The Petrópolis disaster from the point of view of Spiritism: collective rescue?

Recently, the mountain region of Rio de Janeiro suffered another shock, resulting in a few dozen deaths. At the outset, I wish to express my feelings and those of the Group towards all the victims of this scourge and towards their loved ones.

I need, however, to position myself in the face of some comments that, at these moments, with great misfortune, some so-called “spiritists” end up making, almost always supported by supposed mediumistic communications. In no way do I want to say that my observations represent the sum of the teachings of the Spiritist Doctrine, which I have just begun to study, but I just want to rely on the logic of facts and on reasoning based on what this same study gives us.

lack of charity

It is enough for any disaster, of any proportion, to occur for someone, claiming to bring a mediumistic communication, to attribute it to a supposed action of “karma”, the “law of action and reaction”, the “redeeming of past debts”, without, first, reflecting on the complete lack of charity with which they act when they say so.

In the Kiss Nightclub disaster, unfortunately, several “spiritist” media outlets spoke out, linking those sad deaths to the Nazi Holocaust, stating that those people were “soldiers who killed Jews by burning them or asphyxiating them with cyanide” (see here a little more about it).

About the Gol plane crash in São Paulo, at Congonhas airport, in 2007, a book, called “O Voo da Esperança”, was produced, supposedly attributed to a Spirit, through the medium WF. This work, a true disservice to Spiritism, is enough to mention the following, as highlighted in Folha:

“It is the law of action and reaction […] Divine providence, in its infinite wisdom, did not place innocent spirits on this plane, but souls seriously committed to a past of errors […]”

“This group, of more than two hundred people, committed to the past of lack of compassion towards others […]”

This work resulted in at least one lawsuit against the publisher and the medium (see more).

And, in the case of the recent disaster in Petrópolis, there are already people publishing mediumistic communications claiming that it is a “collective rescue”.

The spiritist movement is crumbling from the inside out

My brothers, let us reflect! It's errors about errors, causing enormous damage to Spiritualism, committed by people who stopped being guided by the necessary rational method in the analysis of mediumistic communications and who began to allow any kind of concept, transmitted in this way, to be taken as true and doctrinal! Now, Kardec always called everyone's attention to the fact that imposter, deceiver or pseudo-wise spirits communicate everywhere, even in serious mediumistic groups, and that, because of this, we cannot accept the communication of any Spirit, under any name that presents itself, as an expression of the truth (read more by clicking here)!

You, who are reading, can put yourself in the position of that mother, who turned the mud in search of his daughter, 17 years old, hearing from someone who declares themselves a spiritualist the words “your daughter died like this because she is paying for past mistakes”? It achieves? Well done! If you succeed, it is for this reason – for charity – in the first place, and for the following reasons, that never we must express that kind of thinking!

Not everything is atonement for past mistakes

Anyone who studies Kardec – a study that is largely absent nowadays – knows very well that individual tragedies can occur for four main reasons: atonement, when the Spirit choose go through a certain test, with a view to overcoming an imperfection; test, which is when the Spirit goes through any difficulty, planned or not, and that promotes learning and progress; mission, when the Spirit chooses to perform a task in order to promote good for others; and force of nature, when, for example, an inevitable natural scourge affects thousands or millions of people simultaneously. Therefore, how can we give ourselves the right to point to a situation like these above, collective or individual, to infer, wrong and ruthlessly, that it occurs due to a “recovery” of past mistakes? That’s definitely not up to us!

Let's think about the following: imagine that you, as a Spirit, before incarnating, choose a type of evidence and, maybe, of atonements. Your incarnation takes place under this plan, until you move to any city, summoned by a job opportunity. You live there for some time when, by a fortuitous action of nature, a meteorite falls on this city, killing you and thousands of others around. See: it is an inevitable scourge of nature, to which we are subject by the simple fact of being incarnate. We will die and restart another incarnation, continuing our evolution.

Another example: in the case of Nightclub Kiss, could it be that everything happened due to someone else's irresponsibility? Well, we know that everything happened because they used combustible materials in a closed environment, with difficult exit (several exits were locked) and without an efficient fire extinguishing system. That is, there was negligence, which is the result of other people's choices. Many of those who were there, at that moment, were victimized by this chain of events – or can we suppose that the band that played was intuited to use the pyrotechnic materials (fire) in order to fulfill a “collective karma”? This is irrational!

Many do not know, but, geologically, the mountainous region of Serra da Mata Atlântica, which passes through SP and Rio, is very old, formed by the deposit of lighter matter (earth) on rocky elevations. Over the millions of years, this surface layer is getting more fragile and, when heavy rains occur, they cause landslides and disasters like these. The human being, being incarnated in the same dense matter, is subject to these occurrences, as he is part of a world whose nature is quite unstable, renewing itself day after day. Such scourges are not the result of God's impiety: they are actually necessary to accelerate our scientific and moral advancement (see The Spirits' Book, Part Three, Chapter 5 - Destroying Scourges - Click here).

Planetary Transition?

