Spiritual aphorisms about suicide
– suicide is a mistake, of course. It may be the result of great despair, of a total lack of faith in the future – the result of materialism – it may be the result of a habit – whenever he faces a read more
– suicide is a mistake, of course. It may be the result of great despair, of a total lack of faith in the future – the result of materialism – it may be the result of a habit – whenever he faces a read more
Despite so many facts and evidence, for some groups it is inconceivable that the cited works have not been adulterated, and they spend precious time and resources on research that only point to evidence that Kardec planned new editions - which is more than rational
A correspondent of ours highlighted the disparity between what André Luiz says, regarding the entire scenario he described, of the spiritual world, and what Allan Kardec says, in the quoted excerpt, taken from the Revista Espírita of 1859. We repeat read more
Kardec built and presented, in the Spiritist Magazine of 1858 and in the Spirits' book, the Spiritist Scale (click here for the Spiritist Scale of 1858). He prepared it for us to better identify the Spirits who communicated through mediums, thus facilitating the understanding and content of the communications. read more
It is a fact: we are far from perfection. In fact, we will never reach absolute perfection, for if we did, we would be like God. We will reach relative perfection… However, this does not make us imperfect, but only relatively simple and ignorant, that is, still developing will and conscience.
Allan Kardec, before this pseudonym, already produced texts on education. It is clear that their thoughts changed and expanded after the advent of Spiritism, but, like Hypolite Leon Denizard Rivail, many of them already showed an enviable lucidity of reasoning. We talk a lot about heteronomy and autonomy, and we highlight how much religious doctrines, […] read more
What does Spiritism have to say about pornography? This is a complicated subject, because it is not a subject that has been directly addressed by the Doctrine. To talk about this, we need to extrapolate knowledge and understanding that the Doctrine gives us. read more
A correspondent asked what this supposed distance, always affirmed by us, was between the Spiritist Doctrine and the Spiritist Movement. We can respond to it this way, to give an example to everyone: “B…, this is something that each person read more
We are all born! We're all going to die! From this truth of life comes the concern at the moment of death, which are always recurring issues. In this article we do not intend to close the subject, quite the opposite! We are only bringing a very small part of this vast subject. After all, we will all experience this event. The Spirits explained that not all Spirits pass through… Immediate disturbance after death Read More » read more
Based on the video of the same title from the Spiritism for All Study Group's weekly chat To demonstrate (and not prove) reincarnation as a natural law, Kardec is based on the fundamental principles of Spiritism and Rational Spiritualism. Among read more