Spiritism without Kardec?

At the doors of the 21st century, it is difficult to see how the spiritist movement intends to do Spiritism, after having forgotten, modified and misrepresented the work of Allan Kardec. After 154 years of Professor Rivail's disincarnation, it is very common to find so-called spiritist literature in which, in very few cases, only images of Kardec remain on sensationalist and advertising covers.

Spiritist philosophy has a method, for study purposes, it has principles or fundamentals that are impossible to separate if we try to practice it; here is the cause of such frequent errors. Faced with such a scenario, we ask ourselves:

Would it be possible today to practice, disseminate, study Spiritism, leaving aside the concepts systematized by Denizard Rivail? Is there spiritism without Kardec?

We believe that returning to Kardec, studying Kardec through Kardec, educating the mass of Spiritism followers on the need to practice this philosophy from its bases are urgent issues and necessary development, because in this and many other ways we would adopt measures against a movement that it has lost the identity of the Doctrine it supposedly practices, which it supposedly disseminates. It is an indispensable measure in the face of a movement that has been confused by a sea of opinions, distorted by waves of figures in sales of books and magazines, mistaken in the exaltation of men and women who were nothing more than imperfect mediumistic instruments like all the others. others. Dear brothers, there is the work of that man firm in his determinations, there is the logical and reasoned guide, the bases that we need to develop. The starting point of a destination full of freedom. Let's use it!

Let's walk together, and finally rescue, once and for all, Kardec's legacy without which there is no possible Spiritism.