Much is said that such scourges are accelerating because of the so-called "planetary transition", where the Earth will cease to be a world of trials and atonement for a world of regeneration. In essence, this transition is still true, but we need to be very careful, once again, with the implication of what we say, as many attribute to such scourges, including pandemics, the effect of “separating the wheat from the chaff”, as if they were taking from here the Spirits that will no longer be able to be part of this planet in its new phase. This is yet another wrong and merciless thought.

We need to remember that scourges have always existed. Since before the time of the pharaohs, the globe has been plagued by immense tragedies, which demonstrates that they are not linked to such a transition. They have always occurred and always will occur, in this phase of materiality, in order to make us advance scientifically and morally. The transition will take place through the modification of ideas, from the individual to society, and not through the simple separation of Spirits who still have a lot to learn and contribute on this planet.

No benevolent spirit publicly accuses others of wrongdoing

We live a sad moment in the spiritist environment, where Kardec is relegated to the past, as if he had been overcome (everything that is the basis of a doctrine cannot be overcome, because it is a basis) and his method and all the rationality that he demonstrated to be necessary in communication with the Spirits, they are forgotten and buried as if they were unnecessary. The current “Spiritist Movement” (which has almost nothing of true Spiritism, and it is necessary to separate the Doctrine from what its adherents do) started to accept practically any and all mediumistic communication as an expression of wisdom and truth and, in this way, it is allowing anti-doctrinal concepts to be crumbling, little by little, the movement, on their bases.

Let us observe: when we see, in Kardec, the cases of atonement of the same kind, as in the case of Antonio B, we need to remember that it is an evocation, where the Spirit itself reports its choice to go through that. It is very clear that it is never an external imposition of a supposed law of sin and rescue, and it is also very clear that no minimally benevolent Spirit uses communication to point out the faults of others and link the present sufferings as a way of “redeeming them”. them.”

Spread the information and come study with us

Once again I come to ask you, who reads this article, to, as a Spiritist, inform everyone who can that It is not our place to point the finger and say that someone goes through certain suffering to pay off past “debts”. This distances people from the Doctrine and, especially when it starts with the blind acceptance of spiritual communications, it has been destroying the spiritist movement from the inside out.

And, finally, regarding the role of the medium and the researcher in mediumistic communications, as well as “animism”, we will address all of this in the next live, on 02/24/2022, about the article “Impostor Spirits – The False Father Ambrósio”, in the Revista Espírita of July 1858. read the article and do not forget to present your considerations, in our facebook group, so that we can enrich our study.

Spiritism does not need to be defended, and the time has come for us to do our part.

The Beating Spirit of Bergzabern II

Spiritist Magazine — Journal of Psychological Studies — 1858 > June > The Beating Spirit of Bergzabern II

The second article about the scout

In this second article on the subject, Allan Kardec takes it up again after the Filipina Sanger girl spent a season at Dr. Bentner, your doctor.

The passages that follow come from a new German paperback, published in 1853.

It is now known that phenomena of this kind do not result from a pathological state; rather, they denote an excessive sensitivity.

In the first brochure entitled The Beating Spirits saw that Filipina Sänger's manifestations have an enigmatic and extraordinary character. We relate these wonderful facts from its beginning until the moment when the girl was taken to the doctor. When the girl left Dr. Bentner and returned home, the knocking and scratching began again at the Sänger house. Until that moment, and even after his complete healing, the manifestations were more marked and changed in nature.

The phenomena also become musical

  • a small spindle is thrown from the bedroom.
  • a piece of cloth that had previously been dipped in a basin of water. without being shaken and not a single drop had landed on the table.
  • the bed pillows were tossed over a closet and the bedspread thrown against the door.
  • an iron weighing about six pounds had been placed at the girl's feet, under the covers. Soon he was thrown into the first room; the cable had been removed and was found on an armchair in the bedroom.
  • chairs placed three feet from the bed to be overturned;
  • windows being opened, when before they were tightly closed;
  • Another time, two chairs were carried over to the bed, without disturbing the covers.
  • One night, as he left his daughter's room, Sänger threw a chair cushion in his back. At other times it was a pair of old slippers, shoes that were under the bed, or clogs that found him.
  • They often blew out the lighted candle on the work table.
  • keys, coins, cigarette cases, watches, gold and silver rings. All, without exception, were suspended in his hand.
  • They had once left a harmonica on a chair. Sounds were heard. Rushing into the room, they found, as usual, the girl calm in her bed. The instrument was on the chair, but it no longer played.

Other Facts about Bergzabern's Beater Spirit

Usually, when the little sleepwalker was about to begin the session, she would call everyone present to her room. Often he only calmed down when everyone, without exception, was at his bedside.

After a time, the tapping and scratching was joined by a hum comparable to the sound produced by a thick bass string; a kind of whistling mingled with this hum.

Through the scratches, he called by name the people of the house or the strangers present. Everyone easily understood to whom the appeal was addressed. To this call, the designated person responded yea, to make her understand that she knew how to treat herself. Then, in his honor, a piece of music was played that sometimes provoked comic scenes.

The phenomenon's birthday

The anniversary of the day on which the scouting Spirit had first manifested has arrived: many changes had taken place in the state of Filipina Sänger. The beatings, scratches and buzzing continued, but to all these manifestations was added a special cry, which sometimes sounded like a goose, sometimes a parrot or any other large bird.

