
The principle of happiness and unhappiness

The principle of happiness and unhappiness: this understanding, which seems very simple at first, and which is of paramount importance, is not very easy to internalize. How will she be? Through study, which leads to knowledge, which strengthens reason. The Spirit really only changes when it understands its imperfections and mistakes and when, actively, of its own volition, it starts to seek to overcome them.

Cover image: Allan Kardec and Paul Janet

Punishment and reward: you need to study Paul Janet to understand Allan Kardec

Many, when reading Kardec, suppose that he, due to the words he used in his works, was just reproducing ideas and concepts originating from the Catholic Church. Nothing could be further from the truth, as we will see in this article, since Kardec was, in fact, using the concepts widely disseminated and understood in the midst of French cultured society, which, by the way, was the class that was most interested in the study of Spiritism.

The role of the researcher and the medium in communications with the Spirits

In this group study, we treated the article in question in a somewhat different way, as we noticed that it gave us the opportunity to go into a very important depth about mediumship and the differences between how it was treated in Spiritism, as a scientific doctrine born from the rational observation of facts and spiritist (spiritual) communications and how it is treated today.

Law of action and reaction, law of return, karma: why do we suffer, according to Spiritism?

Visualizações: 2,939 Talvez você que esteja lendo, como eu, já tenha feito aquela pergunta: “Deus, por que comigo?” Esse questionamento, bastante natural quando ainda não temos plena compreensão dos ensinamentos dos Espíritos superiores através do Espiritismo, ainda encontra muitas explicações read more