The systems of social reform and Spiritism

by Paulo Degering Rosa Junior

Há tempos venho realizando abordagens ((Veja os artigos “Spiritualism and Politics" and "The silence of the Spiritist Movement in the face of social issuesabout the impossibility of linking Spiritism to any political ideology and how harmful and harmful this practice is to the Spiritist Movement. When I defend that Spiritism should not be mixed with politics, I do not mean that it cannot give its contribution to it, but rather that it should not be mixed with the opinions and ideas of systems that, contrary to spiritist morality, , want to change society by force, by imposition, while Spiritism demonstrates that the only way to effect any change in society is by helping the individual to abandon bad habits and imperfections, in a gesture rational, conscious and autonomous.

Anyone who studies Spiritism with some dedication easily understands this principle. However, I needed to find a true pearl of Allan Kardec, inserted in the middle of a text that, until today, I confess, I had not read or known. The pearl in question is in the publication “Spiritist Journey in 1862”, in “Discourses pronounced at the general meetings of the Spiritists of Lyon and Bordeaux.”, item III:

I just said that without charity man only builds on sand. An example will make us understand better.

Some well-meaning men, touched by the sufferings of a part of their fellow men, thought they found the remedy for the evil in certain social reform systems. With minor differences, the principle is more or less the same in all of them, whatever name you give them. Community life as it is the least expensive; community of goods, so that everyone has their share; participation of all for the common work; no great riches, but also no misery. This was very seductive for someone who, having nothing, could already see the rich man's purse entering the social fund., without calculating that the totality of the riches, put in common, would create general misery rather than partial misery; that the equality established today would be broken tomorrow by the mobility of the population and the difference between skills; what permanent equality of goods presupposes equality of capacities and work. But this is not the point; it does not enter into my considerations to examine the positive and negative sides of these systems. I disregard the impossibilities I have just mentioned and propose to consider them from another point of view which, it seems to me, has not yet concerned anyone and which is related to our subject.

KARDEC, Allan. Spiritist Journey of 1862, my emphasis.

Kardec, as always very lucid in his notes, begins by pointing out the very clear problems that such “social reform systems” would bring to society. However, it does not delve into this, to then attack the moral theme, which is very important, and demonstrating, once again, that its interests, aligned with Spiritism, did not consist in destroying, but in building:

The authors, founders or promoters of all these systems, without exception, had no other aim than the organization of material life in a way that would benefit everyone. The goal is laudable, no doubt. It remains to be seen whether this building lacks the only foundation that could consolidate it, assuming it were practicable.

Community is the most complete self-denial of the personality((One of the principles of Spiritism is the relationship of Spirits with everyone, contrary to the false principle of individuality (N. do E.) )). Each one owing Giving oneself personally, it requires the most absolute devotion ((Moral Duty was something very well defined by Rational Spiritualism, of which Spiritism is the development(N. of E.) )). Now, the motive of self-denial and devotion is the charity, that is, love for others ((Disinterested charity (N. do E.) )). But we recognize that the The foundation of charity is belief ((Charity, to be possible, requires conscience, based on reason (N. do E.) )); that lack of belief leads to materialism and materialism leads to selfishness. A system which, by its nature and for its stability, requires moral virtues in the highest degree, must take its starting point in the spiritual element.. Well done! since the material side is their exclusive objective ((Because they are systems based on materialist philosophies, with their main origin in Aristotle and reproduced with great force by Comte (N. do E.) )), not only the spiritual element is not taken into account, as many systems are founded on a highly avowed materialistic doctrine((Let's see: imperfection can develop due to a complete inability to deal with life's issues, due to a lack of understanding of morals (lack of education). When seeking, for example, happiness in things and situations in life, the being begins to attribute unreasonable importance to the resources necessary to do so. If he does not have them, he feels unhappy (sad), but, judging that happiness is also his responsibility, he may judge that, to satisfy this, he must be It is licit to obtain it from those who have these resources in abundance. It is the materialist way of approaching the subject, reproduced by almost all of these systems (N. do E.) )), or about pantheism, a kind of disguised materialism, a true adornment of the beautiful name fraternity. But fraternity, like charity, is neither imposed nor decreed; it must be in the heart and it will not be a system that will give birth to it if it is not there; otherwise the system will collapse and give way to anarchy.

