluating the effects of a Spiritist Movement formed by the FEB:

Spiritists who are unaware of Spiritism; spiritists who are afraid of Spirits; spiritists who do not evoke the Spirits, questioning the obviously misleading communications; spiritists who blindly believe in the communications of Spirits, accepting everything as a “doctrinal complement”; spiritists who do not practice mediumship at home, believing that this would attract obsessors and that – an absurdity – only in the spiritist center would they have protection from good Spirits, if they did not go to the homes of well-intentioned people; spiritists, in short, who reproduce various false ideas, gleaned from blindly accepted communications and the opinions of idolized mediums, causing real embarrassment to Spiritism and giving ammunition to its critics.

We should mention that, among these idolized mediums, is Divaldo Franco, who, in the words of Augusto dos Anjos:

Divaldo Pereira Franco, the first centenarian, made the statement to me personally more than once that there is no way to explain the Gospels except in the light of the “Revelation of Revelation”. Would it be a reserved position, just for my private knowledge? Of course. First of all because good men do not have to, under any pretext, form dubious positions, one public and the other for private friends. This aphibological behavior does not belong to spirits of good morals. Afterwards, because the esteemed Bahian medium has already made the same statement from the platform, at the top of his lungs, from the height of authority and resounding that we recognize in him and that have served so much to the spiritual enlightenment of all of us, spiritists from Brazil and outside Brazil . To prove this, I transcribe below, «verb ad verbum», the most recent words of Divaldo Pereira Franco spoken from the top of the rostrum of the Grupo Espírita Fabiano (one of the most serious and well-oriented groups that exist in Guanabara), in night of October 6, 1969, with the auditorium being overcrowded as usual. Here is an excerpt from the memorable speech, recorded on magnetic tape, with the speaker's knowledge:

“For many years I didn’t understand. I went to Roustaing, which is my inexhaustible source of evangelical study! For almost twenty years I have been reading the benefactor João Batista Roustaing, meditating on his little words, on Mrs. Collignon's beautiful information, coming from Spirituality. But it’s a wonderful interpretation!”

ANJOS, Luciano dos. One taste and 4 cents. Reformer, Rio de Janeiro, p. 9-11, Jan. 1970. Extracted from the book The Zero Position.

Unfortunately, this was not the only case of an idolized medium or his psychographics defending the figure of Roustaing and his ideas, as you will see in this article. We remember that, here, we are discussing ideas, and not judging people.

It is evident that, although not all of the Spiritist Movement is affiliated with the FEB, the tentacles of Roustainuism and mysticism have enveloped the entire Brazilian Spiritist Movement. Unfortunately, these tentacles also crossed the oceans…

Campaign Plan

We see, finally, the “prophecy” made in 1867 and presented in the Revista Espírita of August of the same year, article “Campaign Plan” fulfilled:

Annihilating it is, therefore, an impossible thing, because it would be necessary to annihilate it not in one point, but in the entire world; and then, aren't ideas carried on the wings of the wind? And how to achieve them? You can pick up packages of goods at customs, but ideas are intangible.

What to do, then? Trying to take control of them, to accommodate them to your will… Well then! It is the party for which they decided. They said to themselves: Spiritism is the precursor of an inevitable moral revolution; before it is completely realized, let us try to divert it to our advantage; let us do it in a way that happens with it as with certain political revolutions; By denaturing its spirit, another course could be given to it.

So, the campaign plan has changed… You will see spiritist meetings being formed whose confessed objective will be the defense of the Doctrine, and whose secret objective will be its destruction; supposed mediums who will have communications ordered, suitable for the purpose they propose; publications that, under the cloak of Spiritism, will strive to demolish it; doctrines that will take some ideas from him, but with the thought of supplanting him. This is the fight, the real fight that he will have to sustain, and that will be fiercely pursued, but from which he will emerge victorious and stronger.

The much-desired unity of the Spiritist Movement will not occur through affiliation with an institution that is more similar to the Catholic clergy. No. This, in fact, goes against the plans for Spiritism, idealized by Kardec in the Spiritist Magazine of December 1868 — Transitional Constitution of Spiritism. This unity will only occur among those who, willingly, delve into the study of spiritist science, returning to, after that, practice mediumship at home, in small, harmonious, cohesive groups, carrying out the analysis of communications and evocations. These groups, spread far and wide, collaborating with each other, without any submission to the control of an institution, but rather to the control of the generality of the teachings of the Spirits, subjected to the sieve of reason, they will then be able to return to work on doctrinal development. Not before, not without it.

Therefore, we highlight the need the formation of study groups – at home, over the internet, at the spiritist center – for the dedicated study of Kardec’s works unadulterated and contextualization works. We leave here our modest collaboration in this regard: Semear Project — Formation of Study Groups.

On the day that the Brazilian Spiritist Federation accepts its deviation, committing itself to reparation and withdrawing from the purpose of determining the direction of Spiritism in Brazil, we will once again value it. Not before, not without this.

Karma does not exist: the laws of the soul according to Spiritism

According to the original work by Allan Kardec, Heaven and Hell, before adulteration ((The original work, from Editora FEAL, can be downloaded by clicking on here )), the laws of the soul are simple, logical and completely consistent with divine goodness. There is no karma, law of return, etc.


Happiness and Unhappiness

Joy, pain, pleasure, fear, sadness are emotions generated by physiological reactions. Good and bad Spirits pass through all of them, so that one can be good and be sad or bad and be happy.

Happiness and unhappiness are conditions of the Spirit. Happiness is being in good — the only thing that exists in Divine Creation — corresponding to being in a state of collaboration: learning, assisting, helping, teaching.

True charity, therefore, is doing good out of moral duty, without expecting a return or trying to control the result. That is why Kardec says that the motto of Spiritism would be “outside of charity there is no salvation”.

The problem is that the error persists

In the development process, making mistakes is part of it, coming from choice, from trying. The problem is persisting in the error, willingly.

When the individual persists in error, because he enjoys his false ideas, he moves away from good. Pride, selfishness and all other imperfections arising from them arise. Not everyone does this.