Some time before Christmas, the demonstrations were renewed with more energy: the blows and scratches became more violent and lasted longer. More agitated than usual, Filipina often asked not to sleep in her bed, but in her parents'.

Bergzabern II's scouting spirit

Filipina gets sick

In a short time Filipina Sänger's condition changed to the point of causing apprehension about her health, because, being awake, she rambled and dreamed aloud. He didn't recognize his parents or his sister or anyone else. To this state was added a complete deafness, which persisted for fifteen days.

Filipina's deafness was manifesting itself, and she herself declared that she would be deaf for some time and that she would be sick. What is singular is that sometimes he recovered his hearing for about half an hour, with which he was happy. She herself predicted the moment when she would become deaf and when she would regain her hearing. Once, among others, he announced that at eight-thirty in the evening he would hear clearly for half an hour. In fact, at the predicted time, he heard again, which lasted until nine o'clock.

During the young Sänger's deafness, the fuss of furniture, the inexplicable opening of windows, the turning off of the lights on the work table were renewed a few times.

This was how things went on at Sänger's house, whether during the day or at night, during the girl's sleep or when she was awake, until March 4, 1853, when the demonstrations entered another phase. That day was marked by an event even more extraordinary than the preceding ones.


As it turns out, Filipina Sänger was a very complex natural medium. In addition to her influence on the well-known phenomena of noise and movement, she was an ecstatic sleepwalker. She talked with the incorporeal beings she saw; at the same time he saw the assistants and spoke to them.

It is likely that, in these moments of ecstasy, the girl's spirit would see herself transported to some distant place, where she would attend, perhaps in memory, a religious ceremony. We can be amazed at the memory he brought back when he woke up, but the fact is not unusual. In fact, we can see that the memory was confused and that it was necessary to insist a lot to provoke it.

If we carefully observe what happened during deafness, we will easily recognize a cataleptic state. As the deafness was only temporary, it is evident that it did not cause changes in Organs respective organs. The same happened with the obliteration of the mental faculties, which was not pathological, since, at a given moment, everything returned to the normal state. This kind of apparent stupidity was due to a more complete detachment of the soul, whose excursions were made with greater freedom and left the senses no more than organic life.

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The cited article: The Beating Spirit of Bergzabern II

Our Facebook group: Study Group The Legacy of Allan Kardec.

the magnetic feasts

In the article in question, as presented in the Spiritist Magazine of June 1858, Kardec talks about an annual banquet, in Paris, to commemorate Mesmer's birth anniversary.

At this banquet there were two types of “supporters”: those who mocked Spiritism, forgetting that Spiritism itself science that they embraced - and I emphasize the word because, in fact, it was an established and recognized science at the time - had, in turn, faced the same type of hurdle that, at that time, Spiritism also faced and, on the other hand, those who, even if they did not profess Spiritism, were of the opinion that it should be respected as a science of its importance.

The text itself does not go much further than that, in depth. We only take this opportunity to highlight a few important points:

 – Magnetism was a science cited several times by Kardec but never deepened, because, in its context, it was fully established and understood. He could never imagine that it would be put into oblivion by a strong materialist movement in the future.  

– Mesmer was a controversial scientist for a long time. By many, he was painted as crazy or a deceiver. Currently, however, his true face is being rescued: that of a sage, very cultured, who formulated the first theory about the Universal Cosmic Fluid and its influence on human health.  

– “Through” Mesmer, countless patients were cured of the most diverse illnesses, just by will, at a time when medicine performed bloodletting and cold-blooded surgeries, procedures from which few survived.

– Magnetism and Spiritism are sister sciences. One without the other is incomplete, limp.  

– We suggest that everyone read the book “Mesmer: the negated science of animal magnetism”, by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo, just started by us.

The Samaritan Suicide

In this article, Kardec evokes a Spirit who had committed bodily suicide just 6 days before. As can be seen in the original text, this man was not recognized by anyone, having been buried as a pauper. It is possible to raise several considerations about this article.

“The phone only rings from there to here”

The first of these considerations, we would say, is regarding the evocation itself: at a time when the motto “the phone only rings from there to here” reigns, that has a background of reason, but which is thoughtlessly repeated by so many, we are faced with the doctrinal basis of Spiritism, built largely under evocations - i.e, the phone also rings from here to there. Only that, like a telephone, who will answer and if will answer is the problem of the question, always addressed by Kardec.

The Suffering of the Suicide

It is important to understand that the Spirit of the suicide will not suffer divine punishment for a sin committed – not in this way. Any Spirit will always have forgiveness and new chances, as it all starts from ignorance regarding evolving Spirits.

There are infinite variations between each case, with the result that there are infinite effects related to each case, because, essentially, such effects will be linked to the general mentality of the Spirit who commits suicide. While some will throw themselves into a real hell, because they believe they have committed sin, others may even be relieved, In a first moment – because later, when you really understand everything, you will most likely regret the wasted life.

Anyway, as São Luis attests, we understand that the first effect for every suicidal person – or, at least, for most of them – will be a great difficulty to disconnect from the body, given the violence of the act, their mental state and the fact that the body is still saturated with vitality. This, however, is only what we can say at the moment, based on what we understand from the article, because, really, it is a subject that requires further development and investigation.