Ibid. Idem.

Kardec sowed the seed: moral virtues, from which fraternity is born, are not born of a system. They cannot be imposed or decreed. You have to be born from the heart.

Experience is there to prove that don't suffocate neither ambitions nor cupidity. Before doing the thing for men, it is necessary to train men for the thing, how workers are formed, before entrusting them with a job. Before building, it is necessary to ensure the solidity of the materials. Here the solid materials are men of heart, devotion and self-denial. Egoism, love and brotherhood are, as we have said, empty words; How, then, under the empire of selfishness, to found a system that requires self-denial to a greater degree since it has, as an essential principle, the solidarity of all with each and of each with all?

Ibid. Idem.

It is incredible not to see, yet, Kardec occupy space among the names of the highest moral philosophy. But it is not only morality that is forgotten, but also, along with it, rational spirituality.

Simple and without linguistic adornments that only serve to confuse and flatter, says the professor: “Before doing the thing for the men, it is necessary to form the men for the thing”. Always, always, attacking the heart of the issue, since his youth, with just over 20 years old: education. If you want to change society, you have to educate from childhood. Now, in a society where there is no education, but only instruction, what do you want to achieve, if not the results that we are forced to meet, daily, around the world? What can one expect from individuals who are trained, from their very first steps, in the schools of dispute, cheating, reward and punishment, in a word, heteronomy? Certainly, they will not be autonomous and fraternal individuals, much less charitable. And, for Kardec,

Without charity, there is no stable human institution; and there can be no possible charity or fraternity, in the true sense of the word, without belief ((Again, Kardec highlights the importance of knowledge, which underpins reason (N. do E.) )). So, apply yourselves to developing those feelings that, by increasing themselves, will destroy the selfishness that kills you. When charity has penetrated the masses, when it has become the faith, the religion of the majority, then your institutions will become better by the very force of things.; abuses, arising from personalism, will disappear. Teach, therefore, charity and, above all, I preached by example: is the anchor of salvation of society. Only she can realize the kingdom of good on Earth, which is the kingdom of God; without it, whatever you do, you will only create utopias, from which you will only be disappointed..

Ibid. Idem.

You don't have to go much further. Kardec's thinking is quite clear and lucid, and I take it not as an argument from authority, but because it is in full agreement with what I believe to be the best expression of knowledge in morals, philosophy and education, especially with regard to successive and progressive progress. of being, a principle demonstrated by Spiritism.

As long as we continue to fight for social transformations imposed by force, and even violence, we will only create utopias and disappointments. Let's see that the examples of this, after Kardec, are already several, and they swarm around us. In a way, he practically predicted what a good part of the world would face, in the following century, due to the materialist systems and ideologies that still prevail today and which, paradoxically, are defended by a significant part of the Spiritist Movement, which, in In fact, he still hasn't understood the true moral of Spiritism and wants to force others to change according to what external agents define as ideal, and not by conscience itself, in an autonomous and conscious movement.

When it comes to the Spiritist Movement, it is nonsense to see materialist ideas defended within this medium. Let us suppose, quite naively, that a law is created that obliges the rich to share their riches: this will only generate revolt in the spirits who have the imperfection of avarice and, at the first opportunity, in this or in other lives, they will fight to reestablish the power previously possessed. Not to mention the individuals who, accustomed to various vices, will only use shared resources to feast a little more. This is not how a society changes.

Without charity, which is born from the understanding of the morality of the divine law and from the autonomous movement towards the good, man only builds on sand..