By repeating the error, the individual acquires an imperfection that settles in them. Far from the good, where happiness exists, he becomes unhappy, as he cannot find satisfaction. He may be happy, distracted by material things, but he is not happy. Not infrequently, he even commits suicide…

It is in this state that evil exists, and only in it: for the individual far from good, WHILE he is far from good.

Conscience: our only judge and executioner

The divine law is engraved in our consciousness (The Spirits' Book, q. 621). The individual remains in this state, knowing that they are making a mistake, but ignoring their conscience, for more or less time, until it awakens for some reason.

When conscience awakens, remorse comes, the awareness of having made the mistake. This causes great moral suffering and, even worse, when people make mistakes voluntarily.

The moral suffering caused by remorse lasts as long as the Spirit refuses to sincere repentance. It can last centuries.

Repentance leads the Spirit back to happiness

When the Spirit sincerely repents, moral suffering ends and happiness resurfaces with the will to return to good, with decision. The need for repair arrives.

Repair consists of CHOOSING a new incarnation, with certain tests and opportunities, aiming to overcome the imperfection created by one's own will. This is atonement, and is therefore not a divine punishment.

Repairing does not NECESSARILY mean being reborn with your victims, as they may already be long gone, while you were left behind, attached to the error. To repair is to correct the deviation taken, in the effort of detachment.

In this way, we see that autonomy and free will are the only rule of divine law. Everything according to our choices and our time, within divine law. But the Law determines that we will all achieve happiness, without exception.

Teachings of Jesus

We see, then, the figure of the parable of the prodigal son: despite the father's warnings, the son goes to the world of pleasures. He loses everything, becomes remorseful, suffers, regrets and then returns home, humiliated...

His father welcomes him not with a punishment, but with open arms, AND STILL HAS A PARTY, and then RESUMES WORK. Your son has already had the punishment, caused by his own conscience, true judge and executioner of ourselves.

Jesus always demonstrated a God of full love, not a God of revenge. It was like that with the thief nailed to the cross next door, it was like that with the adulterous woman and with so many others...

Spiritism, as a result of spiritist science, only reinforces what Jesus already demonstrated: there is no karma, there is no punitive God. The punishment is carried out by the individual himself, for deciding to move away from good.

True Spiritism does not teach karma, it does not judge the individual's past based on their present physical suffering, it does not affirm that physical suffering is deserving or repaying debts.

Recommended Books

– Heaven and Hell, from FEAL (unadulterated edition – link in bio)

– Autonomy: the untold story of Spiritism, by Paulo Herinque de Figueiredo

– Neither Heaven nor Hell: the laws of the soul according to Spiritism, by Paulo Herinque de Figueiredo and Lucas Sampaio

Photo by Olga:

Floods in Rio Grande do Sul: collective rescue? Debts from other lives? Karma? What does Spiritism say?

Once again, with some concern, we find ourselves forced to go public to defend the victims of these disasters and their families, as well as Spiritism, from the true absurdities uttered by certain irresponsible mouths. This time, the victims of this terrible disaster related to the floods in Rio Grande do Sul did not escape:

In other words: the idea, for these individuals careless, is that the people who lost their lives or who suffered the effects of the floods, are guilty Spirits, involved with the Farrapos War and who, now, would be “paying their debts” through this suffering. Terrible thought, lacking charity, logic and rationality, uttered by individuals who are very lacking in the true knowledge of Spiritism! Do they forget that many of the soldiers involved in all the battles didn't even want to be there? That they were forced to kill in order not to die?

We have already talked about this topic several times, directing the reader to appreciate the articles

Here we limit ourselves to reinforcing that is part of our evolutionary stage, incarnated on this planet, being subject to natural calamities, which affect the good and the bad, without distinction, causing changes, learning, etc. and that, as demonstrated in the articles cited, our relationship with God is not one of debit and credit, error and punishment, etc.

It is worth recovering, here, the important and clear questions on the topic, according to The Spirits’ Book:

737. To what end does God hurt humanity through destructive scourges?

“To make it progress faster. Haven't we already said that destruction is a necessity for the moral regeneration of Spirits, who, in each new existence, move up a step on the scale of improvement? I need to see the objective, so that the results can be appreciated. Only from your personal point of view do you appreciate them; hence why you classify them as scourges, due to the harm they cause you. These subversions, however, are often necessary so that a better order of things can emerge more quickly and so that what would have required many centuries can be accomplished in a few years.” (744.)

738. To achieve the improvement of humanity, couldn't God use other means than destructive scourges?

“Yes, and he employs them daily, since he has given each one the means to progress through the knowledge of good and evil. Man, however, does not take advantage of these means. It is necessary, therefore, that he be punished in his pride and that his weakness be made to be felt.”

The) - But both the good and the wicked man succumb to these scourges. Will this be fair?

“During life, man refers everything to his body; however, he thinks differently after death. Now, as we have said, the life of the body is very little. A century in your world is nothing more than a lightning in eternity. Therefore, nothing is the suffering of a few days or a few months, about which you complain so much. They represent teaching that is given to you and that will serve you in the future. Spirits, which pre-exist and survive everything, form the real world (85). These are the children of God and the object of all their solicitude. Bodies are mere disguises with which they appear in the world. On the occasion of great calamities that decimate men, the spectacle is similar to that of an army whose soldiers, during the war, had their uniforms damaged, torn, or lost. The general cares more about his soldiers than about their uniforms.”

B) - But that doesn't mean they are no longer victims of these scourges.

“If you considered life for what it is, and how little it represents in relation to infinity, you would give less importance to it. In another life, these victims will find ample compensation for their sufferings, if they know how to bear them without murmuring.”

Whether death comes from a scourge, or from a common cause, no one stops dying as long as the hour of departure has struck. The only difference, in the case of a scourge, is that a greater number leave at the same time.

If, through thought, we could rise to contemplate all of humanity and embrace it as a whole, these terrible scourges would seem to us to be no more than passing storms in the destiny of the world.

739. Are destructive scourges useful from a physical point of view, despite the harm they cause?

"He has; conditions in a region sometimes change. But in many cases, the good that results from them is only experienced by future generations.”

740. Aren't scourges also moral tests for man, tests that confront them with the most distressing needs?

“Scourges are tests that give man the opportunity to exercise his intelligence, to demonstrate his patience and resignation before the will of God, and that offer him the opportunity to manifest his feelings of abnegation, disinterest and love for others, if not is dominated by selfishness.”

