About Jupiter Drawings
About the photos of Jupiter by the medium Sardou
About the photos of Jupiter by the medium Sardou
Very interesting account of the Spirit Scout from Dibbelsdorf, Germany.
Communication on Morals, according to St. Vincent de Paul. One of the most interesting so far. It talks about our behavior. in the charitable act.
In this article, Kardec concludes Bergzabern's case, telling some more remarkable facts about the girl, Filipina Soënger. It is up to each person to read, due to the general interest in such phenomena, but the sad thing is to know that the girl read more
The work Pensamento e Vontade, by Ernesto Bozzano, provides us with a very timely complement on this subject: “When using at this moment, in a generic sense, the term photography of thought, I will say that the first attempts of this genre date back to the year read more
Kardec observes: “[…] Generally the perispirit is invisible, however, in certain circumstances, it condenses and, combining with other fluids, becomes visible to the eye and sometimes even tangible. This is what you see in the apparitions.” “Whatever the subtlety read more
The article “a new photographic discovery”, in the Revista Espírita of July 1858, opened the way to remember this well-known fact in the spiritist world. The sad case of the case brought against Mr. Pierre-Gaëtan Leymarie and the read more
In this article, Kardec brings a very peculiar case: after the death of a man, Mr. Badet, who had the habit of watching the street from his window, some people started to notice his image printed on the glass – a read more
In this letter, a subscriber to Revista Espírita says that about 18 months ago they evoked in their small intimate circle an old ancestor, who died in 1756, virtuous and superior. This Spirit told them that he was incarnated in Jupiter and read more