An invitation to cooperation

Calm down, please don't run away! It's not that much work.

I would like to make a very simple invitation to you, who are dedicated to studying Spiritism: help yourself to spread it too!

Often, we study individually or in groups a topic that can serve as the basis for a simple article, succinct, punctual, but of great interest to other people. I invite you, then, to write! Just take notes, indicate sources of studies, or even indicate video excerpts of up to 10 minutes, for posting on TikTok, the fastest growing video network in the world.

where to post articles? Well, you can count on our support to use our platform, after analyzing the content, and you can also count on our help to help you create your own blog.

We can do a lot of good with a little effort from each one! Don't deny yourself that: the world needs everyone's help! Sharing knowledge is the fastest and most powerful way to change society!


Science and Spiritism: matters in opposite dimensions?

We recently obtained the following observation from a correspondent of ours, Ms. A…:

Science today does not confirm much of what we believe to be the spirit world and the intervention on our plane. The turntable itself has already been accused of being just the result of the ideomotor effect and not messages from the spirits. We don't have scientific proof of many things and yet we believe them. Science at the time of Kardec evolved and did not confirm everything. Spiritism, as much as it has used the scientific method, is not proven by science, perhaps in the future it will be. But it's still not science. We can call philosophy, religion based on the scientific method. There are things that we know are not real like the name of the person who gave certain messages in psychographs and we are told to just consider the content of the message given and ignore the supposed false identity. There are things we prefer not to know or accept to be weird. But when we see these same things in other doctrines and in other groups, we accuse them of lack of common sense and scientific method.

We summarize our response to these observations below:

Dear Miss. A... well said: TODAY's science and, we add, since always, materialistic, dogmatic science, do not accept the findings that the Spirits came to demonstrate. However, even before Kardec, many honest scientists even found the existence of something beyond the material body. Says Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo, in "Mesmer: the denied science of animal magnetism":

“The magnetizers proved very early on the relationships of somnambulists with invisible beings. Deleuze, a disciple of Mesmer, in his correspondence maintained with doctor GP Billot for more than four years, from March 1829 to August 1833, was initially reluctant, but finally affirmed: “Magnetism demonstrates the spirituality of the soul and its immortality; it proves the possibility of communication between intelligences separated from matter and those still connected to them.” (BILLOT, 1839)”

In turn, Deleuze stated: “I see no reason to deny the possibility of the appearance of people who, having left this life, take care of those they loved here and come to manifest themselves to them, to give them salutary advice. I just had an example of this.” (Ibid.)

“Years later, the magnetizer Louis Alphonse Cahagnet (1809-1885), with courage and determination, talked to the spirits through his somnambulists in ecstasy, mainly Adèle Maginot, recording in his work more than one hundred and fifty letters signed by witnesses who recognized the identity of the communicating spirits. Cahagnet anticipated this research instrument of Spiritist science by more than ten years.”

We then see Rivail, educator emeritus, years before, saying, regarding the education of children that, if it were done well, it would prevent them from believing in souls from the other world or in ghosts; that they would not take will-o'-the-wisps for Spirits ((RIVAIL, H.- L.- D. Speech given at the Distribution of prizes. Paris, 1834)). See the incredible change that took place in his ideas – not without resistance, as we can see in the article “Plurality of stocks“, from the Revista Espírita of November 1858 – to then, like Kardec, say that “in general, a very false idea is given about the state of Spirits. They are not, as some think, vague and indefinite beings, nor flames, like will-o'-the-wisps, nor ghosts, as in apparition tales. They are beings similar to us, having a body like ours, but fluid and invisible in a normal state ((Spiritist Magazine — Journal of Psychological Studies — 1864 > April > Summary of the law of Spiritist phenomena))”.