We reinforce again: Spiritism demonstrates that there is no karma, law of return, punitive God, etc. We offer our prayers for all the victims of these tragedies, we declare our perplexity at those who are deliberately making it difficult the rescue work, carried out by citizens, and we ask God to enlighten the thoughts of those who mock the tragedy or wish harm on others, as the path to good will be theirs costly.

Our sincere condolences to the fatal victims of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul and to those who lost everything. May they never lose sight of what true good is, the face of which we have seen in the attitudes of the citizens acting there.

The harshest mediumistic communication received by Kardec: Campaign plan against Spiritism

No dia 10 de novembro de 1867, pelo médium Sr. T…, Kardec recebeu uma comunicação much seriously, regarding the role of enemies in the fight against Spiritism. We reproduce the article below, in full, given its importance for all those seriously interested in Spiritism, as it demonstrates the artifices of campaign plan against Spiritism.

Campaign plan — New era — Considerations on spontaneous sleepwalking

(Paris, 10 de novembro de 1867 — Médium: Sr. T… Em sono espontâneo)

NOTE: In this session, no previous question will provoke the subject that was discussed. At first the medium had been concerned with his health, then, little by little, he found himself led to reflections, the analysis of which we give below. He spoke for about an hour without interruption.

The progress of Spiritism causes its enemies a terror that they cannot hide. At first they played with the rotating tables, without thinking that they were caressing a child who was supposed to grow up... The child grew up... then they sensed their future and said to themselves that they would soon be right... But, as they say, the boy had a hard life. He resisted all attacks, anathemas, persecution, even mockery. Similar to certain grains that the wind carries, it produced countless shoots... For each one it destroyed, a hundred others appeared.

At first they used against him the weapons of another era, those that once worked against new ideas, because these ideas were just scattered flashes that had difficulty coming to light through ignorance, and that had not yet taken root among the masses... today it's something else; everything changed: customs, ideas, character, beliefs; Humanity is no longer moved by the threats that frighten children; The devil, so feared by our grandparents, is no longer scary: we laugh at him.

Yes, the ancient weapons have become distorted in the breastplate of progress. It is as if, in our days, an army wanted to attack a stronghold equipped with cannons, with the arrows, battering rams and catapults of our ancestors.

The enemies of Spiritism saw, through experience, the uselessness of the worm-eaten weapons of the past against the regenerating idea; Far from harming him, his efforts only served to give him authority.

To fight with advantage against the ideas of the century, it would be necessary to be at the height of the century; To progressive doctrines it would be necessary to oppose even more progressive doctrines, because less cannot overcome more.

So, unable to triumph through violence, they resorted to cunning, the weapon of those who are aware of their weakness... From wolves, they became lambs, to enter the fold and there sow disorder, division, confusion. Because they ended up causing disturbances in some ranks, they soon considered themselves masters of the square. This did not mean that the isolated supporters stopped continuing their work, and every day, the idea made its way without much fuss... They were the ones who made the fuss... You don't see it permeating everything, in the newspapers, in books, in the theater and even in the chair ? It works on all consciousnesses; it drags Spirits to new horizons; it is found in the state of intuition even in those who have not heard of it. This is a fact that no one can deny and that becomes more evident every day. Isn't this proof that the idea is irresistible and that it is a sign of the times?

Annihilating it is, therefore, an impossible thing, because it would be necessary to annihilate it not in one point, but in the entire world; and then, aren't ideas carried on the wings of the wind? And how to achieve them? You can pick up packages of goods at customs, but ideas are intangible.

What to do, then? Trying to take control of them, to accommodate them to your will... Well done! It is the party for which they decided. They said to themselves: Spiritism is the precursor of an inevitable moral revolution; before it is completely realized, let us try to divert it to our advantage; let us do it in a way that happens with it as with certain political revolutions; By denaturing its spirit, another course could be given to it.

Thus, the campaign plan has changed... You will see spiritist meetings being formed whose confessed objective will be the defense of the Doctrine, and whose secret objective will be its destruction; supposed mediums who will have communications ordered, suitable for the purpose they propose; publications that, under the cloak of Spiritism, will strive to demolish it; doctrines that will take some ideas from him, but with the thought of supplanting him. This is the fight, the real fight that he will have to sustain, and that will be fiercely pursued, but from which he will emerge victorious and stronger.

What can men do against the will of God? Is it possible to ignore what is happening? Isn't your finger visible in this progress that defies all attacks, in these phenomena that arise from all sides as a protest, as a denial given to all denials?... Isn't the life of men, the fate of Humanity in your hands? … Blind!… They do not count on the new generation that rises up and that daily surpasses the generation that passes away… Just a few years later and it will have disappeared, leaving behind nothing but the memory of its senseless attempts to stop the impulse of the spirit human, which advances despite everything... They do not count on the events that will hasten the blossoming of the new humanitarian period... with support that will rise in favor of the new doctrine whose powerful voice will impose silence on its detractors by its authority.

Oh! How the face of the world will be changed for those who see the beginning of the next century!... How much ruin they will see behind them, and what splendid horizons will open before them!... It will be like the dawn chasing away the shadows of night... The noises, the tumults, the roars of the storm will be followed by songs of joy; after anguish, men will be reborn into hope… Yes! The 20th century will be a blessed century, because it will see the new era announced by Christ.

NOTE: Here the medium stops, overcome by indescribable emotion, and as if exhausted with fatigue. After a few minutes of rest, during which he seems to return to the level of ordinary somnambulism, he resumes:

─ What did I tell you then? ─ You told us about the new campaign plan of the opponents of Spiritism; then you spoke of the new era. ─ I continue.

