
Spiritist Channel Luiz Fernando Amaral

The Spiritist Channel and Spiritism

“Canal Espírita”, by Luiz Fernando Amaral, on YouTube, is a channel that already has almost eight hundred thousand followers, with thousands of views. Due to its size and the expressiveness it has in this environment, it is worrying to see, there, the circulation and dissemination of certain ideas that are even contrary to the Spiritist Doctrine. In a way… read more

Heaven and Hell and the strange campaign of the CSI of Spiritism and the Portal Luz Espírita

The Luz Espírita portal, supported by biased research by Carlos Seth and others, continues to carry out an “odd campaign”1 against those who conclude differently from them, based on piles of evidence that they choose to disregard. It is notorious to say that, “on this side”, read more