We would produce an endless text, seeking to reaffirm the countless points that demonstrate the strength of the formation of Spiritism as a science – science, which, in fact, was developed on Rational Spiritualism ((see “Autonomy: the never told story of Spiritism”, by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo)) – a task that can only be well performed and achieved by those who, freely, decide to leave their preconceptions and STUDYING Spiritism, in all its formation, which is easily found in the Spiritist Magazine and, later, deeply established in anthology, philosophy and morals in the works O Céu e o Inferno and A Genesis (in their original, unadulterated versions).

It can be seen that the path is long and can only be followed by those who are really interested in leaving heteronomy, which freezes the pace, towards autonomy, which puts us in charge of the helm of our own ship.

See, just to complement, that Spiritism was born like every science we know: by methodological and rational observation of facts of nature. If it has not yet reached the status of a recognized science, it is not its fault, but due to the great deviation that the spiritualist philosophical sciences took at the end of the 19th century, which turned off the lights of reasoning supported by morality to leave us in the shadows of Aristotelian materialism, which contaminates and defines our society until today. We reached the height of seeing Psychology forgetting its own definition – the study of the soul – to look at man only from a behaviorist, materialist point of view. Do you see the gap between the current point of view and the philosophical, moral, psychological and rational sciences of the past?

The big mistake is wanting to define science by current understanding, as if it were just what is done in the laboratory, forgetting that, even today, inference and the elaboration of ideas through hypotheses are still part of the scientific method. It is incredible, then, to see that Kardec, corroborating Mesmer and supported by spiritualist research, had already, at that time, arrived at the concepts of field and wave, approaching Modern Physics ((See A Gênesis, publisher FEAL)). We see, finally, that natural science is one, subdivided, however, by the specialties of men.

Kardec would say, in the Spiritist Magazine of January 1858:

Perhaps we are challenged by the name of science that we give to Spiritism. It would, without a doubt and in no case, have the characteristics of an exact science and precisely in this lies the error of those who try to judge and experiment with it as a chemical analysis or a mathematical problem; it is enough that it be a philosophical science. All science must be based on facts, but facts alone do not constitute science. It is born from the coordination and logical deduction of facts: it is the set of laws that govern them. Has Spiritism reached the state of science? If it is a question of a finished science, it will undoubtedly be premature to answer in the affirmative, but the observations are already numerous enough to allow at least to deduce the general principles, where science begins.

When Miss A… says that “there are things we prefer not to know or we accept that they are really strange”, she is only speaking from her point of view, which does not include our ideas. We don't act that way. We just don't accept it. We search, we seek answers. If, really, there are no answers, we are waiting for the day when we will be able to obtain them, through the scientific method necessary to establish communication with beings that we cannot judge otherwise than by reason. If, today, the Spiritist Movement does not excel in this method, once again, the fault is not Spiritism, but the misrepresentations made in the doctrinal core, but which, for those who are willing to study, are being quickly corrected and annulled, with the consequent restoration of true Spiritism.

Shall we be part of this movement?

Will we go somewhere after death? What does Spiritism teach about the future life?

By Suely GO Caine

We know how instinctive and from the beginnings the idea of continuity of existence of the spirit, after the death of the body. The comments to question 148 of The Spirits' Book highlight this issue:

(...) Man instinctively has the conviction that everything does not end for him with life; he has a horror of nothingness; it is in vain that he persists against the idea of a future life, and when the supreme moment arrives, there are few who do not ask what will become of them, because the idea of leaving life forever has something poignant about it. Who, in fact, could face with indifference an absolute and eternal separation from everything he loves? 


No one, it is said, has come back from there to tell us what exists. This, however, is an error, and the mission of Spiritism is precisely to enlighten us about this future, to make us, to a certain extent, see and touch it, no longer through reasoning, but through facts. Thanks to spiritist communications, this is no longer a presumption, a probability about which each one imagines at will, which poets embellish with their fictions or embellish with allegorical images that seduce us. It is reality that shows us its face, because it is the beings from beyond the grave who come to tell us about their situation, tell us what they do, allow us to witness, so to speak, all the adventures of their new life and by this means show us the inevitable fate that is in store for us, according to our merits or our crimes.”