While they wait, they fight over the land inch by inch. They more or less renounced the weapons of other times, whose ineffectiveness they recognized; now they rehearse those that are omnipotent in this century of selfishness, pride and cupidity: gold, the seduction of self-love. Together with those who are inaccessible to fear, they explore vanity, earthly needs. He who resisted the threat sometimes gives a complacent ear to flattery, to the taste of material well-being... They promise bread to those who don't have it; work for the artisan; parish to the dealer; employee promotion; honors to the ambitious, if they renounce their beliefs. They hurt him in his position, in his means of existence, in his affections, if they are indocile; then, the mirage of gold produces its ordinary effect on some. Among these there are necessarily some weak characters who succumb to temptation. There are those who fall into the trap in good faith, because the hand that maneuvers them hides... There are also, and many, who give in to the harsh necessity, but who think no less about it; his resignation is only apparent; they bend, but to rise at the first occasion... Others, those who in the highest degree have the true courage of faith, face danger resolutely; These always win, because they are supported by good Spirits... Some, ah!... but these were never Spiritists at heart... they prefer the gold of Earth to the gold of Heaven; They remain, through form, linked to the doctrine, and under this cloak, they only better serve the cause of their enemies... It is a sad exchange that they make, and one that they will pay dearly for!

In the times of cruel trials that you are going to go through, happy are those over whom the protection of the good Spirits is extended, because it has never been so necessary!... Pray for the lost brothers, so that they can take advantage of the short moments of moratorium that are granted to them, before the justice of the Most High weighs on them... When they see the storm breaking, more than one will ask for grace!... But they will be answered: What have you done with our teachings? As mediums, haven't you written your own condemnation hundreds of times?... You had the light and you didn't take advantage of it! We had given you a shelter; why did you abandon him? So suffer the fate of those you preferred. If your heart had been touched by our words, you would have remained firm on the path of good that was marked out for you; If you had had faith, you would have resisted the seductions extended to your self-love and your vanity. So you believed you could impose them on us, as on men, through false appearances? Know, if you doubted, that there is not a single movement of the soul that does not have its counterattack in the world of Spirits.

Do you believe that it is for nothing that the faculty of clairvoyance develops in such a large number of people? May it be to offer food for the curiosity that today so many mediums spontaneously fall asleep in a dream of ecstasy? No. I disapointed you. This faculty, which has been announced to you for so long, is a characteristic sign of the times that have come; it is a prelude to transformation, because, as you have been told, this must be one of the attributes of the new generation. This generation, more morally purified, will also be physically so. Mediumship, in all forms, will be more or less general, and communion with Spirits a normal state, so to speak.

God sends the faculty of clairvoyance in these moments of crisis and transition, to give his faithful servants a means of frustrating the plot of their enemies, because the evil thoughts that they believe hidden in the shadow of the frills of conscience, reverberate in these sensitive souls as in a Mirror, and reveal themselves for themselves. He who only emits good thoughts is not afraid of being known.

Happy is he who can say: Read in my soul as in an open book.

OBSERVATION: Spontaneous somnambulism, which we have already talked about, is, in fact, nothing more than a form of clairvoyant mediumship, the development of which has been announced for some time, as well as the appearance of new mediumistic skills. It is remarkable that in all moments of general crisis or persecution, people endowed with this faculty are more numerous than in normal times. There were many at the time of the revolution; the Calvinists of the Cévènes, persecuted like wild animals, had numerous seers who warned them of what was happening in the distance; for this fact, and ironically, they were classified as enlightened; Today we are beginning to understand that vision from a distance and independent of the organs of vision may well be one of the attributes of human nature, and Spiritism explains it through the expansive faculty and properties of the soul. Facts of this kind have multiplied so much that we are less surprised; What once seemed like a miracle or spell to some is today considered a natural effect. It is one of the thousand ways through which Spiritism penetrates, so that, if a source is stopped, it resurfaces through other ways.

So, this faculty is not new, but it tends to become widespread, undoubtedly for the reason indicated in the communication above, but also as a means of proving to unbelievers the existence of the spiritual principle. In the words of the Spirits, it would even become endemic, which would naturally be explained by the moral transformation of Humanity, a transformation that should produce changes in the organism that will facilitate the expansion of the soul.

Like other mediumistic faculties, this one can be exploited by quackery. Therefore, it is good to remain on guard against charlatans who, for whatever reason, could try to simulate it and, by all possible means, to ensure the good faith of those who claim to possess it. In addition to material and moral disinterest and the person's notorious honorability, which are the first guarantees, it is important to carefully observe the conditions and circumstances in which the phenomenon occurs and see if they offer anything suspicious.

If Spiritism is just a belief, we ask you to prove it!

Some people, averse to the idea of the existence of the soul or the Spirit, say about Spiritism (without knowing it): it is just a belief, and nothing more! We urgently ask that these people prove what they say and, in addition, replace Spiritism, in its eventual collapse, with something better.

This article is linked to the previous article, on the lives by Daniel Gontijo which reflect many untruths about Spiritism.

Allan Kardec, in the Spiritist Magazine of September 1860, already spoke about this subject, with an elegance and property that would make anyone envious:

To combat it [the Spiritist Doctrine] effectively, he only has one way, which we are happy to recommend. You don't destroy a tree by cutting its branches, but its roots. It is necessary, therefore, to attack Spiritism at the root and not at the branches, which are reborn as they are cut. Now, the roots of Spiritism, of this nineteenth century madness, to use its expression, are the soul and its attributes. Let it prove, therefore, that the soul does not exist and cannot exist, because without souls there are no more Spirits. When this has been proven, Spiritism will no longer have a reason to exist and we will confess ourselves defeated. If your skepticism doesn't go that far, prove it, not by a simple denial, but by a mathematical, physical, chemical, mechanical, physiological or any other demonstration:

1. ─ That the being who thinks during life no longer thinks after death;

2. ─ That, if you think, you should no longer want to communicate with those you loved;

3. ─ That, if it can be everywhere, it cannot be at our side;

4. ─ That, if he is next to us, he cannot communicate with us;

5. ─ Which, due to its fluidic envelope, cannot act on inert matter;

6. ─ That, if it can act on inert matter, it cannot act on an animated being;

7. ─ That, if you can act on an animated being, you cannot direct your hand to write;

8. ─ That, although you can make him write, you cannot answer his questions and convey his thoughts to him.

