

The strongest evidence of tampering with Allan Kardec's Heaven and Hell

São fatos jurídicos incontestes as adulterações de A Gênese e O Céu e o Inferno, pela mera questão de terem sido lançadas edições, com alterações, após a morte do autor e sem o depósito legal – assim afirmam ao menos quatro operadores jurídicos especializados: read more

The Double Concept of Good and Evil

The double concept of good and evil is a false idea: doing what is right is considered acting in good, while making mistakes is seen as acting in evil. Consequently, each failure committed by the person accompanies self-condemnation, as if committing an evil act. In reality, it is natural to make mistakes when carrying out any activity that we have not yet mastered in our lives; This is not evil, but simply a mistake.

The Truth that Sets You Free

Continuation of the article Dominion through Lies and Violence Jesus came to bring us the truth that sets us free! He mentioned the devil in the Bible, but did he believe in the literal existence of the devil? The word “Devil” is written on the read more