It is also important to emphasize that the Spirit does not suffer none kind of physical pain. It is always your morality, your conscience, that externalizes and places in external factors the pain that is, in fact, within yourself. The suicidal person (like other spirits), therefore, can claim to suffer from cold or thirst, when, in fact, he is suffering morally, and not physically. In fact, we do this ourselves, with the difference that, through psychosomatic processes, we can develop actual damage or illness in the physical body.

That is why, when we come in contact with any Spirit in suffering, we can and should have a natural and healthy conversation with him, clarifying these points. It helps enormously for them to understand that suffering is moral, internal, not external and imposed.

the valley of the suicides

To put it bluntly: there is no “the” valley of suicides, just as there is no “the” hell. It is important that the Spiritist learns to remove this type of concept from his imagination and, above all, to spread them to others, because we know that, as a not very enlightened Spirit, we seek environments and other Spirits that are in accordance with our mentality that, moreover, shape these environments of suffering together. Therefore, when a suffering Spirit says that he is “in” hell, he acts like an incarnate person who, in a very difficult situation for him, expresses himself in the same way, with the difference that the Spirit shapes, alone or together, his own hell. .

Once again, it is very important to seek to clarify such Spirits, when in contact with him.

Above all, it is important to remember that there is no such fateful connection between a suicide and the exile of the Spirit in a “valley”, as a penalty.

The effects of suicide on the next incarnation

There is something much wrong in the spiritist environment in general, currently, and which is not doctrinal - in fact, it is something anti-doctrinal, born from the lack of study of the Doctrine: it is to make the depressing claims that such an individual was born under such tests or deformations because in the previous life he did this or that.

In the particular case, about suicide, there is a terrible statement made out there: that the individual who has physical problems today is so because he would be “rescuing” a suicide committed in the previous life. Brethren, this statement is criminal, why:

  1. keep away people who, suffering in their skin or having a loved one in these situations, feel (rightly) outraged by this type of statement.
  2. it's fallacious, because it is not based on reality: we do know that for every effect there is a cause, but it is not for us to probe the evidence of each, both because of the imposition of charity, which we must practice, and because a Spirit can choose a deformed body not only as a test, in order to try to get rid of an imperfection, but also as a mission in front of other Spirits or also as an opportunity to learn other virtues that you still feel the need to exercise. Anyway, it's ever a conscious choice of the Spirit, not the effect of a divine mechanics of sin and punishment. We note, moreover, that in all the spiritual communications studied so far, they always assert, even for the case of the monomaniacal madman, that the proof is the result of a choice prior and personal.

Suicide is not fought by fear

Finally, we remind you that suicide will never be fought by imposing the fear of suffering, but, rather, through the clarification. Let us introduce such individuals to the essence of Spiritism. Let us try to lead them to the following reasoning:

Pains and joys are fleeting, related to incarnate life. Happiness, which is what we really seek, will only be achieved after we leave our imperfections behind – since, for example, someone who is too worried, or too anxious, or too angry, or too jealous, or too proud, or too sensual, etc., cannot be really happy. To do so, on the spiritual plane, when we are aware of our imperfections, we plan lives with opportunities and difficulties, sometimes quite heavy, which, in our judgment, can help us overcome such imperfections. Therefore, giving up a life, with the extinction of the corporeal life itself, will not result in any progress, because, having not taken advantage of the difficult test for learning, we will not have perfected ourselves and, therefore, we will need - by our own will and verification – restarting a new life, carrying an even greater burden, due to the feeling of guilt caused by giving up and, who knows, by the disastrous effects that such an act can cause in the incarnate spirits that surround us.

Nobody is saying it's easy. Everyone knows where the callus presses and when you squeeze it, it hurts a lot. But we need to learn to separate physical pains from moral pains, placing ourselves, before ourselves and before the Creator, naked of any mask of selfishness or vanity and of all the imperfections that arise from these. We need to seek, in each hard test, as well as in the abundant opportunities that are presented to us, the deep needs we have for learning and, not forgetting that we are never alone, trust in the good Spirits, who do not abandon us, to go through such difficult moments.

Here, by the way, a final thought arises, supported by Spiritism: God does not give us a greater burden than we can carry. Most of the time, life presents us with opportunities that would allow us to learn in a much “lighter” way, but we, almost always, driven by pride, try to wear a mask, confuse us from ourselves and, thus, we choose leave aside the straight path, in order to embark on the winding and tortuous paths of passions (not speaking here in love, but in the deep feeling provoked by sensations). This is how, for example, many choose leave aside the study of Spiritism, which can leverage our evolution so much, to live life in laziness.

Therefore, let us take advantage of the opportunities that life offers us for our learning and evolution. Sometimes they are prickly, chosen by ourselves; at others, they are fields of soft and smooth grass, full of teachings given by love. It is up to us to recognize them.

NOTE: This evocation is in the book Heaven and Hell by Allan Kardec, first report of Chapter V – Suicides, of Part Two. It is worth reading the entire chapter V with several reports of evocations of suicides with many considerations by the author.

The path is winding, long, rocky and full of thorns, but we have to walk it.