Well then! It is not necessary to consider that anyone has “come back” to tell how he is in the spiritual plane, since there are countless reports, studies carried out around narratives obtained in mediumistic sessions, sometimes with rich details, that Kardec collected and gathered through of a developed scientific method, and in chapter VIII, Future penalties according to Spiritism, of the book Heaven and Hell, or Divine Justice According to Spiritism, clarifies:

“The Spiritist Doctrine, with regard to future penalties, is no more founded on a preconceived theory than its other parts. In everything she relies on observations, which is what gives her authority. No one then imagined that souls, after death, should find themselves in this or that situation. It is the very beings who left the Earth who come today - with God's permission and because humanity enters a new phase - to initiate us into the mysteries of the future life, to describe their happy or unhappy position, their impressions and their transformation in the death of the body. . The spirits come today, in short, to complete the teaching of Christ on this point.”

But… after all… will we find ourselves in a circumscribed place in the spiritual life? The answer is negative; there are no records in the spiritist doctrine of places reserved for the suffering or the happy, nor any subdivisions.

Spiritism teaches us that the spirit in need of progress, which is attached to matter, shares the world to which it naturally maintains affinity, to which it has an attraction, while the one that has evolved, having detached itself from matter, travels through different worlds. . Answers 232 and 233 of The Book of Spirits clarify the issue:

232. In the wandering state, can spirits go to all worlds? - According. When the Spirit leaves the body, it is not yet completely disconnected from matter and still belongs to the world in which it lived or to a world of the same degree; unless, during his lifetime, he has risen. This is the objective to which he must turn, for without it he would never be perfected. He can, however, go to some higher worlds, passing through them as a foreigner. He does nothing more than catch a glimpse of them, and that is what gives him the desire to improve himself, to be worthy of the happiness that is enjoyed in them and to be able to inhabit them.

233. Do spirits already purified come to the lower worlds? – They come often to help them progress; without it, these worlds would be left to themselves, without guides to guide them.

However, we often come across messages from spirits that narrate that they are in certain places of suffering, or that experience physical sensations, such portray the illusions that the spirit attached to matter can create for itself, but which are nothing more than a perception of the spirit that narrates it, and which, therefore, is not universal. 

From what we can infer is that the happy or unhappy state is inherent to the degree of purification or imperfections of the spirit, as we can conclude by reading items 1 to 25 of chapter VIII. book Heaven and Hell, or divine justice according to Spiritism, with emphasis on items 1 to 3 transcribed below:

1°) The soul or spirit is subject, in the spiritual life, to the consequences of all the imperfections of which it did not get rid of during the corporeal life. Your happy or unhappy state is inherent to the degree of your debugging or your imperfections. 

2°) Since all spirits are perfectible, by virtue of the law of progress, they carry within themselves the elements of their happiness or future unhappiness and the means of acquiring one and avoiding the other by working towards their own advancement. 

3°) Perfect happiness is linked to perfection, that is, to the complete purification of the spirit. Every imperfection is a cause of suffering, just as every acquired quality is a cause of satisfaction and alleviation of suffering; whence it follows that the sum of happiness and unhappiness is in proportion to the sum of the good or bad qualities possessed by the spirit.

However, let us pay attention to the study of the first edition of the book Heaven and Hell, or Divine Justice According to Spiritism and from the book Genesis – Miracles and Predictions According to Spiritism, by Allan Kardec, behold, the adulterations found in the 4th and 5th editions of the aforementioned books do not hover over this edition, respectively.