When the opponents of Spiritism have demonstrated to us that this is impossible, based on reasons as obvious as those by which Galileo demonstrated that it is not the Sun that revolves around the Earth, then we will be able to say that their doubts are founded. Unfortunately, to this day, all their arguments boil down to this: I don't believe it; therefore, it is impossible. They will no doubt say that it is up to us to prove the reality of the demonstrations; we prove them by facts and reasoning. If they admit neither one nor the other and deny what they see, it is up to them to prove that our reasoning is false and that the facts are impossible.

We therefore repeat the same recommendations as Kardec and ask that you be able to prove, peremptorily, that the Spirit does not exist and cannot exist or, on the contrary, that it exists, but cannot relate to us. Until then (we have been waiting for this proof for more than 150 years), we will be left with the lucid, logical, rational principles and, above all, of unassailable elevation and moral consequences, that Spiritism gives us – with the benefit, also, of knowing that This was not born as a result of anyone's preconceived ideas.

I add Kardec's words in Heaven and hell (original, unadulterated version):

Pela crença no nada, o homem inevitavelmente concentra seu pensamento na vida presente. Não haveria, com efeito, por que se preocupar com um futuro do qual nada se espera. Essa preocupação exclusiva com o presente o leva naturalmente a pensar em si antes de tudo; é, portanto, o mais poderoso estímulo ao egoísmo. O incrédulo é coerente quando chega à conclusão: “Desfrutemos enquanto aqui estamos, desfrutemos o máximo possível, pois, depois de nós, tudo estará acabado; gozemos depressa, porque não sabemos quanto tempo durará”, assim como a esta outra, bem mais grave aliás para a sociedade: “Desfrutemos, não importa à custa de quem; cada um por si; a felicidade, cá embaixo, é do mais astuto”. Se o escrúpulo religioso restringe a ação de alguns, que freio terão aqueles que em nada creem? Para estes, a lei humana somente alcança os tolos, e por isso dedicam seu talento a maneiras de dela se esquivarem. Se há uma doutrina nociva e antissocial é certamente a do neantismo ((Neantismo (néantisme). Segundo essa ideia metafísica do nada, não haveria lei moral ou direito natural, nem existência após a morte, portanto nada a temer ou esperar. A escolha estaria ligada ao resultado e não à intenção de uma ação, consagrando a postura egoísta. Na época de Allan Kardec havia poucos partidários, mas desde o século 20, a comunidade científica e a cultural em geral adotaram esse relativismo moral ou incredulidade enquanto senso comum, sendo que as instituições sociais se estruturaram pelo individualismo. (N. do E.) )), porque rompe os verdadeiros laços de solidariedade e de fraternidade, alicerce das relações sociais.

KARDEC, Allan. Heaven and Hell, 3rd edition (original). FEAL Publisher

We ask, then, that, if you cannot prove that Spiritism is just a belief, you can at least produce something better in its place: something that makes human beings not focus all their energy on enjoying the present, to the detriment of others; that leads you to act in a charitable manner towards your fellow man, using your resources in the name of good and not accumulation; that makes the individual abandon the regrettable ideas of suicide, not for fear of punishment, but for the understanding of why we are here and for the way of seeing difficulties through different eyes. Furthermore, they can replace it with another belief (using the word they use), that gives the mother the consolation of knowing that her son, who died when he was still trying to overcome certain mistakes, is not lost, and that his efforts were not in vain. That, in fact, does not cause humanity to disbelieve in the effort to improve itself, something that materialist dogmatism has produced with great force. That ultimately makes human beings respect everyone, regardless of ethnicity, sex, color, age, social class, and that does not produce precisely the opposite of all of this, as materialism has produced, going so far as to give basis to regrettable ideas of genocide, like that carried out by Hitler.

We eagerly await to learn about this new doctrine.

Daniel Gontijo and ex-spiritists

Daniel Gontijo, materialist and atheist, on his YouTube channel, entitled “Prof. Daniel Gontijo”, chose to highlight very superficial analyzes of Spiritism, a philosophical science that, unfortunately, he doesn't know. To do this, it forms a quorum with “ex-spiritists”, people who also do not know Spiritism, and ends up issuing or echoing opinions that end up reflecting a false idea of the Spiritist Doctrine, based on opinions gathered from the surface of reflections that, unfortunately, the Spiritist Movement produces.

Daniel Gontijo has a degree in Psychology from FUMEC University (2009), as well as a master's degree (2013) and doctorate (2019) in Neurosciences from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Despite so many titles, he acts in a manner that is absolutely contrary to that of a good researcher, who only issues an opinion after trying to get to know the subject very well, something he has never done (he himself says, in his videos: “I remember something like that, because A certain person once said that there is something more or less like this in one of the Spiritist Magazines”).

Because, in good logic, criticism only has value when the critic is knowledgeable about what he is talking about. Mocking something you don't know, that you haven't probed with the scalpel of a conscientious observer, isn't criticizing, it's showing levity and a sad display of lack of criteria.

KARDEC, Allan. The Spirits' Book

However, it is far from my intentions to create an image of a malicious executioner. No, on the contrary: Daniel appears to be a happy and affable person. This, however, is what seems most incongruous to me, because, from this lightness, the necessary task of a good researcher, who investigates everything, analyzes everything, does not come from this lightness, in order to then be able to express an opinion. Unfortunately, with the support of the opinion of people who never got to know true Spiritism, it is based on the errors of the Spiritist Movement to judge Spiritism, just as many, lightly, judge Jesus for the absurdities done in his name.

It's interesting to note that Daniel graduated in Psychology, first of all. Has he never heard or read that the Revista Espírita carries the subtitle “Journal of psychological studies” on its cover? And, if you saw it, were you not interested for a moment in knowing why it was called?

Certainly, Daniel Gontijo does not know that Psychology, in Kardec's time, was included under the studies of Rational Spiritualism, in the grid of moral sciences of French teaching (which spread throughout the world): for this, it would be necessary to read Autonomy: the never told story of Spiritism, by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. He probably does not know the history of the development of these sciences through rational observation, culminating in the rational conclusion that Will is the essential attribute of the soul. Much less should you know that, long before Kardec began investigating spiritist science, researchers linked to animal magnetism and Rational Spiritualism have already collected, in certain studies with people in an induced hypnotic trance, hundreds of “letters” attributed to other deceased personalities, giving details confirmed by family members who are still alive:

“The magnetizers proved very early on the relationships of somnambulists with invisible beings. Deleuze, a disciple of Mesmer, in his correspondence maintained with doctor GP Billot for more than four years, from March 1829 to August 1833, was initially reluctant, but finally affirmed: “Magnetism demonstrates the spirituality of the soul and its immortality; it proves the possibility of communication between intelligences separated from matter and those still connected to them.” (BILLOT, 1839)”

In turn, Deleuze stated: “I see no reason to deny the possibility of the appearance of people who, having left this life, take care of those they loved here and come to manifest themselves to them, to give them salutary advice. I just had an example of this.” (Ibid.)