Dear friends, brothers who are attached to this initiative,

Once again, we invite each of you to participate actively in our group and to spread the essential ideas of Spiritism that, little by little, are beginning to be rediscovered and understood. It is in the interest and responsibility of all of us to restore, peacefully and patiently, but persistently and firmly, the original truths of this Doctrine born from the rational observation of the Spiritist teachings given everywhere and for all times! No longer an adulterated Spiritism, after Kardec's death, in order to give space to the retarding ideas of sin, fall and punishment, of karma, of rescues, but the Doctrine in its essence, based on the realization of free will, of choice of proofs and atonements, finally, the Doctrine that shows us that our step is always towards learning and spiritual progress, making part of this journey the mistakes and setbacks of each one, the same Doctrine that showed us, in its essence , not a pure soul created and deviated by sin, a simple and ignorant created Spirit and that, as it advances in its experiences, through mistakes and successes, joys and sufferings, it purifies itself of its imperfections and its materiality towards the true happiness of the superior spirits, already detached from these same imperfections and materiality through the acquisition of better habits and moral values.

It is natural, however, that such liberating and renewing ideas find resistance both in proud ignorance, closed to the reform of ideas, and in knowledge interested in keeping the class of faithful to the old doctrines under their wing. Even within Spiritism, such ideas of fall, sin and redemption are deeply rooted, as the adulterations come from a few months or years after the death of the worthy professor Rivail.

It will not be on the basis of wars and disputes, however, that we will discover this path full of briars and thorns, but on the basis of lucid understanding and a firm but friendly word. Let us avoid wasting time with those who make up the classes highlighted above, because both have no interest in changing their ideas in the face of irrefutable truth. For these, only time will have an effect. Let us invest our time, however, in the class of all those to whom these ideas not only please, but to whom they are substantial: those who no longer see any pleasure in life, those who think of giving it up, those who do not understand a vengeful God, who, in short, do not understand the reasons for day-to-day difficulties, or even to those who, of good will, wish to study Spiritism in its essence, in order to transmit, to all who can, the reforming and consoling ideas of this Doctrine in its originality.

Let us roll up our sleeves, therefore, dear brothers. Inaction does no one any good. Let's do our part. I, the author of this text, am here today, for a much loved Spirit who reached out to me in the most difficult moment of my life and for another, incarnate, who insisted on, daily and without any thanks, to spread a spiritist reflection in a WhatsApp group that was and still is forgotten why they formed a family in the spiritist center that, because of the pandemic, is now closed.

A gesture is often enough to change a life, an opinion, and, from there, start a movement. Onward, dear ones, and may God enlighten us all so that, in this process, we never let ourselves be contaminated by personalism, vanity, selfishness and pride.

The path is winding, long, rocky and full of thorns, but we have to walk it and clean it for the next generations, of which we will probably be a part again.


Views: 66 Various anomalies and deformities. Cretinism, mental, physical, intellectual disabilities. When questioning the reason for such physical complications, in the spiritist world, how many times have we heard: “it’s because so-and-so is repaying a past debt”. And for how long do we take comfort in this malicious and slanderous statement, made in a generic way?! But not anymore today. […]

After the irrefutable confirmation of changes to the two final – and fundamental – works by Allan Kardec, Heaven and Hell and Genesis[1], we were able to verify that such concepts were never part of the Doctrine of Spirits, being it originally and essentially based on free will, that is, on each one's ability to choose. However, such ideas still face great resistance, as many are those who come from a creation, including a spiritist one, which affirms the concepts of fall, sin, punishment, ransom, karma, etc.

O article of the same title, presented in Blog Spiritist Letters, hits on many points, but also brings this type of concept (debt and redemption), at a certain point, when using a statement by Suely C. Schubert (“The sick spirit, in debt“) and also when using a text from O Céu e o Inferno, based on the adulterated 4th edition.

Action and Reaction – what is it?

It is one thing to identify, as Kardec found in the law of successive reincarnations, that every effect has a cause, and that, almost always, this cause is found in previous lives. Another thing, quite different, is to say that every morally negative action will have a reaction in order to punish the original action in order to repair an alleged sin. This, within the scope of the Spiritist Doctrine, is a fallacy. Action and reaction is a material law of physics, not a moral law. So much so that there is no such law among those presented in The Spirits' Book.


Unfortunately, many modern spiritualists and spiritualists insist on preaching in people's heads that their pain, difficulties and current tragedies are "ransoms" of past debts, forgetting that, if on the one hand the Spirit can impose suffering for the purpose of to overcome the imperfections that made him fall before, on the other hand, hard tests can also be imposed that have nothing to do with past mistakes, but only as rich opportunities to learn virtues and to overcome aspects related to imperfections that have nothing to do with them, directly, with the type of evidence chosen. Thus, a Spirit may choose blindness only to be able to deal with the need to depend on the help of others, and not because it has blinded someone in previous lives. In fact, the whys are NOT FOR US TO PROBATE: it is only up to us to be charitable and help everyone along the way.