Another information obtained through the method of the universality of spirits, and which makes up the spiritist doctrine, is that spirits come together by a kind of affinity (not associated with the idea of merely material affinity) and form groups, according to the answer 278 of O Spirits Book:

278. Are Spirits of different orders mixed? - Yes and no; that is, they see each other, but they are distinguished from each other. They move away or approach according to the similarity or divergence of their feelings, as between you. It is a whole world, of which yours is the dark reflection. Those of the same order come together by a kind of affinity, and form groups or families of spirits united by sympathy and purposes; the good, by the desire to do good; the wicked, from the desire to do evil, from the shame of their faults and from the need to find themselves among beings similar to them. Like a big city, where men of all classes and of all conditions see each other and meet, without being confused, where societies are formed by the similarity of tastes, where vice and virtue rub shoulders, without speaking. .

In the Spiritist Magazine May/1858, under the title Eternal Halves , the spirit of São Luís also leaves interesting notes: 

"No. There is no particular and fatal union of two souls. There is union between all spirits, but in different degrees, according to the position they occupy, that is, according to the perfection acquired: the more perfect, the more united. From discord all human ills spring; from concord comes complete happiness.

(...) 3 ─ Once united, two perfectly sympathetic spirits remain united for eternity or can they separate and unite with other spirits? All Spirits are united with each other. I speak of those who have reached perfection. In the lower spheres, when a Spirit rises, he is no longer sympathetic to those he has left. 4 ─ Are two sympathetic spirits complementing each other or is this sympathy the result of a perfect identity? The sympathy that attracts one Spirit to another results from the perfect agreement of their inclinations and their instincts. If one were to complete the other, it would lose its individuality.”

These are reduced reflections on the subject. And what are yours? What texts do you know that could expand our studies? Would you like to study with us?!

Study sources:

Psychographed letter from the director of Chapecoense

Recently, an alleged psychographed letter from the director of Chapecoense appeared. The subject is tiresomely repetitive: whenever a tragedy occurs, whether individual or in a group, which draws the attention of society, a supposed psychographic appears that, due to the lack of care of the Spiritist Movement, no accident come repeat the false ideas linked to the dogmas of falling into sin and paying debts, karma, punishment, law of return, etc., already far surpassed by the spiritist science developed by the studies of Allan Kardec.

See an excerpt from supposed psychography:

“What appears to be injustice, when seen from above, all ideas and concepts about the divine are rethought, redone, put to the test, in remaking. First, I want you to know that nothing happens by chance. There are no victims in the Universe. We reap what we sow. I learn here that this is the universal and unalterable law, (…) the law of action and reaction […] We were together in other lives and we caused several air disasters during the wars. And divine good justice called us to right!”.

We never tire of highlighting how false this idea is, as we have already covered in length more than once ((refer to the articles “Law of action and reaction, law of return, karma: why do we suffer, according to Spiritism?“, “Karma (or karma), punishment, sin and punishment: how Kardec approached all this in A Genesis“, “Spiritism in the face of wars“)).

We will not repeat what we have already said in the cited articles. We will just remember: be careful, spiritists, because the spirits deceive the unsuspecting, the majority of mediums and workers who do not study the Spiritist Doctrine. To these, they reproduce communications full of false concepts, with a single objective: to keep the minds that blindly accept them away from true spiritist morality, which is autonomous and which is guided by the principle of successive progress.

These are ideas repeated by “teachers” of Spiritism, with channels and groups filled with hundreds of thousands of people, and which could do enormous good for themselves and society, but which choose to blindfold their eyes and cover their ears to the necessary study, because they believe they already know everything, since they are even “teaching” others.

They are, in fact, individuals who do not think about the great harm they do to Spiritism and the disrespect to these families, judging deceased loved ones, when they are told “criminals of the past“.

Divine Justice is not guided by collecting debts, but by allowing all spirits to reach their destination, which is relative perfection, by self effort, conscious and autonomous. Therefore, supposed psychographics like this supposed psychographed letter from the Chapecoense director can only be one of three things:

  • Fruits of an obsessive Spirit to which the medium surrenders;
  • Fruits of an inferior Spirit, with almost no ability to understand the spiritist world and attached to old religious ideas;
  • Fruits of the medium's own opinion.