It was with these words that Deleuze introduced the narration of the case of a sleepwalker whose deceased father spoke twice in order to advise her on choosing the young woman's future husband. In his Critical History, he had already written: “All somnambulists, left free in a trance, say they are enlightened and assisted by a being that is unknown to them.” (DELEUZE, 1813) In turn, Billot declared that he received instructions from superior spirits, through those magnetized in a somnambulistic trance, in his research.

The topic of communication with spirits became part of the discussions of magnetizers and the pages of their periodicals. A study of the works of Chardel, Charpignon, Ricard, Teste and Aubin Gauthier reveals several descriptions of experimental phenomena that reveal communication between the living and the disembodied.

Years later, the magnetizer Louis Alphonse Cahagnet (1809-1885), with courage and determination, spoke to the spirits through his ecstatic somnambulists, mainly Adèle Maginot, recording in his work more than one hundred and fifty minutes signed by witnesses who recognized the identity of the communicating spirits. Cahagnet anticipated this spiritist science research instrument by more than ten years. For Gabriel Delanne, “This worker was a superb fighter, who had the glory of doing what he was: one of the pioneers of truth.” (DELLANE, 1899)

FIGUEIREDO, Paulo Henrique de. Autonomy: the untold story of Spiritism

Certainly, Daniel also does not know the facts that led Psychology to leave Rational Spiritualism and organize itself under dogmatic materialism, full of categorical and unscientific statements! He certainly still does not know the facts that led Comte to become Victor Cousin's enemy, having then achieved what he wanted so much: affirming his dogmas, after the forced fall of Rational Spiritualism. For him, Daniel, today it may be unreasonable to even imagine the existence of Rational Spiritualism, but it existed. I say more: it paved the way for Spiritism, which is its development, formed through the most basic characteristics of science — rational observation — and the scientific axiom — every effect has a cause and every intelligent effect has an intelligent cause (remaining to know which cause it is this, with fraud even being possible and investigated).

If you had studied the Spiritist Magazines, even if you were to conclude otherwise (since, in science, people can reach different conclusions or theories), you would see that, of all the possible disagreements, one cannot affirm the work of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies , led by Allan Kardec, as something shallow, without seriousness or without scientific methodology. Much less could it be said that Kardec was naive or foolish, but quite the opposite: he would see all of Kardec's careful considerations in this regard, something, in fact, that no one else after him knew how to do:

Undoubtedly, say some contradictors, you were imbued with such ideas and that's why the spirits agreed with your way of seeing. It is an error which proves, once again, the danger of hasty and unexamined judgments. If, before judging, such people had taken the trouble to read what we wrote about Spiritism, they would have spared themselves the trouble of such a frivolous objection. Therefore, we will repeat what we have already said about it, that is, that when the doctrine of reincarnation was taught to us by the Spirits, it was so far from our thinking that we had built a completely different system on the antecedents of the soul, a system shared by the by many people. On this point, the doctrine of the Spirits surprised us. We'll say more: it antagonized us, because it overthrew our own ideas. As you can see, it was far from a reflection of them.

This is not all. We don't give in to the first shock. We fight; we defend our opinion; we raise objections and only surrender in the face of evidence and when we realize the inadequacy of our system to resolve all issues relating to this problem.

KARDEC, Allan. Spiritist Magazine of November 1858.

I close with the big question: does Daniel Gontijo have this desire to know what he doesn't know, even if he ends up concluding in a divergent way? Or will it continue to show “proof of levity and a sad display of lack of judgment”? We'll see.

I did a video analysis of the channel's last case and its response to my video. You can check:

Photo by cottonbro studio:

What do Spirits do after death?

What do we do in life beyond the grave? This is a question that many ask themselves. Furthermore, another: “if there are no spiritual colonies, then what exists after death? It can’t be anything.”

Allan Kardec, in the Spiritist Magazine of May 1862, on the occasion of Mr. Sanson's death, says a beautiful prayer, from which we extract the following excerpt:

You no longer have the veil that hides, from our eyes, the splendors of the future life; From now on, you will be able to contemplate new wonders, while we are still immersed in darkness. You will travel through space and visit the worlds with complete freedom, while we crawl painfully on Earth, where our material body holds us back, similar to a heavy burden for us. The horizon of infinity will unfold before you, and in the presence of so much grandeur you will understand the vanity of our earthly desires, our worldly ambitions and the futile joys that men delight in.

Death is, among men, nothing more than a material separation of a few moments. From the place of exile, where the will of God still holds us back, as well as the duties we have to fulfill in this world, we will follow you, by thought, until the moment when we will be allowed to reunite with you, as you were reunited with those who preceded you.

If we cannot come with you, you can come close to us. Come therefore among those who love you and whom you have loved; support them in the trials of life; watch over those who are dear to you; Protect them according to your power, and soften their lamentations by the thought that you are happier now, and the consoling certainty of one day being reunited with you in a better world.

KARDEC, Allan. Spiritist Magazine of May 1862

Certainly, life after death does not take place in an empty space, since nothing, nothing is. The big issue is that our mentality is taken from a materialization of the world of Spirits, promoted above all by the unreflective admission of the ideas of the Spirit of André Luiz, presented in Nosso Lar and others.

Go back to the previous excerpt and pay attention to the ideas reverberated by Kardec in this simple and touching prayer: “[…] you will be able to contemplate new wonders, while we are still immersed in darkness”; “You will travel through space and visit the worlds with complete freedom, while we crawl painfully on Earth”; "O horizon of infinity will unfold before you, and in the presence of so much grandeur you understand the vanity of our earthly desires, of our worldly ambitions, and of the futile joys in which men delight.”