We need to understand that the “indebted” Spirit is not indebted to God or to any law, but rather to himself, and for believing so (this is very important). Because we all have the divine Laws in our consciences - a fact that makes us Spirits with free will - as long as we are not in denial, our own conscience accuses us of the mistakes made, for which we blame ourselves, as well as pointing out imperfections to us. that cause us moral pain. This is how a Spirit who, in the previous incarnation, had animated a rich and selfish man, often chooses poverty in the next incarnation, in order not to embark on the difficult path and so full of responsibilities that earthly riches bring.

I said “believe yourself like this” (indebted) because, when the Spirit really understands that what happened was a mistake, natural from its ignorance and imperfections, and that these imperfections and ignorance make it suffer, it ceases to believe itself a sinner. and deserving of punishment to understand himself as a Spirit in evolution, seeking, then, new proofs and atonements that give him the opportunity to learn and get rid of his imperfections, developing better virtues. Furthermore, he also understands that everyone is liable to mistakes and, therefore, he stops putting himself in the condition of collector and avenger. This is substantial, and this is what Spiritism essentially came for.

We are not saying, with that, that there are no physical consequences that the disturbed Spirit causes to appear on their body, since we know about the psychosomatic relationships that we keep with our body. But we are stating, based on the study of Spiritism in its originality, that WE CANNOT look at an individual with any deficiencies and affirm that this is because he is a “indebted” Spirit, as much as WE CANNOT (because it would be a mistake as much factual as well as moral) to tell a mother who lost her child by burning in a fire that "this happened because her child must have been a soldier in X's time who burned people". This is terrible, it causes revolt and distances people from Spiritism, a fact about which we will respond – in front of our own conscience.

Based on an error, another error is produced

Finally, I want to point out that the article in question makes the mistake – probably involuntary, due to lack of information – of basing itself on the adulterated version of O Céu e o Inferno, since it has already been duly and undeniably proven that the 4th edition of the work , bringing profound changes in the original thought, was not commissioned until after Kardec's death, not to mention that the careful comparative study of these changes indicates that the content was modified precisely to insert the concepts of sin and punishment that were never in the Doctrine of Spirits and that, although Kardec may have presented some previous thought in the sense of this belief, in the original work, from the first to the third edition (which are the same) it concluded precisely in the opposite direction.

See, in this sense, the differences between the original and what appears in the 4th edition:

“The mentally handicapped are beings punished on Earth for their misuse of powerful faculties. They have the soul imprisoned in a body whose organs are incapable of expressing their thoughts. This intellectual and physical mutism is one of the cruelest punishments on Earth. she is often chosen by the repentant spirits who want EXPIATE your faults”

[4th Edition]
“Cretins are beings punished on earth for the misuse they have made of powerful faculties; your soul is imprisoned in a body whose impotent organs cannot express its thoughts; this moral and physical mutism is one of the cruelest earthly punishments; often it is chosen by repentant spirits who want to REDEEM their faults”

Note that the meaning changes completely when talking about “rescuing” and when talking about “expiating”. As Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo says,

“To explain the laws of the soul according to Spiritism, while Christianity revives, restoring the true message of autonomy, as Jesus did, Allan Kardec will resignify terms such as punishment, repentance, atonement, reparation, eternity of penalties. The difference between punishment and atonement is the primordial point to understand the moral theory of Spiritism. For while punishment is a natural response to any thought or act that goes against the moral law present in conscience, atonement is a conscious, voluntary and effective effort to overcome one's own imperfection, through the choice of evidence. Ancestral religions reverse the meaning of these phenomena, dogmatically confusing punishment with atonement, as if they were one and the same. Furthermore, they consider punishment to be a deliberate choice of God and not a natural consequence.”

Figueiredo. Neither Heaven nor Hell: The Laws of the Soul according to Spiritism

There is also something very, but VERY important in practically ALL communications of this type, by the Spirits: the word CHOICE. Yes, there are proofs, there are expiations and there are punishments, even the most severe ones, but they are always CHOICES of the Spirit. See that, further on, in the same message, the Spirit repeats:

“[…] Some revolt against their voluntary torture, regretting having it chosen and feeling a furious desire to return to another life, a desire that makes them forget the resignation with the present life and the remorse of the past life that they keep in their conscience”. (Heaven and Hell, 3rd Edition)

[1] Consult the works O Legado de Allan Kardec, by Simoni Privato, and Neither heaven nor hell: The laws of the soul according to Spiritism, by Lucas Sampaio and Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo

“Do I know who I was in other lives? How can I know what I came to rescue on this journey of mine?”

It is not necessary.

The veil of oblivion has its reason for being and, many times, knowing about the other life brings more trouble than solution. É algo que jamais uma pessoa séria fará, mas, infelizmente, existem os indivíduos mais interessados em ganhos e que, de forma irresponsável, se lançam a esse tipo de “trabalho”.

By observing ourselves with a very critical and honest look, verifying our own imperfections, we can easily identify what puts us in difficulties in the face of life situations, understanding, then, that these difficult situations are precisely opportunities, often planned by us. ourselves, in order to overcome these imperfections and move towards true happiness.