In any case, the supposed psychographics must be ever analyzed by other people, knowledgeable about Spiritism, and only made public when verified as important and rational for the general interest.

O Study Group The Legacy of Allan Kardec repudiates this type of inconsequential act, which increasingly distances Spiritism from those who, judging by what they see reproduced by the Spiritist Movement, absent from studies, do not conform with such nonsense and with the absence of reason and charity in the Doctrine that says to excel in these two fundamental principles.

Study Events with Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo

Below is a playlist with very interesting videos of studies with the participation of Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo, currently the most prominent spiritist researcher.

We're knife and cheese in hand, and we're hungry

“Good spiritists, my beloved ones, you are all workers of the last hour. He would be very proud if he said: I started the work at dawn and I will only finish it at dusk. You all came when you were called, a little earlier, a little later, to the incarnation whose shackles you drag; but how many centuries and centuries ago the Lord called you to his vineyard, without your wishing to penetrate in it! Here you are at the time of pocketing the salary; make good use of the hour you have left and never forget that your existence, however long it may seem to you, is but a fleeting moment in the immensity of times that form eternity for you.. – Constantine, Protective Spirit. (Bordeaux, 1863.)”

“Don't be scared anymore! Tongues of fire are over your heads. O true adepts of Spiritism!. . . you are the chosen of God! Go and preach the divine word. The time has come when you must sacrifice your habits, your work, your futile occupations to its propagation.. Go and preach. With you are the elevated Spirits.” – Erastus, the medium's guardian angel. Paris, 1863.

The Gospel according to Spiritism » Chapter XX – Workers at the last minute » Instructions from the Spirits » The last will be the first.

As always, we can't take anything literally. Of course, we cannot put aside work, which is necessary for the sustenance of the flesh, or even moments of joy or relaxation, which are necessary for the health of the body… Nor does it mean going out into the streets bothering others with gossip about reincarnation. But it means studying and producing. We can, with a little that each can study and do, do much more. Let's work, friends.

It is a fact that we are eternal, but don't we want to reach the happiness of those who live in goodness sooner, without the stain of imperfections? And do we not wish this also for our brethren? It has been about 150 years since the spiritist morality stopped developing. We have the knife and cheese in hand, and we are hungry. Let's study?

Spiritualism Study Groups

Here are some suggestions for important studies on Spiritism, carried out by us and by sister groups.

Studies of the Spiritist Magazine – Study Group The Legacy of Allan Kardec:

Studies of the book Spiritist Revolution – Philosophy and Moral Education

Studies from O Céu e o Inferno – Study Group Spiritism for All – EPT:

Studies by A Gênese – Study Group Spiritism for All – EPT:

Studies on the work Ponto Final, by Wilson Garcia – Grupo de Estudos Espiritismo para Todos – EPT:

EPT chat

Click to know:

Genesis Studies – Spiritism for All Study Groups (EPT)

Studies, in Portuguese, carried out on the work “A Gênesis”, by the publisher FEAL, which is based on the 4th edition, original, and not in the 5th edition, tampered with.

If you would like information on how to actively participate in the studies, contact.

Studies – Genesis 2022 | Class 3 | Third

Studies – Genesis 2021 | Class 2 | Saturday

Studies – Genesis 2021 | Class 3 | Third

Studies – Genesis 2020 | Class 2 | Saturday

Studies – Genesis 2020 | Class 1 | Fifth

Support material

Heaven and Hell Studies – Spiritism Study Groups for All (EPT)

Estudos, em português, realizados sobre a obra “O Céu e o Inferno”, da editora FEAL, which is based on the 3rd edition, original, and not in the 4th edition, tampered with.

If you would like information on how to actively participate in the studies, contact.

Studies on Tuesdays

studies on saturdays

Completed Studies

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