Our Home and the Spiritist Doctrine
Our Home would be the faithful representation of the attachment to materialism, which could not be in line with the idea of superior ruling Spirits.
Our Home would be the faithful representation of the attachment to materialism, which could not be in line with the idea of superior ruling Spirits.
Many people use the case of this Spirit, Countess Paula, presented in Heaven and Hell, to support their theories of “astral cities”. Let us demonstrate the error in this hasty judgment.
Views: 448 I am always emphatic in demonstrating that the Spiritist Movement is considerably far from true Spiritism. We almost always find the Spiritist Movement, represented by the Spiritist Centers, the FEB, the USE and the speakers and representatives of these institutions, surrounded by read more
The publisher FEAL recently released the free PDF of the work Heaven and Hell, by Allan Kardec. The big difference for this edition is that it recovers the work originally written by Allan Kardec, free from the absurd read more
Continuation of the article Spiritism: The Idea of Jesus. Are we going to better understand the differences between the true mentality and the false idea? Over time, the true mindset and false idea have taken root in the world's traditions in various ways. read more
Repentance, for Spiritism, is not something external, submitted to an alien figure, as it is for religions, and is different from remorse.
Could Kardec, who was mentioned, contradict himself regarding the spiritist principles on atonement? Read this article.
I suggest the following thoughts, which inspired me, as a prayer for the good spiritist student. These are thoughts that I find useful to reflect on before study meetings. “Good Spirits, I am about to start another learning activity in read more
We have talked a lot about the great distance between Spiritism, or spiritist science, and what the Spiritist Movement learns and disseminates in Brazil, each day more contaminated by distortions and mysticism. I do not believe it necessary to repeat the facts read more
São fatos jurídicos incontestes as adulterações de A Gênese e O Céu e o Inferno, pela mera questão de terem sido lançadas edições, com alterações, após a morte do autor e sem o depósito legal – assim afirmam ao menos quatro operadores jurídicos especializados: read more