Por fim, destaco que, segundo a Doutrina Espírita, não existe “resgate”, não existe pagamento de dívidas, não existe, nesse sentido, o “carma”: the Spirit, conscious and free, choose trials and atonements (and opportunities) with the purpose set out above – overcoming imperfections and acquiring virtues – never, ever, the difficulties of life being the result of a divine mechanics, a concept linked to the dogma of the fall for sin. The only Spirit that does not choose its proofs is the Spirit in a state of denial., who still reincarnates, but who just lives a life that, by itself, in the face of the contents of this individual, will bring difficulties and moral pain, which one day will make him leave denial and go back to seeking to face these imperfections through conscious choices.

Portanto, ao enfrentar uma prova difícil, não pense “estou pagando por algo ou resgatando algo do passado”, mas sim “é uma difícil mas importante oportunidade de aprendizado. Vou tirar dela o máximo possível”. E, para tanto, understanding Spiritism in depth is substantial!

Theory of Physical Manifestations II

Spiritist Journal — Journal of Psychological Studies — 1858 > June > Theory of Physical Manifestations II

The continuation of physical manifestations

We ask the reader to refer to the first article we published on the subject. This is its continuation and would be barely intelligible if that beginning were not in mind.

As we said, the explanations we have given for the physical manifestations are based on observation of the facts and on their logical deduction: we conclude according to what we have seen. How, however, do the modifications that make it perceptible and tangible take place in etherized matter?

To begin with, we will let the Spirits whom we question about it speak, then add our comments. The answers that follow were given by the Spirit of São Luís and are in agreement with what we were previously told by other Spirits.

the fluid

1. ─ How can a Spirit appear with the solidity of a living body?

─ It combines a part of the universal fluid with the fluid that comes out of the medium suitable for this purpose.. This fluid takes the form that the Spirit desires, but usually this form is impalpable.

2. ─ What is the nature of this fluid?

─ Fluid. This says it all.

3. ─ Is this fluid material?

─ Semi-material.

4. ─ Is it this fluid that makes up the perispirit?

─ Yea, is the connection of Spirit to matter.

5. ─ Is this fluid that gives life, the vital principle?

─ Always him. I said Link.

6. ─ Is this fluid an emanation of the Divinity?

─ No.

7. ─ Is it a creation of the Divinity?
─ Yes. Everything is created except God himself.

8. ─ Does the universal fluid have any relationship with the electric fluid, whose effects we know?
─ Yes. It's your element.

9. ─ Is the ethereal substance that exists between the planets the universal fluid in question?
─ It involves the worlds. Without the vital principle, nothing would live. If a person were to rise beyond the fluidic envelope of the globes, he would perish, because his fluidic envelope of him would withdraw, to join the mass. This fluid animates you. It is he that you breathe.

10. Is this fluid the same on all globes?
─ It is the same principle, more or less ethereal, according to the nature of the worlds. Yours is one of the most material.

11. Since it is this fluid that composes the perispirit, there must be a kind of condensation state that, to a certain extent, brings it closer to matter.
─ Yes, to a certain extent, as it does not have its properties. It is more or less condensed, according to the worlds.

How Spirits Use Fluid

12. ─ Is it the solidified spirits that raise the table?
─ This question will still not lead to the point you want. When a table moves under your hands, the Spirit evoked by your Spirit will withdraw from the universal fluid that which will animate that table with an artificial life. The spirits that produce this type of effects are always inferior spirits not yet completely detached from their fluid or perispirit. The table, thus prepared at its will (at the will of the Beating Spirits), the Spirit attracts and moves it, under the influence of its own fluid, released by its will. When the mass he wants to lift or move is too heavy for him, he calls to his aid Spirits who are in conditions identical to his. I think I explained myself clearly enough to be understood.

13. ─ Are the spirits called to your aid your inferiors?
─ They are almost always the same. They often come by themselves.

14. - We understand that superior spirits do not deal with things that are inferior to them. But we ask if, because they were dematerialized, they would have the power to do so, if they wanted to?
─ They have moral strength, as others have physical strength. When they need that strength, they use those who have it. Have you not been told that they make use of inferior spirits as you make use of carriers?

Mr. home

15. ─ Where does Mr. man? [

─ From your organization.

16. ─ What is special about it?
─ The question is not precise.

17. ─ We ask if it is a question of your physical or moral organization.

─ I said organization.

18. ─ Among the people present there is someone who may have the same faculty as Mr. man?
─ They have it to a certain degree. Was it not one of you who moved the table?

The movement of objects and clothing

19. ─ When a person makes an object move, is it always with the help of a foreign spirit or can such an action be exclusive to the medium?
─ Sometimes the spirit of the medium can act alone. Most of the time, however, he is helped by the evoked Spirits. This is easy to recognize.

20. ─ How do Spirits appear with the clothes they wore on Earth?
─ Often she has only the appearance. Indeed, for how many phenomena among you you have no solution! How does the wind, which is impalpable, uproot and break trees, which are solid matter?

21. ─ What do you mean when you say that his clothing “is just an appearance?”

─ When you touch it, nothing is found.

22. ─ If we understand what you said correctly, the vital principle resides in the universal fluid; From it the Spirit extracts the semi-material envelope that constitutes its perispirit and it is through this fluid that it acts on inert matter. That's right?

