
Answers of the Spirits to some questions

Views 138 Here Kardec addresses some responses from the Spirits regarding some basic questions, pertinent at that time. The purpose was to demonstrate to the public the clarity, depth and accuracy of these answers, I believe. I take some points from this chapter: The Spirit is something that we cannot yet fully understand. We still lack… Answers from the Spirits to some questions Read More » read more

CSI of Spiritism and the adulterations of Heaven and Hell.

Adulteration in Genesis and the “CSI of Spiritism”

Would Kardec have commissioned new editions of his works without having announced anything to anyone and making changes that go against the previously cultivated understanding that we are not reincarnated to pay debts, but to reform ourselves? According to the CSI Spiritism page, Kardec Kardec's letters would prove that it was. However, are they acting like the GM, digging deep into the two sides of the story?

According to the CSI Spiritism page, Kardec, Kardec's letters would prove so. However, are they acting like the Master, going deeply into analyzing both sides of the story?