

The strongest evidence of tampering with Allan Kardec's Heaven and Hell

São fatos jurídicos incontestes as adulterações de A Gênese e O Céu e o Inferno, pela mera questão de terem sido lançadas edições, com alterações, após a morte do autor e sem o depósito legal – assim afirmam ao menos quatro operadores jurídicos especializados: read more

The problems of belief in nothingness (nihilism) and punishment

Belief in punishment, even within Spiritism (or the Spiritist Movement) and belief in nothing lead man to two very complicated situations. Let us see: When one believes in nothing, man concentrates on the enjoyment of the present, at any cost. This is what Kardec shows us in Heaven and the... read more

incarnation punishment sin

Incarnation as punishment for sin

The following article, dealing with the principle of non-retrogradation of the Spirit and eliminating the idea of reincarnation as a punishment, was obtained from the article “On the principle of non-retrogradation of the Spirit”, from the Spiritist Magazine of June 1863. It contradicts the read more

Careful analysis of mediumistic communications and psychographics

Kardec, in the article “Exames of the mediumistic communications that they send us”, from the Spiritist Magazine of May 1863, demonstrates the care and seriousness that the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies had with the mediumistic communications that were sent to it. read more