─ Yes, that is, it animates matter by a kind of factitious life; matter is animated by animal life. The table that moves under your hands lives and suffers like an animal; obeys by itself to be intelligent. It is not he who directs it, as a man does with a burden. When the table rises, it is not the Spirit that lifts it. It is the animated table that obeys the intelligent Spirit.

23. ─ Since the universal fluid is the source of life, is it at the same time the source of intelligence?
─ No. The fluid just animates matter.

physical manifestations
The objects moved, without external interference, before the eyes of the assistants.

Final considerations

This theory of physical manifestations offers several points of contact with the one we have given, although it differs in certain respects. From one to the other, a capital point emerges: the universal fluid, in which the principle of life resides, is the main agent of these manifestations and this agent receives the impulse of the Spirit, whether incarnate or wandering. This condensed fluid constitutes the perispirit or semi-material envelope of the Spirit. When incarnated, the perispirit is united to the matter of the body; when in a state of erraticity, it is free.
Now, two questions arise here: that of the appearance of Spirits and that of the movement they impart to solid bodies.

As for the first, we will say that, in the normal state, the etherized matter of the perispirit escapes the perception of our organs; only the soul can see it, whether in dreams or in a somnambulistic state or even half asleep; in a word, whenever there is total or partial suspension of the activity of the senses. When the Spirit is incarnated, the substance of the perispirit is more or less closely linked to the matter of the body; more or less adherent, if we may say so. In some people there is a kind of emanation of this fluid, as a result of their organization and this is what properly constitutes the mediums of physical influences. Emanating from the body, this fluid combines, according to laws that are still unknown to us, with that which forms the semi-material envelope of a foreign Spirit. This results in a certain modification, a kind of molecular reaction that momentarily alters its properties, to the point of making it visible and, in certain cases, tangible. This effect can be produced with or without the help of the medium's will, and this is what distinguishes natural mediums from optional mediums. The emission of the fluid can be more or less abundant: hence the more or less powerful mediums. It is not permanent, which explains the intermittence of that power. Finally, if we take into account the degree of affinity that can exist between the fluid of the medium and that of this or that Spirit, it will be understood that its action can be exercised on some and not on others.

What we have just said evidently applies also to the mediumistic force, with regard to the movement of solid bodies. It remains to be seen how this movement operates.

According to the answers above, the question presents itself under an entirely new aspect. Thus, when an object is set in motion, snatched or thrown into the air, it will not be the Spirit that picks it up, pushes it or lifts it, as we would do with the hand: it, so to speak, saturates with its fluid, by combining with that of the medium and, thus momentarily vivified, the object acts as if it were a living being, with the difference that, having no will of its own, it follows the impulse of the Spirit's will. This will can be either of the spirit of the medium or of a foreign spirit and, sometimes, of both, acting in agreement, according to whether they are sympathetic or not. The sympathy or antipathy that may exist between the medium and the Spirits who deal with these material effects explains why not all are able to provoke them.

Considering that the vital fluid, somehow emitted by the Spirit, gives a factitious and momentary life to inert bodies and that the perispirit is nothing other than the vital fluid itself, it follows that, when incarnated, it is the Spirit that it gives life to the body, through its perispirit: it remains united to it as long as the organization allows it, and when it withdraws, the body dies.

Now if, instead of the table, the wood is carved into a statue, and if we act on it in the same way as on the table, we will have a statue that moves from the place, which will respond by movements and by blows; in a word, a momentarily animated statue of artificial life. What light does this theory throw on a host of hitherto unexplained phenomena! How many wonderful allegories and effects she explains! It's a whole philosophy.

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Article cited: Theory of physical manifestations I

Our Facebook group: Study Group The Legacy of Allan Kardec.

Spiritism and karma (or karma), punishment, sin and punishment

We invite the reader to pay close attention to this group study, with the participation of Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo. It's a big change in our way of thinking, still so rooted in the old concepts of heteronomy (the other's fault). Karma (or karma), action and reaction, rescue... Karma (or karma)action and reaction, debt recovery, all are themes that have never been part of Spiritism. It’s time to understand this!

Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies

Spiritist Journal — Journal of Psychological Studies — 1858 > May > Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies founded in Paris on April 1, 1858

The extension, so to speak universal, taken daily by spiritist beliefs made the creation of a regular center of observations was strongly desired. This gap has just been filled. The Society whose formation we are pleased to announce, composed exclusively of serious people, free from prejudice and animated by a sincere desire for enlightenment, counted, from the beginning, among its associates, with men eminent for their knowledge and for their social position.

Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies
Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies was the first entity of its kind and was founded by Allan Kardec

The Parisian Society for Spiritist Studies and Truth

We are convinced that she is called to render undeniable services to the verification of the truth. Its organic law assures it of a homogeneity without which there will be no possible vitality. It is based on the experience of men and things and on the knowledge of the conditions necessary for the observations that are the object of their research. Coming to Paris, strangers who are interested in the Spiritist Doctrine will thus find a center to which they can go for information and where they can also report their own observations [1].


[1] For information regarding the Company, contact Mr. ALLAN KARDEC, rue Sainte-Anne, n. 59, from 3 am to 5 am; or to Mr. LEDOYEN, bookseller, Galleries d'Orléans, n. 31, at the Palais-Royal.

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