Far from what they seek to do, there is no inherent relationship between André Luiz's ideas and Spiritist Science, about a fantastic after-death world, where even a flying bus, Spirits who are already relatively calm, past the disturbance phase, would have what to take. Charity is a moral duty and does not await reward. The Spirit disconnected from materialism serves Creation, acting in Infinite Space, contributing to the execution of Natural Laws, whether in Nature, or by learning and helping, in contact with other Spirits, incarnate and disembodied.

Before the excerpt above, Kardec says the following:

“You left the gross envelope, subject to vicissitudes and death, and you kept only the ethereal, imperishable and imperishable envelope. inaccessible to suffering. If you no longer live by the body, you live from the life of the Spirits, and this life is free from the miseries that afflict Humanity.”

Pain, hunger, cold, heat, thirst, fear, tiredness? Only for Spirits attached to materiality, who create these false sensations, that they cannot supply, around you. This statement is very important, and comes not from Kardec, but from the superior Spirits themselves:

970. What do the sufferings of inferior Spirits consist of?

“They are as varied as the causes that determined them, and proportional to the degree of inferiority, as enjoyments are to that of superiority. They can be summed up like this: envying what they lack to be happy and not getting it; seeing happiness and not being able to achieve it; grief, jealousy, anger, hopelessness about what prevents them from being happy; remorse, indefinable moral anxiety. They desire all pleasures and cannot satisfy them: this is what tortures them.”

KARDEC, Allan. The Spirits' Book.

Therefore, the idea of a “Spiritual Colony”, created by Superior Spirits, to satisfy the false needs of attached, inferior Spirits, not only goes against common sense, but also the Spiritist Doctrine itself!

Let us remember, finally, that we can find, in Kardec's works, other examples of Spirits who, freed from matter, demonstrate the tasks of the post-death, acting in the good, for the detached Spirits:

  • Countess Paula, presented in Heaven and Hell, covered in recent article.
  • The Lady Schwabenhauss, in the Spiritist Magazine of September 1858.
  • The articles The Genius of Flowers and Questions about the genius of flowers, in the Spiritist Magazine of March 1860.
  • The article O Anjo das Crianças, in the Spiritist Magazine of April 1860.

This is what we can present so far and, still based on Genesis, we can conclude that there is sufficient evidence of the falsity of the systematized ideas about “Spiritual Colonies”, where selfishness and the idea of charity out of interest would be perpetuated. We remind you that we have already carried out a more extensive study on the materiality of beyond the grave, which you can find by clicking on here.

The truth about the law of Cause and Effect: a scientific axiom

The law of Cause and Effect, in fact, is not a law: it is a scientific axiom ((Evidence whose proof is unnecessary because it is obvious; self-evident principle; Expression that contains a moral or general meaning; proverb, maxim or sentence .)): every effect has a cause. This is how, for example, the Big Bang and Dark Matter are theorized using the method of rational observation: by observing certain effects, we can trace back to the cause. It has absolutely nothing to do with the idea of a “law of return” which, in fact, does not exist.

In the field of morals, if a person suffers, it certainly has a cause. What is the cause? The Spiritist Movement generalized, based on the adulteration of Heaven and Hell, and went on to say: it is punishment for mistakes in past lives. But, in truth, it is forgotten that the cause of suffering can be present actions, the effects of material life itself that imposes natural vicissitudes on us and, in addition, the Spirit's choice to go through an ordeal for mere learning or, even, by mission, helping others with their passage.

Even if the cause of the present suffering are mistakes from past lives, it is necessary to understand the following: the person may still be suffering the effects of their intimate attachments. He may, for example, have developed the imperfection of selfishness in a past life and, in this life, continuing his selfish acts, suffers for his actions. natural effects (in fact, by the way: it may, today, be being any less selfish than in the previous life, which is already progress). You may also be suffering, in this life, trials chosen by her, aiming to exercise detachment, because she understood that her attachment took her away from good and happiness, wanting then to return to being happy, useful, in short: returning to good.

This is the true spiritist morality, which has been contradicted and distorted by adulteration of Heaven and Hell. Nothing to do with “law of return” or karma. Nothing to do with a punitive God. The original of Heaven and Hell, with very important footnotes, can be downloaded here:

“Brazil, heart of the world, homeland of the gospel”? – A critical analysis

“Brazil, heart of the world, homeland of the gospel”? – A critical analysis is produced by Leonardo Marmo Moreira and Jorge Hessen. The text below was extracted in full from the preface of the work, with the aim of safeguarding such an important study as this, replicating it on our website. The full text, which was the basis for this article, is available in PDF, on here.


Jorge Hessen

In my historical investigations I found confreres who assured me at the FEB headquarters that Chico Xavier never warned the so-called “Ismael's tent” (FEB headquarters in DF) about the possible and alleged ideological interpolations in “Brazil, heart of the world, homeland of the gospel”. We do not know any further details behind the scenes of this exchange between the medium and former FEB directors.

I found those who attest to Chico's consent to the insertion of Roustaing in chapter 22 of “Brazil heart of the world homeland of the gospel” demonstrating supposed correspondences between Chico and Wantuil de Freitas, contained in the work “Testimonies of Chico Xavier”. However, we discovered that only a few secondary sources were passed on to the author of the work Suely Caldas Schubert (who does not have a Roustanguist trajectory), typed fragments of the letters and intentionally selected and elaborated by docetists Zeus Wantuil and Francisco Thiesen.

An authenticity of Roustaing's insertion in the “sacred” book of the (im) “Golden Pact” was forged, when former FEB directors visited Chico Xavier so that a Minas Gerais medium could “authenticate” the book or the chapter page 22 of “Brazil heart of the world homeland of the gospel” to corroborate the authenticity of the original psychography (which was inexplicably incinerated by the FEB), but Chico “authenticated” chapter 22 with the “robust” confirmation: “With a hug from the minor server Chico Xavier.” In other words, it didn’t confirm anything! Chico knew that the work had been corrupted.

The coup of the (im)“Golden Pact” was an agenda with eighteen items, the first of which stated: “It is up to the spiritists of Brazil to put into practice the exposition contained in the book “Brazil, Heart of the World, Homeland of the Gospel”. Here we open a parenthesis because we understand that in this device there was a proposition that could have undesirable consequences, considering the focus of unity among spiritists. Now, the most reasonable thing would be to include in the first item that the spiritists put into practice the exposition contained in the Gospel According to Spiritism, in order to accelerate and consolidate the evolutionary march of the Gospel.

There are those who say that the adoption of the book “Brazil heart of the world homeland of the gospel” could have two pretexts, the first because a group of those who discussed the issue wanted to adopt “The Four Gospels” by Roustaing, the second because the “supporters ” of CEPA (Pan-American Spiritist Confederation) did not and do not accept the Gospel According to Spiritism, in this case, therefore, Humberto de Campos' book would be on the balance line and placed Brazil in a central position in the expansion of the Gospel.

Really? Was this what led them to sign without discussion the pact that Herculano Pires called the “papal bull”? Or had the excess of mysticism created a feeling of guilt and the parties to the agreement began to admit infallibility in the president of the FEB? Or would the autocratic presence of Wantuil (who was a kind of “sole owner” of the FEB) have dulled the conscience of the signatories? Or did all the parties to the agreement lack greater doctrinal maturity? One thing, however, we are absolutely certain of: if Herculano Pires, Deolindo Amorim, Júlio Abreu Filho had participated in the “enchanted” Febian meeting of 1949, another would have been the direction of doctrinal definitions for Brazil.

So it is! Let us return to the signatories of the Pact who concluded without further DEBATE and maturation that the book “Brazil heart of the world homeland of the gospel” contained interesting data and demonstrated what the mission of Spiritism in Brazil would be. However, the parties to the agreement were not concerned with the jingoistic and controversial details of the book, perhaps the “X” of the issue.

We do not raise this point to contest the original contents of the work (those that were not supposedly altered by the Febian Docetists). It is very obvious that it is difficult to physically prove tampering because the original psychography was incinerated by the FEB. It is important to emphasize here that we love the literature of Humberto de Campos (without the Febian insertions, of course!), and what's more, it is necessary to separate things well, as the naive enthronement of Roustaing by the supposed “spiritual author” contradicts Kardec's thought contained in Chapter XV of the work Genesis.

The point is that the supposed “Humberto de Campos” evokes “the traditions of the spiritual world”, as the spiritual author himself asserts in the Introduction to the book “Brazil heart of the world homeland of the gospel”. Obviously this “traditions from beyond” argument does not clarify, or even support, the work’s interference. And this becomes clear if we compare the book “Brazil, world…” with “Crônicas de Além-Túmulo” and “Boa Nova” written by the same Spirit, in which Humberto de Campos uses some information obtained from the so-called “traditions of the spiritual world”, but without committing the various lapses present in “Brazil heart of the world homeland of the gospel”. Regarding the work “Chronicles from Beyond the Grave” in chapter 21 entitled “The Great Missionary”, published before “Brazil, heart of the world…”, only the missionaries Camille Flammarion, Léon Denis and Gabriel are mentioned as collaborators of Allan Kardec Delanne, with no mention of Roustaing. This indicates likely malicious interpolation in the work “Brazil heart of the world homeland of the gospel”.

This is my opinion.

Brasilia, April 10, 2018

Jorge Hessen

Undersigned: FEB does not represent Spiritism!

The Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) assumed a very distant character and, in many points, diametrically opposed to the fundamental principles of Spiritism, so well demonstrated by the exhaustive studies of Allan Kardec, who gave them his time, his resources, his health and, In the end, your life. The FEB recommends not evoking it, when it is an indispensable tool for the Doctrine; always advises against private meetings, when the superior Spirits themselves have encouraged them; publishes everything without the necessary doctrinal analysis, producing works that are contrary to Spiritism and reaching the point of causing embarrassment to the Doctrine, etc.

Guided by the FEB, most of the Spiritist Movement, unaware of the Roustainuist (or Rustenist) origin of this institution, embarked on an absurdly distorted path. A quick reading of “Ponto Final: o reencontro do Espiritismo com Allan Kardec”, by Wilson Garcia, to understand the reason for all this distortion: people from the Sayão Group, an avowedly Roustainuist group, dominated the FEB since the end of the 19th century , inserting into it and, consequently, into the Brazilian Spiritist Movement, its characteristics contrary to the method and organization necessary for the continued development of spiritist science, as we can see especially in the following articles from the Spiritist Magazine: ORGANIZAÇÃO DO SPIRITISM, December 1861 , and TRANSITIONAL CONSTITUTION OF SPIRITISM, December 1868.

In its philosophical and moral essence, Brazilian Spiritism is also very far from the true face of Consoling Spiritism, as we can understand by reading “Autonomy: the untold story of Spiritism”.

As if all this were not enough, we now have diverse evidence of significant adulterations in works psychographed by Chico Xavier, completely altering, in some points, the original meaning of the text. Furthermore, we have the great unknown called “Brazil, Heart of the World, Homeland of the Gospel”, whose original psychography was incinerated by the FEB and which, not by chance, inserts several absurdities against the Doctrine, affirming Roustaing as a great worker of Spiritism, together with Kardec, and the “Angel” Ismael, a Spirit who originally mystified the Sayão Group, as a great spiritual leader of the Brazilian homeland.

For these and many others, we, the undersigned, declare, for record purposes, that we do not feel represented by the FEB and the Brazilian Spiritist Movement, thus highlighting the necessary return to the origins of Spiritism, duly contextualized by the complementary understanding of Spiritualism Rational and Animal Magnetism, in order to prepare the ground for the future resumption of Spiritism as it really is, with the resumption of its development through collaboration between small groups, without institutions above them, as demonstrated necessary by Kardec, in the articles previously mentioned.

The Study Group The Legacy of Allan Kardec inaugurates this effort merely for registration purposes, without any intention of dispute or prohibitions, wishing to soon see Spiritism being understood and recognized as a Philosophical Science of moral consequences, with its method and organization reestablished and removed from the characteristic of religion attributed to him by the FEB, something he never was (Annual session commemorating the dead, RE68).

Click on here to sign the petition.